Need lo-fi/mono music

Stuck with a shitty pair of headphones until next week and won't be able to enjoy hi-fi music until then. Hit me with your shit fi recommendations

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there you go m8

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It's not an A+ recording 2bqh. But it's quirky enough to care about.

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It really gets me especially Kandy Korn, that touching child like magic. Overlooked by the majority and rough as you'd like.

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I'd say it was fuzzy. A lot of 90s '''golden''' era American indie when dubstar and that lot were still going is less well recorded than Abbey Road or wot not.

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Rock bottom, aurally speaking. Pretty dubious.

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original version of twin fantasy is beautiful
so is it’s the big joyous celebration, let’s stir the honeypot by teen suicide (peep that album, i listened to it during my sad phase and damn i think it got me through)

>> Experimental
>> Rap
>> Rock

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I think it's pretty low-Fi, Boris the Spider, eh?

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As you'd expect from "the sounds of rancid juices sloshing around your coffin"

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It's bad. That guitar solo where he squeaks it out, painful. What a gem. Apprently someone from Slayer stepped in on it.

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Early Three 6 Mafia
Husker Du - Land Speed Record
Exile on Main Street

You're welcome for all the recommends. I hope you enjoy some of them.

the obvious answer, is this it by the strokes.

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>exile on main street
not lo-fi

Nochance , it's like a lot of these new goth girl releases, they're as high quality as anything MSP ever released.

perservering with sound cloud . hmmmm.

Lofi Hiphop beats to study and relax to

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>ween - the pod
>alex g - beach music
>butthole surfers - psychic powerless another mans sac
some of my favorites op

>that touching child like magic
you might wanna rephrase that

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