How do i get back into metal?
How do i get back into metal?
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Either you do or you don't
You don't really want to get into Heavy Metal though do you?
When i was 16 years old, all i listened to was metal. I loved it and would listen to death metal and grindcore bands, insect warfare etc on repeat
Now 10 years later i can barely stand it. These days i'd rather listen to fallout boy than hear fast distorted riffs and some manchild growling
It feels almost cringeworthy that grown men having long hair , headbanging and "growling" like autists
Ive heard that once your inner 15 year old dies, you fall out of love with metal.
Is it over for me?
How did you find out about Insect Warfare? That's quite niche.
>Is it over for me?
It's difficult to tell as you're probably just a trolling device. But, um, like, no. Maybe try carpentry?
What do you listen to now, mr. well adjusted grown adult.
I just stumbled upon them.. i used to download albums off metal blogs and also read encyclopedia metallum a lot, i probably saw the cover and logo and it drew me towards it (usually a bands artwork + logo is a good indicator of their quality)
Insect warfare was my favourite band. I wore the t shirt a lot
funnily enough 10 years ago i hated their album which was just drums and distortion + vocals. But i love it now.
The beginning of the ploy. sigh. What do you listen to? yourself? You are actually here I assume?
I feel the same way.
Despite what metal heads will tell you, nearly every metal song leans on some form of degeneracy, if not outright satanism.
Why would you willingly dress in black, do the devil horns gesture in public, and willingly adorn yourself in satanic imagery? What, for your "aesthetic"? Bullshit. Anyone who's not sucked into the metal meme sees it for what it is.
This goes without saying though that not all metal is satanic in nature. There is certainly good and based metal, but compared to the amount of garbage out there, its minuscule.
This album got me back into metal at age 23. It's not the absolute heaviest thing I've ever heard, but its just so fucking balls-to-the-wall angry and fun.
>10 years ago i hated their album
I was like that with the music I listen to now.
Is it wrong that I've suddenly found a love for Slipknot a band I couldn't stand as a teenager.
pic related is the most recent stuff ive enjoyed
Holy shit, what a strong album opener. I'm 30 seconds in, and it fucking jams.
Its all trash now
I don't even mind the "satanic" and "edgy" imagery, but so few bands are actually genuine about it.
Most are straight up parodying the idea to the point of ridiculousness, and even the true "kvlt" black metal projects like silencer are made by some nu-male art fag
Being a weak balding nu-male is one thing, but trying to be brutal and edgy without actually being either feels disingenuous. That's why most Death metal i cant stand these days, but i can enjoy stuff like hatebreed
Sweet fucking Jesus Christ that's some pretty B tier meme shit right there
Thanks for convincing me to stay in metal, gonna blast Gojira right now
just to clarify i meant they released an album without any guitar riffs and its the one i disliked at the time. now i like that album over the rest.
whoops, messed up the original image. Missed these out.
gojira is as generic and bland as you can get. so boring.
>ne i disliked at the time. no
That is very common.
As the saying goes "show me who you hang out with and I'll show you who you are"
Some metalheads are repulsed by hip hop culture, and may consider its glorification of material wealth and hedonism to be repulsive. And in a way, a lot of hip hop artists parody these ideas, but still indulge in its associated imagery. It's hypocrisy (and you may be accusing me of straw-manning here. I'm trying to give an example)
I find most metal to be unjustly angry and edgy. As a result its negative. If you find it hard to justify and/or introduce your close friends and family to your favorite music, you might want to reconsider what you listen to.
This nigga really thinks he can get into da black magic music.
. If you find it hard to justify and/or introduce your close friends and family to your favorite music, you might want to reconsider what you listen to.
Imagine being so insecure you base your music taste around what other people will think of it
>Mum doesn't like my music
>Can't listen to it anymore
Start listening to black metal, it's cool to do so among "hipsters" or whatever you call people who listen to alternative stuff these days
Black metal fans will hate you for that, but who cares about a bunch of balding fat fucks with ponytails
t. used to be a metalhead in my teens, now an obnoxious artsy music fan who listens to bm