Are you autistic enough to consider music taste in a potential partner?

Are you autistic enough to consider music taste in a potential partner?

Attached: Jackie_Lynn_Thomas_-_Naysaya_profile.png (850x1040, 586K)

if she don't cook she ain't shit

Music is my gf.

Liking mostly rap is unironically a massive red flag, but other than that I don’t give a shit

I only know Jackie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star

oh great, now Jackie is going to be spammed

I don't care about music taste as long as she isn't a drooling normie. If you think there are tolerabe, perhaps even good, pop songs from time to time, then it's whatever. A broken clock can be right twice a day. But if some of your favorite music, or worst your favorite song, is some boring and insipid mass-produced garbage, then it's going to be difficult to feel anything but contempt for her.

I hate gwenposters
Why do I feel impartial towards Jackieposting?

If their taste is 90-100% opposed to mine I doubt they'd be a candidate for my affections in the first place

gwenposter is based faggot



Unironically yes. Maybe not to the point where I would refuse to date anyone who doesn't listen to shoegaze or whatever, but I don't want to share my life with someone who enjoys Mumford and Sons.

If my gf has an intresting music taste I would love her long time

this. it doesn't need to be identical, it could even be something i hate, but it should be something i can respect.

I won't stop going out with a girl
But the minute she's brining fallout boy lps is when I cant commit

these plus rap being an instant red flag


Kind of.

I like sharing interests with partners but music specifically isn't a deal breaker by itself, no. They do need to be willing to put up with the shit I enjoy if they're not a fan or aren't really into much music at all, though.

Apparently you’re autistic enough to save pictures of children’s cartoons on your computer

>what is common interest
You've never been in a relationship before, have you?

I ain't dating someone who won't listen to satan worshipping doom with me

I perform a bit. Question doesnt apply.

honestly for me the path to eternal love is internal in terms of when I took a step forward no shit you loved me look at me im beautiful.

but I could never focus on you because that paradox. stalk me enough though and we should be fine.

used to be autistic about it but now i don't really care as long as they're curious about new stuff and don't dismiss my own taste since it tends to be more on the abrasive side

has it right. fuck Mumford & Sons

Nno. I'm only interested in tits ass and vag

Top 40 shit and rap may be a problem to me. Also reggae. Other than that, anything goes.