>want to achieve things in life
>can't because I have to sit on my computer and listen to new music
Want to achieve things in life
Silly green thing. Take acid every day and your brain will learn to combine listening to music intensely with doing other shit. Worked for me. Still can't write different things with both hands simultaneously, though.
You can achieve a lot of stuff just sitting at a computer
I'll learn to drive once I've finished my backlog
you can achieve being a fat piece of shit who never gets pussy and dying a wizard by doing what youre doing
>tfw I don't want to change at all
Swapping music out for something else will use yield the same results
Might aswell stick to music
hey buddy, you going to the blob convention? hahaha
Man you look like a green ball of hand-scooped ice cream LOL
>Take acid every day
please don't actually do this
Have you thought about learning music theory and music production?
Don't follow the prod threads here tho, maybe reach out to other communities for that.
Yea Forums is really bad with production and the user thing doesn't help with it.
look man i love acid but everyday use will scar your brain and you’re doing yourself a disservice if you treat it like that
yes lord knows it helped Syd tremendously
i know, i'm already 26 so my wizard diploma isn't that far off
you can play music in a car
Guys, I was literally just pretending to be retarded. I thought people would either ignore it or laugh at the post. Shit, I'm sorry.
maybe he's talking about microdosing.
doing it everyday would have your tolerance through the roof and you wouldn't feel a thing on day 4-5 except if you were to up your dose.
just fucking download tinder and stop feeling sorry for yourself. hit a bar or something jesus
>thinking this is a bad thing
He turned into Brian Eno?
sorry Satan, my funny bone is broken today
bullshit. there is no proof long term LSD usage causes any damage.
No, there isn't. But everyday abuse will fuck you up due to your tolerance climbing. 2000ug is literally schizophrenia-tier. Even a 1000 is very hard to be through, because your sense of self evaporates into pure fuck. A week or even ten days is the bare minimum between trips, because it lets you use those relatively safe 170/250ug every time.
we're not talking about restrained usage here you fucking mong