Frank Ocean

Thoughts on Blonde, Frank Ocean, and his discography?

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He’s alright I guess.
He doesn’t wow me, but he’s a pretty good singer

a super solid album

Boring music for zoomers who think wearing supreme gives them a personality

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I haven't listened to channel orange since blonde came out. its just better in every way

I haven't listened to any other music since blonde came out. its just better in every way

I haven't listened to tripfriends. They're the worst in almost every way.

Never listening to it lol

great album,don't really care for anything else he did before, orange is ok

Blonde sucks, Endless is better.

same frank was easily the most boring of member who survived their initial success

a lot of people are going to to give me shit but he's the millennial/zoomer marvin gaye

blonde is based, endless is amazing too. channel orange is alright, but blonde and endless are better in every way.

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I like him for the most part but Bitches Talkin off of nostalgia ultra is one of the most hilariously pretentious things I've ever heard

Awful singer, he will probably be better when he will stop sucking dicks and taking them down his throat.

Self Control makes me cry

I don't really get the appeal, his vocals are whiney and annoying

also right down to the relationship with his father

Love Blonde (not really a fan of his other albums) but the average Frank Ocean fan is so annoying. They think Frank Ocean is the best and only good musician in the world and that Blonde is experimental.

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Blonde is one of my favourite albums. It just feels very coherent and flawless to me and has a very nice atmosphere.

Third post best post

Blonde is a really good album. Really stepped outside of his comfort zone to create something a bit more unique while still maintaining pop appeal