Was it appropriation?

Was it appropriation?

Attached: talking heads_remain in light.jpg (320x320, 34K)

I would say no, because they said they were inspired by afro funk and all that. But I can see what some would say yes

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Appropriation does not apply to the arts. Or food, for that matter.

Who the fuck cares?

Who cares? Anybody speaking English, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, driving a car, using the internet, or recording any kind of music in general is appropriating white culture. Who do you think invented recording studios, and the electricity they run on? Who do you think invented vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, or streaming?


Attached: Talking-Heads-1983-Billboard-650.jpg (636x421, 80K)

Appropriation isn't a real thing, you sick racist fuck.

How the fuck is this a punk album

They got black people to play with them so that makes it ok.

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yes, these filthy Angl*s and Am*ricans appropriated electronic music, which is a German invention

Because its post-punk, but its really closer to being a new wave album.

japs invented CDs youfucking retard

It's post-punk, the genre has always been heavily inspired by funk, reggae and jazz more then regular punk.

Shouldn't this thread be about Graceland?

Developed by Sony (Japanese company) and Philips (Dutch company), based on technology developed by James T. Russell, a white dude.

He got black people to play with also, it's only bad if your band is only white dudes trying to play afrobeat.

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get fukn wrekd noob


is cultural appropriation just retard for "i'm insecure these people will make my music better than i can?"

fuk u i h8 u just die in a whole lol

>not knowing the difference between culture and technology

nips weren't in the business of inventing things they were into making things better

No, but it also wasn't as good as Fear of Music.

>speaking English
>dressing in western-style clothing (jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes, etc)
>implying language and attire are not culture
Are you retarded?

Implying that technology hasn't MASSIVELY influenced culture