I'm in the middle of listening to the new lil pump album. Why is this trash so popular?
I'm in the middle of listening to the new lil pump album. Why is this trash so popular?
holy shit I had no idea that dropped today
thanks user
its not that bad faggot
fuck off namefag ironic reddit weeb discord tranny phoneposting kike
struck a nerve, eh?
im begging you to not become the next annoying namefag here, the one on /fa/ is already enough
no i hate avatar fags and redditors like you who fuck this board up trying to have a personality. just be anonymous you retard fake weeb
I didn't realize it came out nice
i bet no one likes you.
Bitch go to the archive, look at the top posters (if you know how), then ctrl F "stay"
I swear to god some of you little bitches talk like you've been here for so long but you haven't
Absolutely seething. And not one worthwhile post the entire time
wow a completely generic name tracks back to 2016, lemme suck your dick lalalalal gagagaga. you're still an annoying faggot now go back to discord
> tfw you realize you don't have better taste than normies because you're smarter and deeper than them; you have better taste because because you're socially inept and are worse at life, so you waste time getting emotional fulfillment from listening to fucking music and consuming media rather than socializing or being productive. Normies have bad taste because they barely pay attention to music and just put it on for fun background noise while they do things with their lives, unlike you
feels batman
great now we have a fucking animeposting tripfag on this board as well.
how long till you have a mental breakdown?
>gets proven wrong
>"umad bro???"
And man only if you knew the caliber of posts I've made on this website. It would make you stop posting. The ipod thread? The pizza thread? Real ones will remember ;)
he didnt say anything about you being new retard, he just said he hated namefags. How at all was he proven wrong
fucking learn basic reading comprehension you insecure retard
>the next annoying namefag
yeah lrn2read
>well ahem acktchually, i'm an OLDFAG didn't YA KNOW?? Yea Forums loves me
my original argument is that you're annoying phoneposting faggot, i stand by it exclusively
Not the biggest lil pump fan, but im Im enjoying it.
>well ahem acktchually, i'm an OLDFAG didn't YA KNOW?? Yea Forums loves me
this but unironically, stay mad
why accuse me of phoneposting anyway you see the Yea Forums file names right?
Why do you name yourself?
Because its dumb as fuck and fun. most people don't really look for a deeper meaning in the music they listen too and just want to get hyped up
To be held accountable and to be remembered I guess
It's fun while you are high.
>Real ones will remember ;)
lol what a cunt
to be remembered as a massive faggot lol
To some, sure. To others, the last bastion of soul on this board. The Yea Forums messiah
Please remain a namefag so we know when to dismiss you as a whole
this, and so i can filter your retarded reddit humor
Sounds good, fag
Just remember this, I made one (1) on topic post in your shitty thread and the thread instantly became about me. And it's probably gonna 404 when I stop posting in it. So just think about that until the end of my shift. I'll check in after to read your snarky reply to this
because people like you surprisingly
only really stupid people like pump, a lot of people just tag along for the ride because he's a walking meme and since there's so many people checking him out for that reason that's why the label continues to push him into the spotlight
sad thing is that all this clout and label shit will probably kill him one day with the amount of drugs he takes just for the image of his persona
Because it's fun and fuels your ego. I'm sure you have some sort of music that does the same.
Woah deep dude u would never be like that if u were famous.. maybe one day user just keep on goin
It's not the kind of music for people with low self esteem (typical Yea Forums users). When they here it they feel spiteful that they could never reach that level of "I'm the shit" type emotions even if for a fleeting moment.
High self esteem here, I don't like Little Pump, not because I'm jealous of him or "spiteful"