>tfw you rekt varg

Attached: varg responds.png (1440x900, 155K)

he blocked me immediately afterwards btw

What the fuck is that operating system?

i hope your windows crashes and you lose your drivers for windows xp and even if you do find them i hope they are corrupt.

built pro gaming pc and upgraded to windows 7 many years ago

Attached: retard.jpg (242x25, 2K)

>windows xp lol so retro
Also congratulations for being sad enough to use anime avatars outside of Yea Forums

>theleun perspective

u mad lol

Does anyone take this clown seriously?

Attached: 1483628831280.jpg (350x350, 20K)

hi varg

>mozilla firefox
>dinosaur-age windows
>anime profile pic (on youtube)

Calm down varg nobody respected you before this thread anyways, besides for irony’s sake.

Attached: 47968EFA-C38E-46EC-97C3-7306F8D20E77.jpg (669x696, 78K)

he is literally white trash of europe, instead of living life after he got out of jail he decided to be a salty village dweller.

he has 4 kids. how many do you have?

Based mega milk
Fuck metalfags


Based mega_milk

Attached: 41d.jpg (600x903, 404K)

>white trash
>4 kids
Not surprising

Attached: 1497725579829.jpg (636x699, 211K)

>I judge people based on how many kids they have
I guess in your view african village dwellers with 12+ children are the epitome of success?

if they survive long enough to procreate again and live in prosperous conditions then yes

literally this.
you're the absolute most stupid person i have encountered today


>his kids being successful is somehow an achievement for him?
nigga tier logic
the kids are the one worth the praise if they succeed not Varg. Just because he nutted in a woman doesn't make him worth a dime lol.

based zoomer

t. incel

*drives to your house*
*repeatedly stabs your chest*
*claims self defense*
What now?

is that the best you can do Varg shill
mwaa mwaa ur an INCEL xdd
literally the worst posters on this website.

flee to France and impregnate a mentally challenged blonde.
open a youtube profile so you can make the neetbux by confused white people who are afraid of le black people.
he is no better than any other criminal.

Varg is unironically one of the last great male role models. He’s more hardcore/masculine than any faggoty soundcloud alive, he’s done more to save indigenous Europeans from extinction than all of pol combined, he’s an extreme environmentalist who actually practices what he preaches, and he appears to be a stable and loving father to his six children. The world would be a much better place if there were more men like him.

t. vargs mentally ill wife


Attached: perfect_man.png (608x336, 188K)

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is this pasta?

people actually waste their time on this website defending this mentally ill criminal.
dear god.

>survivalist, RPG enthusiast, llarper
These are bad things? Lambasting him for the the hobbies he has in his free time that don't hurt anyone makes it seem like you are just projecting your own insecurities about your hobbies on to him.
>a hipster
I don't even understand this one

I really hope you're running XP in a VM and not actually using that shit. Using an operating system that stopped getting support in 2014 doesn't make you cool buddy. Tell me when you release an album that's half as good as early Burzum was and maybe you will not seem like a redditor looking to get upvotes for "totally owning cooky black metal guy!1".

t. llarping neckbeard

Please try to refute anything I’ve said. Also it was proven that Euronymous had been planning to kill him for days leading up to that point and Varg acted in self-defense. I guess the honorable thing to do would be to let himself be butchered. If you kill your enemies they win right?

Sorry I don't wanna live my whole life afraid of telling people about my hobbies. Llarp'ing isn't one of them, though.

police did an investigation and found no evidence euronymous had planned on doing anything, fact is varg was paranoid shithead who thought he was gonna get killed.
you're delusional, you actually got baited into his story without looking deep into the evidence, now fuck off this board varg shill.

>I don't wanna live my whole life afraid of telling people about my hobbies.

MLP watching autistic fedora neckbeard confirmed

Not just kill him, but make a snuff film of him. Had been talking to others in the scene about it for a while leading up to the murder iirc. Did Varg really need to chase him down the stairs and stab him in the head with a pocket knife? Probably not, but self defense is plausible.
Oh no I've been found out! You really got me now, you win man :(((

>Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me

Attached: varg.jpg (720x472, 55K)

Would leftists hate me if I loved Burzum?

They shouldn't unless they're children who can't seperate artist from art.

t. projecting faggot

>win xp
absolutetly based

what a great role model man, living in a foreign country in the woods on neetbux
truly the saviour of europe

He did a video showing his finances addressing people like you. His family lives off of royalties from his albums books and board games.

God forbid anyone get angry on Yea Forums lol

>living in a foreign country in the woods on neetbux
I don't consider Varg my rolemodel, far from it, but his lifestyle seems comfy as fuck. I wouldn't have patience to take care of 6 kids and create a traditional rpg to teach them about the juice though


I believe varg acted in self defense and I like his music
you're just a fag

i agree that the lifestyle seems nice, being with your wife and children away from all the bullshit but the whole preaching bullshit and muh race and all that is cringy as hell


so white trash created one of the best albums of all time? what have you done

Thread full of degenerate brainwashed 90iq leftists.
Varg is more succesful than any of you "depressed" fucks can ever hope for. Really sad how the average intelligece on this site has dropped so much. I guess reddit is to blame. Reddit and children...

He has like 8 now

check'd and kek'd

How the hell do you still have xp?

>poor with 4 kids
yup, absolutely white trash

>he doesn't use xp
gaymer fag detected