Or is there a good vst alternative with similar sound?
Also can it record audio ON the device itself?
Also this fucking thing appearantly went from 900€ on release to 1399€ today. Wtf.
Or is there a good vst alternative with similar sound?
Also can it record audio ON the device itself?
Also this fucking thing appearantly went from 900€ on release to 1399€ today. Wtf.
Other urls found in this thread:
its popularity gained incredibly after the swedish house mafia/pharrel song, that’s why the price went up
It exists solely for the purpose of parting idiots from their money. There is not one single thing that this device does that you can't do with a free DAW running free plugins. it's a 100% useless meme sack of shit that was promoted by a bunch of youtube FUCKS who get shit for free in exchange for "reviews". TE is a scam. The logo tells you what they're all about - fucking you in the ass.
>vst alternatives
For what? Basic sample playback? Simple FM synthesis? Tape stop effects? Yes there are vsts for that.
Holy shit imagine buying 1400 euros for a makebelieve casio
>should I pay $1400 for a calculator-tier CPU in a fancy aluminum box with a 1 inch screen when I already have a FUCKING COMPUTER
Hmmmm... think real hard OP. I think you can discover the answer if you try really hard.
well that thing is all over YouTube and the sound isnt too bad imo. Also seems like a decent way to record some ideas when your travelling for example.
>that thing is all over YouTub
If that's the level of your cognition, go for it user. I'm sure you'll have a great time... Holy fucking shit. This is how this company can continue to exist. I understand now.
>hurrr I can make thing on the go!
for that price you could literally buy a slim laptop, monitoring headphones, and pirate ableton, and make actual music "on the go".
>decent way to record some ideas when your travelling for example
what are your "arguments" against that statement?
i suppose you have none, judging from your level of eloquency so far.
It's literally a pointless product. There is no reason for it to exist other than for TE to make a ton of money off of absolute retards. Stop encouraging these companies. Enabling this kind of scam level shit hurts the whole market.
Justin Vernon, of Bon Iver, uses it a lot in their last album.
Wait is this actually a marketing thread? LOL you thought you could sell this shit here? HAHHHAAAAA sorry my scandi hipster faggot friends - we may be retarded here but we're not that kind of retarded. Get the fuck out. I'm sure Reddit will buy your shit.
Absolute garbage
If you want to work within limitations, get a DMG Gameboy with LSDJ or Nanoloop (or a GBA with Nanoloop 2), though if you're asking about the OP-1 here you're probably too retarded for that
Otherwise just get a thin laptop or hell, even an iPad would be better
The only thing it's got going for it is the design, so if you're a designer/homosexual, go ahead
stop getting so mad you fags i was just asking for some advice lol (and obviously none of you have ever even touched one of these)
I thought this was Minesweeper
>saves you a waste of $1400
>jeez thanks for no help fags
the OP-1 is vastly overpriced, but this is a retarded argument, it isn't about MUH RAW COMPUTIN' POWAH, it's about the ergonomics and the ease of use. Yes you can do this on a DAW, but can your computer fit on a small bag >inb4 muh laptop? can the workflow match the speed of OP1? of course it won't, and I'm not saying to get an OP-1, but this is a retarded argument that reeks of poorfag. The benefits of gear like this is workflow and ease of use, not I HAVE 64GB OF RAM AND MY CHING LIU PIRATED VERSION OF ABLETON CAN THE OP1 DO THAT HURRR
youre a retard if you think the speed of workflow on a desktop PC will not always surpass any given hardware
Yeah. Fucking Simpler, nigga.
>ergonomics and ease of use
>entering notes stepwise ten levels deep in some retarded scandinavian finger tapdancing OS on a no velocity keyboard made of legos
FUCKING LOL. A mouse is literally shaped to fit your hand. You could do anything faster and to a much deeper level in a DAW than on fucking lego deluxe jam box. Ergonomics and "workflow" my fucking ass.
The only appealing thing about the OP-1 is its portability.
