>male artist sings about being oppressed
Male artist sings about being oppressed
>tranny artist sings about killing themself
>Heavy MEtal
>user makes a terrible thread and later apologises because of it
I honestly don't get why women think being oppressed is bad for them or anyone in the long run. Yell about labels and whatever all day, but the truth is relationships and families do better with a dominant dude and a submissive woman
>incel detected
thank u, next.
>Uh, son, why do you have all these little underaged cartoon girls saved on your computer?
t. Incel
incel get out
>male sings about being a girl
I am oppressed by wasps, dung beetles and cockroaches trapped in human bodies every day of my life.
Idc about what's best for men or mankind to push their genes further.
I care about getting some good dick and doing what I want to do when I want to do it. We should be moving towards heavy gene editing and living as comfy and pleasurable lives as possible but you lameass traditionalists just keep trying to hold on to the past.
Meant to reply to I'm high
Women are the exact opposite of oppressed, though, and males are unironically more oppressed. Femoids get affirmative action and welfare preferences all while being the less industrious gender, and all while the vast majority of soldiers, security and defence force casualties are males. They also get uniform support over and above males by about 70 percent of federal level politicians, 90 percent of the media, and 100 percent of all universities in the western world. They are also the most oppressive gender, prying into every male-dominated hobby and then imposing speech and behavior controls over the hobby's main organized events. Foids can make up lies about getting raped and their accused be considered by the majority of the public and news media to be guilty until proven innocent, all without any real evidence. Allimony and child support during divorce is completely tilted in favor of the femoid menace.
Men who have never gotten pussy in their life and can't even talk to females except on official work business hours are given constant lectures about how to "be a better man" (which consists of following every command issued by femoids during a cunty power trip). Males who are involuntarily celibate, short, have a small penis, or have some other condition that affects their sexual attractiveness (like gynecomastia) are not just the butt of jokes, but the foundation by which insults about males are derived. Meanwhile, never "fat shame" or "body shame" a Holy, Precious Femoid.
>they know everything dad, just look at how unfazed and contemptuous they look in the face of everything, I wanna grow up to be just like that
Sorry fren
i know, like no jewish male ever been oppressed
jeez I'm a loser but it makes me feel a little better that at least I'm not the person that typed this post in
Nice blogposting you fucking faggot.
Probably an advanced AI. They say men are oppressed and women aren't and shit like that.
t. woman
This reads like something Skynet would say.
Made my day
Made my fucking life
name 1 (1) song
Redditfags out
>White person sings about racism