How true is this?

Attached: 883b3827fac2f8c75031070f978a541d.jpg (1330x757, 979K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is saxophone easier than guitar?

where are drums put on this chart


we need a double bar graph of this shit


Guitar doesn't have embouchure but sax doesn't have chords.

Saxophone is dumb easy. It's the most mechanically perfect instrument in a few ways.
Guitar, on the other hand, is probably the most manually confusing instrument if you want to do anything other than be a cowboy.

>cornet, he thought it was a trumpet
>tuba, he thought it was a trombone
>baroque flute instead of modern
>ocarina lol
>sax easier than guitar lol
who made this chart knows absolute shit about wind instruments

Attached: honklhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

im gonna honk your nose c:

This is a disturbingly redpilled post.
I don’t think any instrument exemplifies “easy to learn, hard to master” as much as guitar.

Attached: A745BE78-F477-4106-A908-903A2C09A2DA.gif (511x512, 106K)

* Colin Stetson judges you silently *

It's still easier to master guitar than to master piano. Classic guitar can be hard, but electric or acoustic hell no lol

Could be the case. Most piano players I can think of exhibit this disconnect, like they have a difficult time with the whole, "other people" thing, and they all have similar style.
To play, even electric guitar at a professional level, you have to have such a vast understanding of idioms. Piano does not come close to how deeply-rooted the guitar is.

pretty much

You realize that high level flatpicking is considered to be by far the most difficult movement needed to play Western instruments by movement scientists, right? Not all electric guitar is AC/DC riffs.

where is the trombone in the bottom left corner?

>guitarists trigger a stylistic movement
>piano gets more structurally intricate to keep up
That's the history of man in a nutshell.

bottom right

I don't see french horn

The only thing easier on guitar than piano is basic chords and transposing shapes. Everything else is considerably more complicated.
Don’t take my word for it, think about it logically and read up on someone like Shawn Lane who was a virtuoso on both. The mechanics of playing electric guitar are deeply flawed.

>by movement scientists
this is so söy it hurts

Top left, regrettably.

Why is guitar confusing?

The fretboard is a big mess, and the left and right hand and each finger have very specific purposes that need consideration.

Unlike piano, guitar isn't easily replaced by computer.

>keyboard is a mess
you have frets and chords and scales forms are equal in all tonalities
>hurr you have too coordinate the hands
I guess of you'd try to play violin you'd fall dead on the floor

I play violin, stupid.
There's more than one way to do just about everything on guitar. Have you considered it all?

yeah, and? is that difficult to you?

Not necessarily. I try to make things fun, but it can be tedious if I'm not applying it directly.

Look, guitar is not an easy instrument per se, but it's ridiculously easy for how few mediocre shit you can get by with it and called "a guitar player".
It's not the instrument's fault, but it's a fact nontheless.

I don't know where you got the idea that that's the kind of attitude I'm talking about. I'm not going to assess the difficulty of guitar on account of the fact that everybody who was 15 at the time can do Basket Case.

ocarina should be to the left of the vertical axis

Other people thing and similar style? Please elaborate. Also which guitar idioms?

They're not good at playing with other people, and they sound the same.