If you don't need that, a korg electribe 2 sampler costs 1/3rd and it is a vastly more capable sketchpad workstation.
no it wont, poorfag, you clearly don't own any hardware. And you're ignoring the portability side of it. Nobody buys gear like the OP1 to replace a DAW, you buy it if you want to fuck around some samples while you're out of the house then you can further work on it on your DAW. The same way my Analog Four only has 4 voices yet the P-Locks on it alone are hours and hours saved on Ableton mapping crap, and the A4's arpeggiator would also take a shit ton of clicking and dragging on Ableton to match what I can do in minutes with the A4
ITT: Poorfags
>I'm too retarded to learn how to use hardware, and first of all, too poor to afford it
Not the same user but the example you gave doesn't disprove his point. With something like UVI falcon (or any other big synth suite) and Xfer Cthulu you could easily do whatever parameter sequencing and complex arpeggiation you would be able to do on you Analog 4. Hardware synths have their own sound and that in itself is all the reason you need to own one. Something like the OP-1 that just offers sample playback and shitty basic vst sounding synth toys isn't the same kind of thing
I have a lot of hardware and I use it daily.
Hey guys, Andrew Huang here with another 10 beats made on the OP1
*lofi hip hop garbage plays*
and I never said to anyone to get an OP1, or any gear for that matter, and yes you *can* match anything a hardware offers on a DAW, but the ease is never the same, at least not to most people who've tried both, what you can do with a VST and lots of clicking and fucking around I can do with a couple buttons pressings, and I saw this a a gear faggot with a dual monitor setup and Ableton. My gripe is the faggots who think MUH GIGAHERTZ when looking an an obvious jamming and fucking around toy like the OP1
>ppl calling me retarded for asking on advice wether the synth is good
>they havent even used it ever
>how can i dare to call them fags for it
>A mouse is literally shaped to fit your hand
yeah good luck making music with your laptop, mouse and midi keyboard in the car/train/outside lmao
>VST and lots of clicking and fucking around
learn to use your software before you talk shit
They're pretty neat pieces of equipment. Not $1300 worth of neat though.
I use both, fag, been using Ableton since 2005
It doesn't matter what your workflow is, if you like a piece of gear, and like it's workflow, and ergonomics, and ease of use, and you like the results you're getting out of it, then saying HURRR DURRR THAT'S RETARDED HERE JUST LOADS THESE 5 VSTs BRO THAT MAKES MORE SENSE it's retarded and reeks of "I got into music production 3 months ago". I use Ableton to mix my stuff and to control some of my gear, but if one day I just feel like fucking around and have a bit of a "Old School Berlin" wank jam session, all I have to do is fire up the A4 and my Lexi box and 3 seconds later I'm in business
Sucks that you can't afford good gear pal, you should try it sometime, even if the "MUH MENU DIVING" scares you, it isn't that hard
>keys arent velocity sensitive
>4 tracks
>producing music in car/train/outside
who the fuck actually does that
this lmao
>drawing notes on the screen like paint = hard
>drawing autonations like it's paint = hard
>having easy access to endless amounts of vsts and fx = oh no
lmaoing at you bro
Can't believe it's being re-released at $1299
>I-I can't afford gear, s-surely it's inferior to my pirated copy of FLStudio and free VSTs r-right?
you can set up ableton so when you turn it on every track is armed and ready with whatever plugins you want? Or save a project called berlinschool with everything you need already set up. Its pretty simple really that mouse and keyboard augmented with midi controllers is the ultimate workflow
If that gear is the OP-1, then yes.
a computer literally is gear
I have a pirated Version of cubase (not that I actually believe it makes a difference/has an effect of the quality of your music which sequencer you use, you pretentious faggot) and tons of pirated high quality vsts (i'd be broke had I paid for them)
or I can just feel like not staring at a computer screen and just fire up my gear eh? isn't that amazing?
just dont look at the screen LMAO
You fucking brainlet
a shit load of musicians and producers in the 80s carried around tape recorders to literally hum melodies/ideas while they were out and about
then come these faggots >hurrr portability?? who needs that
its like im really on reddit
This thing is a complete scam for the price and it's not worth it. There's better budget options even.
Yo so should I buy Airpods, OP-1, or an extra monitor so I can have reddit open all the time?
