Post kino album art

Post kino album art

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Strawbs grave new world

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Fits the music so fucking well

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If a band ever wrote to an aesthetic then they achieved it 100 times over. Plus MVOTC is just a great cover

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>The album's cover was a painting by American sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas. Taylor had an issue of Astounding Science Fiction (October 1953) whose cover art depicted a giant intelligent robot holding the dead body of a man. The caption read: "Please... fix it, Daddy?" to illustrate the story "The Gulf Between" by Tom Godwin.[21] The painting inspired the band to contact Freas, who agreed to alter the painting for their album cover, by replacing the single dead man with the four "dead" band members (with Taylor and Deacon falling to the ground, and Taylor only visible on the back cover). The inner cover (gatefold) has the robot extending its hand to snatch up the petrified fleeing audience in the shattered auditorium where the corpses were removed.[22] Freas said he was a classical music fan and did not know Queen, and only listened to the band after doing the cover "because I thought I might just hate them, and it would ruin my ideas", but eventually liked their music.[21]
Based Queen could even win over classicalfags.

This album has been imitated many times over, probably ensuring its legacy in the hall of fame.

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I remember discovering this and Jandek because of a 50 worst album covers on a RYM forum that probably came from another website. I believe it also had Julius Ceasar by Smog on it too. And Herbie Mann’s Push Push with the caption “No No” which is hilarious

Pic related is a great album cover

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How its possible that this album wasn't posted yet

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I just cummed

Not sure but it’s probably the best album cover of all time. Pic related is an album cover getting across what it’s album kind of sound like thematically.

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Not even best pf cover

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the 30th anniversary cover >>>>>>>>>>>> the original cover

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Let me doubt

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That cover is awesome but i prefer the mininalism of the original


Deathconsciousness its another good example of this

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Sakamoto the absolute madlad, he's gonna get shocked

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I forget the cover

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lmao what the fuck is this
It’s a overrated cover to begin with

Totally agree. Great record too
Based Sakamoto is incredible who also worked with David Sylvian as Japan were breaking up.

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post some kino album art iyo then, Skeetch

Not even the best queen cover

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basically like every king crimson album art is amazing

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Made by storm thorgerson, who also did pretty much all of pink floyd’s album art

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Music does not match the cover.

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what the actual fuck

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Queen, Queen II, and A Night at the Opera all have better cover art.

>The cover art was designed by Vaughan Oliver, and portrays a man performing a fertility dance while wearing a belt of eels.

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nobody beats the biz

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>it's an album by James Labrie from Dream Theater
Why am I not surprised

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This isn't really a great album cover at all considering it's just a painting done by some dude. Like, of course your album art is going to be good if you just steal it from some super-talented dead artist guy. Great album art has to be made specifically for the album itself. Toeing the line the way does is kinda interesting, though.

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one of my favorites. fits the music really well

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cuz boobs

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only found out the other day that its not a painting

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>some actual kino

geek this is a funny album cover

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also, bruh doesn't have a ring wtf he doin' fuckin' around with a married woman

I'm from them days when you couldn't see the album cover cause you got some shitty mp3 download off of another myzika. ru type sites.

that looks like shit

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The red text against green ruins it

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This ironic right?

I agree that the minimalism looks really fucking good
This one has a lot of nice subtle details that help convey the theme of the album

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>not the LVIS COSTELLO version
Also, I really like this one. Pity the album is fucking garbage, top-5 worst tihngs I've heard this year.

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God so much childhood nostalgia here. Love these guys.

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florian's head is twice as large as karl's, but karl is in the foreground?

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damn I always thought it was a banana somehow

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It's a pretty simple cover but it fits the music and feel of the album so well. I want to listen to this album at sunrise.

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How has no one posted this?

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Alrrighty dead heads, what is it tonight? For me....well, I'm glad you asked! Because for me it is Hartford '77

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Look how fucking radical this is. I looked at it for 5 seconds and now I'm a Jihadi

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Sehnsucht as fuck

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Vaguely suicidal vibes

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Oddly enough I had just put this album on to listen to it for the first time; then I came on here and this was at the top of the catalogue.

not surr what kino means. i assume it means nice or good or something so heres this.

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some faggy thing they always say on Yea Forums i just pretend i know what they talking about over there half the time.

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That looks silly

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Cause heavy metal covers are cringe

you must have bad taste

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It's incredibly iconic. I'm sure pink floyd owes a sizable amount of its fame to that cover. However
Is clearly the best pink floyd cover art

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Always loved this one, and I think Def Leppard sucks

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I just noticed the flying pig what the heck

nigga this is literally shitty the cure nigga lmao

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Why are M83's B-sides better than most of his A-sides?

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