Why do normies have such absolutely disgusting taste in music...

Why do normies have such absolutely disgusting taste in music? Even the "hip" supposedly knowledgeable ones listen to the most basic trash. The most experimental they ever get is Radiohead or Pink Floyd or something.

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because they are mostly only interested in music as a way to connect with other normies

it's in the fucking name

What a cute cat
What music does the cat listen to?


Also cause they have short attention spans and cant into music thats meaning or accessibility isnt right in front of them. Thats why Floyd and Radiohead blow their minds at first, if they were like us itd be great for about a month then you progress, but yeah they just name big bands for social points mostly havent heard the whole fucking album let alone discography.

Particularly bad in millennial women, as they are a meme.

to an extent, quality is projection.

my IQ not that high rn and I'll admit to that, but there are people in this world who can play it the way it was written+play it a different way. they could write, they could persuade.

those people know that quality is subjective and they can sell anything.

>experimental = better

I also predict you think experimental means "weird"

Everything that normies listen to is a shitty, generic Wal Mart version of something better
>Radiohead is watered down krautrock for normies
>EDM is normalfag house mixed with normalfag trap and brostep
>contemporary country is pop rock with a southern twaing

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Normie taste is important to any music fan.

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what's "taste"? how does one measure it?

>Yea Forums calling others normies and plebs
Fucking hilarious

because music just isn't a pivotal point in many peoples lives? Is that so hard to understand?

cute :)

experimental is for people who grow tired of formulatic music and often times can be refreshing and exciting

why do you care

the only worse crime is being at people for not liking what you like or failing some purity test

Or pretentious as fuck, fapping about how nobody know that band and he has a emotional connection to the album. Fucking kek these people

or its music at the forefront of new sounds and dynamics

Cat Stevens

also not everyone is into easy to consume music and prefer music that takes you deeper than a nice groove or hook

>>Radiohead is watered down krautrock for normies
Nothing on OK Computer or The Bends sounds like Krautrock. Are you tarded?
>can be refreshing and exciting
How so?
Not all experiential music does this, so it's not relevant.

projecting much?

seems like they all like listening to autotuned black guys talking over a beat

not all experimental music does what you say it does either
assuming that this is you
just give up you're embarrassing yourself

>Pink Floyd
modern zoomers can't even into the track "Money". Cause in their opinion there are not enough words in it.

>not all experimental music does what you say it does
Quote me where I said what experiential music does.

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No, their opinion is that it's obsolete guitar music dad rock


this. its like OP expects the average person to fucking browse RYM charts all day. music is just music to a lot of fucking people

wow these Radiohead fand are mad

I played "Money" to 16 different kids of the age ranging from 13 - 16. Only one fag loving brit and some Iranian nigga appreciated the track. No one else.

Why are you hanging out with 13-16 kids?

go outside faggot. not everyone in the world browses Yea Forums

maybe if you look at what i fucking wrote i quoted another user's post assuming that that was you because you basically had the same sentiment
nevermind me i'll now go listen to some exciting katy perry and taylor swift

>maybe if you look at what i fucking wrote i quoted another user's post assuming that that was you
Sounds like your mistake for being a fucktard and assuming things.
>nevermind me i'll now go listen to some exciting katy perry and taylor swift
No you won't.

>No you won't.
You're a smart man

Maybe he's a highschool teacher or something

It's more likely he's a 13-16 year old.

And you are too for defending him

I work as a helper for the school. A lot of people do it in my country. Especially Immigrant ones.

Wasn't defending anyone. Do you have a paranoia disorder?

So you admit it's likely he's underage?

Plenty of us in mu are normies, you just don't meet us irl because you don't meet many people, or you just don't know what our music taste is. I mean the only time any friends have commented on my music is when they hear it by accident and then they ask what the fuck I'm listening to, like music automatically playing when I start the car and shit like that. I rarely even mention shows I go to unless it's relevant atm.
I dunno people may surprise you.

Possibly, but i'm no mind reader


>waaaaah people like things I don’t like and I have such a superiority complex over it

Why do you even come to this board if you have no taste

>waaaah I deflect from my shitty opinions with even shittier assumptions