Chart Thread

You know the drill! I'll be back to give some recs later

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Daniel Caesar - Freudian
Frank Ocean - Endless

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dm me for recs, no plebs allowed

lol did you guys make your charts after 10 minutes on reddit or what?

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I'm OP

What's the first album? Also check out Comus if you haven't already

Yes :)

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*spirit cooks*

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first album is The Great Santa Barbara Oil Slick by John Fahey. I've been meaning to check out Comus. thanks for the rec

Yes :)


Is that second album by Nick Drake? I don't recognize its cover

Of course, r/music is the only place online for music

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yup, it's a bootleg of the five songs he recorded in 1974 shortly before he died

first album is by john fahack a safe choice by the token artist for people who want to seem cultured on folk :)

++++Frank, KSG, Enjoy
+++C418, Carti
you got great taste user. Check out Endless by Frank if you haven't yet. You may Like Toy's self titled, not too sure though.

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dm for joji, no tourist allowed

Sagittarius - Present Tense

Eric's Trip - Love Tara

Ka - Honor Killed the Samurai
Gesaffelstein - Aleph

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I’ll also do suggestions later I’m in a hurry

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why tf do you guys listen to cherry peel, of montreal sucks

Please rec. This may be a very generic rec, but everybody should listen Lisa Germano's "Geek The Girl" (which is in my chart).
First row: All time favorites. Life changers.
Second row: some other records that I love to death and resonate with me in a personal level
Third row: Easy to listen, engaging music that I need to have on repeat.
Fourth and fifth row: some challenging listens that I ended up falling in love with and some easy to listen, atmosphere-focused albums. And then there's Pop 2.

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sorry forgot to rec to people

Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030

Matching Mole - Little Red Record
Japan - Tin Drum

last week,rate my collage

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I'm OP again

Thanks, man! Also check out Witchcraft Rebelion by Old Time Relijun

What's it called?

thanks, dude! Check out Negro Swan by Blood Orange

based taste. you might like some david bowie (especially ealier work like hunky dory and ziggie stardust) or kalk samen kuri no hana
snailbait - azalia snail

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It's just called "1974". It has the songs Rider On The Wheel, Black Eyed Dog, Hanging On A Star, Voice From The Mountain, and Tow The Line.

Cornelius - Point
Janis Joplin - Pearl
Björk - Post
Nina Simone - I Put A Spell On You
Duffy - Rockferry
Amy Winehouse - Frank
St. Vincent - Marry Me
Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
love that pile album and kkb. im seeing them in april

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you're not from around here are you

his taste is REFRESHING, it's so nice to see a chart like that in here imo

please recommend me albums that sound like the song "my dream girl don't exist"
pretty kino chart desu
will check your choices out they seem pretty good

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Neil Young - On the Beach
Link Wray - S/T
Any folk pop compilation

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Ray Of Light - Madonna
The Kick Insidw - Kate Bush (and if you liked it, go for Hounds Of Love)
The Man-Machine - Kraftwerk


How can you be giving recs? I doubt you have listened to any music that isn't already on your list.

Heres mine, mostly HC punk
Good tastes,
I recommend looking into dinosaur jr, and burial untrue

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well that was rude

wish i could rec more, but thanks anyways
That pity sex record was great whoever reccd me that

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give me some recs

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Haven't posted in one of these threads in years, but here it goes

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if you give me all of your disposable money ill promise to find a good home for it
it's not even just aanstu
dude sonic youth fucking sucks listen to dennis cleveland instead
little ho little bitch
go jump off the golden gate bridge
bladee - literally trash his albums things youd throw out
only post your chart if you are a teen pseud
gay 50% body fat virgin shrek lookalike
if you see me at my christian canadian school please talk to me at joji


yay np here's a rec: get lost u freaking pleb and loser

Never thought i'd see someone else who liked the Steve Hillage and Evan Marc album.
++Seefeel and Mouse on Mars
Isabel's Dream - Monomara
Secede - Tryshasla
A.R. Kane - Up Home!
The Posies - Frosting on the Beater
Water Torture - Shellfire!

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ONLY post your chart if you are a teen pseud
ONLY give snark comments/remarks to plebs
ONLY give recommendations to fellow teen pseuds
poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

Attached: neckyourselfvirginfaggotpseud.jpg (1722x1452, 665K)

tick tock tick tock yikies af cringelets shick shock
based and redpilled

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poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

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poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

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put an egg in your shoe and beat it

poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

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poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

Attached: virginpseud.jpg (1722x1452, 663K)

poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas
little ho little bitch
suck my 5.3 inch dick
admit that you just got pounded
i'd say take the L if you could pronounce it

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poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

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a skeleton pans, out, view, 90 a degree on a shore so pure of a kingdom made out of }}}}}}. I was. Taku, Unami, Unami pudding me in the heart. I love doing my job. It's not a good Tom Cabin but it is is isi si si i tis tis

is this? this this? Taking the handcuff down to the police station and I thought
your are my absolut2
this is not a love song
a writhing mass of kindergartens has infested the remains of my ash tray stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will slap this bass and you will play the part of stupid. count 1, stupid, take this flare and put it up to }}}}}}. }}}} was mine. She was special. Nobody had an elk with jade eyes like her. She breathed blood out of her exposed lungs. She bleed blood when she look at me huh. Stop the car, get the old man and chevrolet my chev with it. Cheykans, 13'4, learn the proverbs and they will steer you down the realm of the real and....Fes Parker!!!!! #pund#, special access code sepsis
Headset & Earphones >
Headsets >
Hearing Protection >
Personal Noise Dosimeters >
Personal Sound Amplifiers >
Home Hearing Test >
Accessories >
A dragon appears in the forked path of the real. You have the options above?? (I had a seizure and fell down on floor, I fall down dead, she never see the trays I carry, cry, dududud guddug ududss} so, whidya pick boy? the dragon will gobble up your pension like those wicked KKK klan bastard if you don't, Mr Implerial Wizard. She punched me in the mouth with her gauntlet hair and told me this is not A photograph. Munkisis mondu, take this polyrhythm and prepare for pointe. A retard flaming himself with paper machete. Flagelitie this areola

if you see me at joji please beat and rape me
no one gave you permission to post retard 50% body fat shrek lookalike virgin
unironically get trampled on by a hippo

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