ITT : Gun sampling session

Yesterday, I made this thread and nobody participated. The challenge was to make music based on samples of East Asian music, and nobody did it.

No problem, new theme :

Samples guns, use them as drums, maybe change the pitch of different shots to make notes, etc... But make music based on samples of gun sounds

Post a screenshot of your DAW as a proof that you made it.

Attached: 10304478.jpg (1500x1270, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this is the saddest and funniest thread I've ever seen

Don’t tell me what to do

I almost feel sorry. Just stop doing this


Fuck off you're not the boss of me

I've made tunes sampling east asian music before but it wasn't because of your thread. Also I am strongly against the ownership of guns because the rhino I donated to was shot in a drive by. I will NOT participate in this thread.

See it as an homage to the rhino. A way of denouncing the violence created by firearms.

i mean.. nobody can be bothered.. i could do it, but i'm not going to spend 20 minutes to maybe get a "heh... cool.."

Aw, uncool..

Don't hurt yourself or overs, ok?
What's a DAW?


Attached: MIA-M.I.A..jpg (538x631, 91K)

Dilbert's Asian Wife

'and take your money'yeah we know. I'vw benn here ten years I know I know I know.

Digital audio workstation

'but why all the venues closing? asked 50 yo DJ .
hopefully there is not music in heaven.

would participate but I'm going out of town after work.

Digital Asian Wife

> use them as drums
This song actually does this

From the liner notes:
>joe comes back from the great war very different. he has done nothing but kill and watch death for many long months. he has trouble adjusting until a friend suggests a new line of work, compatible with joe's new skills.
>part of the drum track is an M1 carbine being fired in a field exercise. by a guy named joe.

>Anonymous 02/22/19(Fri)14:13:23 No.86076623▶
>'but why all the venues closing
just the era I guess.

I would have varied the drums more and done some basic mastering but I don't have enough time.
Everything in there is gun sounds, from this video.

I like these threads and I hope you make more of them, even though I couldn't make something yesterday.

Attached: screenshot.png (1897x1046, 230K)

Fucking delivered and it's p cool, nice

how did you make the synth-y patches with gun sounds?

I absolutely love the part at 1:20. Thanks for making this dude.

>Yesterday, I made this thread and nobody participated. The challenge was to make music based on samples of East Asian music, and nobody did it.
I'm sorry I missed it and also had an exam today so I couldn't have participated any way. These threads are cool, I might deliver later today
What's your problem? This is a challange, you want, you participate, you don't want, you don't participate. Simple as that

Can I use other sounds as well? Or does everything have to be done from gun sounds?

You can use other sounds too!

this. Youre lying

Ok thanks


You're not the boss of me

Just small samples looping. Here's a demonstration. I think this is technically called wavetable synthesis, but actual wavetable synthesizers are more sophisticated. I just do this with the sampler channels. If you wanted to, you could basically make a synth with as many oscillators as you want and custom, unique waveforms using this method. I'm pretty sure this is how "virtual analog" works anyway, but I don't really know what I'm talking about.
You're welcome. Thanks for listening.

Attached: loop.png (249x546, 35K)