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wtf i love blueface now

uuuughhh why are all black men so problematic?

Imagine being """allowed""" to have a career as a million dollar hip-hop superstar despite literally not being able to define what it means to rap on the beat but not being """"allowed""" because you say trannie on Instagram

He's black he'll be fine

fuck trannies desu

this is what happens when corporations and other people in power give these literal monkeys a spotlight
there will never be a rapper equivalent to bono or mccartney

All the nigs that flip out whenever whites say nigga all of sudden flip flopping
>dude who fucking cares brooo
You black faggots made this world where you get in trouble for saying nono words, now its time to be hoist by your own petards, retards

take your pills bro

Shut your dumb cracka ass up, faggot ass crying ass bitch made honkey piece of shit, you white bread mayonaisse eating motherfucker. Look at you, whining like a little bitch, you fucking white devil.

This. Blacks created this culture.

downloading his entire discography as we speak


Every day I see headlines about some supposedly relevant “””musician””” by whom I have never heard a single song from, or even heard anyone mention in real life.

Why are black men so prejudiced against marginalized folk? Also, fuck trannies I hope you all harry karry



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When even qualifies as "transphobic" now?

inb4 Pitchfork gives his next album a 1/10

I was about to respond to this using the word "she"

that's what she is though, user

If he said something about Israel his career would be finished.
Remember what happened to Lil Peep?

Lol you don't know Blueface if think it was getting higher

Finally, a God to surpass 6ix9ine

T. Nigger

he died?

based blueface

Why are niggers so based?

>bono or mccartney

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Nigga didn't want transiana to bust down, how is that transphobic

White liberals have no problem with these guys committing armed robbery or being literal murders, but God forbid they call a trap gay. And they wonder why the black community is fucked up.

Trannies are only cool if they let you blast their assholes. Outside of that, ehhhh.

it won't matter because his audience doesn't give a shit either way, or might even agree with him

Why did blueface unsend his messages?

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fucking kek

Fuck Trannies

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It honestly looks like he let the tranny succ him from that screen cap. This nigga looking really suss right now.

TRAPS are gay

But only he’s not :(
I’d still smash tho cause I’m perfectly fine with being bisexual unlike you. You fag.

If you want a woman there are real women out there,
A dick belongs to a man
A pussy belongs to a woman

Set yourself free and fuck who you want to fuck

basedhow about u stfu


Only his audience is made up of mostly white suburban teenagers who lock their doors whenever their roll in a black neighborhood.

Black kids can’t even afford to go to their concerts lmao

Mayo is delicious.

LARP harder

His face isn't blue tho.
Didn't Tone Loc say something transphobic about shemales in Funky Cold Medina? Something about Oscar Meyer Wiener? That song was awesome. Probably wouldn't be that good if that portion wasn't there. Sometimes transphobic remarks really make the song. I think we should leave it up to the artist.

>Probably wouldn't be that good if that portion wasn't there. Sometimes transphobic remarks really make the song.

Lol I could give less of a shit about this but c'mon he could have said literally anything and it would have been just as big

>I went up to this girl
>she said "hi, my name sheena"
>i thought she'd be good to go with a little funk cold medina,
>she said "i'd like a drink", i said "ok, i'll go get it"
>and then a couple of sips, she cold licked her lips and i knew that she was with it
>so i took her to my crib and everything went well as planned
>but when she got undressed it was big old mess
>sheena was a man
>so i threw him out i don't fool around with no oscar meyer weiner
>you must be sure that the girl is pure for the funky cold medina

You are incorrect. This portion of the song was needed for it to be a complete work. Funky Cold Medina would not be the classic it is with this part omitted.

ok what rapper would you good enough to give spokesperson status too or to be a diplomat talking on the world stage about sensitive potential genocidal issues

There's no way that you're older than 14.

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bono is a literal humanitarian praised by nobel winners and leaders alike

it's nazi germany but the nazi party is just stupid people

>blacks create one culture throughout all of history
>it blows

I know that guy! He’s a total dick, he listened to filth once and wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it in my research class. That dude is a bitch.

Post the trannies IG

I have 0 sympathy towards:

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Oh shit youre right

White devil made me holler

why is this post pinned

>pitchfork reviewing a meme rapper
its gonna a least a 7

Give a fuck if he like it but he gon respect this crippin
Yea aight it's all fun and games til a nigga trippin
Mop the floor hide the wet sign just to catch him slippin
Pull up outside with a briefcase it's time to handle business

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>not giving a fuck if he’s a gang member selling crack and killing people
>an outrage because he called a tranny a faggot
I’m sorry this outrage is ridiculous

fuck trannies their so fucking disgusting and mentally ill


this but unironically

I wonder, if I hit Blueface REALLY hard in the head, would he rap on beat?

unironically based

Xenophobia is the worst crime of all! All you racists must die

>advertises himself as a gangster
>doesnt hold progressive views on sex and gender

imagine my shock


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saying nigga vs approving of trannies are two totally different things

Free my nigga Blueface! First bullshit charges, now this? Why they trying to stop him so much?

>his face isn’t blue
He’s a crip
And he’s based

How low do you gotta be to take creepshots of neckbeards?