>le epic reddit argument
>ppl have a different opinion than me = reddit XD
>brain.exe has stopped responding
>better budget options
name them
Not that user but, I mean, for the price of OP-1 you could even buy other overpriced gear like Elektron. For Budget, Elektribe.
The case is a magnesium alloy, not aluminum. As a hardware engineer, for them to use custom designs like that and to not be manufactured in China (Sweden), I don't see how they weren't $1500 originally. As a musician, I didn't think it was worth the $899, but I do think the drum machine and sampler pocket operators are worth the $50-90.
Have you seen interviews with them? They have 2 Lamborghini's and a Ferrari in their office building but ride bikes to work. They have a little weird priorities. tech.eu
>Have you seen interviews with them?
Yes, they're exactly the self important, latte sipping, sighing, hipster faggots you would expect.
People think the OP-1 is some kind of master tool that will instantly make them a star producer. For the price you could legally buy a DAW, midi controller and more than enough software synths to do that. Still, you can't buy good songwriting or production knowledge.
If portability is in mind, either use a laptop or be a toss and get FL mobile to develop things on the go.
wow hes pretty fat. bet he actually just devoured his studio and pukes it out whenever he needs to produce.
After watching some interview with one of the main founding guys I can kind of see how something like the OP-1 ends up happening. They don't give a shit about musicians or music. They're pre-occupied with some idea about having fun designing products and making money. It has nothing to do with the products themselves, let alone the end user or what they might want as a musician or whatever else they are. It's all about them enjoying making things and getting richer. Cool I guess. Can't see any good reason why anyone would buy a product like that though.
Electribe 2s has more features for like 1/4 of the price. This is meme hardware
>They're pre-occupied with some idea about having fun designing products and making money. It has nothing to do with the products themselves, let alone the end user or what they might want as a musician or whatever else they are. It's all about them enjoying making things and getting richer.
Obviously. One glance at the pocket operators that have the plastic clamshell cases sold separately shows this.
>well that thing is all over YouTube
that's called "marketing"
>Simple FM synthesis?
Is it even that? I thought the FM section was fauxfm, basically a rompler.
yeah, but he uses a laptop and he says it's for sketching ideas.
sketching != producing
You can sketch damn fine with a shit ass laptop anyway
>that's called "marketing"
yeah or people who like it and make music with it that they share on youtube. but no it HAS to be some gigantic conspiracy created by teenage engineering.
do you really think the idea that corporations , especially those who make high-dollar music gear, having people demo their products for them is a loony conspiracy? It'd be stupid of them not to give out products to influencers
And yeah, when you're product offers less that an electribe, while costing 4x the price, you need to market that shit like crazy. Just like when you sell overpriced noisemakers that dont even come with the plastic case by default, you need to make them seem worth it
Uff I recognize that ego, I was so filled with rhetoric and rage when I was in my teenage years, people would counter my points logically and I'd pull some ad hominems out of my ass or just get emotional like you're doing now, ironically enough even though my dad raked in cash I was never an elitist about it, I do remember that being a trait among the people who made just enough to act rich and they're entire existence revolved around it, seems stressful. Good news is you grow out of it, just make sure to catch yourself when you get emotional and read up on some beginner's deduction and logic to better form your arguments and understand when either your side is flawed or your opponent, I see here your points are basically "I'm rich" which is ironic on an anonymous forum where no one cares about that, and something about not liking computers and wanting to be outside? I don't understand what either has to do with the topic at hand other than sketching out ideas, but I feel for you. Just don't take things so seriously and stop worrying about being right or wrong, or else you'll be stagnant, never improving yourself.
your, oops
and yeah obviously people enjoy making music with it and putting it on youtube, that doesnt negate what I said at all
i'll tell you why its a sucess on youtube (spoiler: it has nothing to do with a conspiracy or social media controlled marketing):
>not everyone's a poor fag who cant afford to drop 1000$ on a synth (which isnt that much when it comes to hardware synths anyway)
>it looks pretty (speaks to your average apple basedboy)
>you can quickly make good sounding beats with it (yeah just "beats" but they sound good, regardless)
>its intuitive to use
>portable (show me a comparable device at time of its release, ill wait here)
>has some fun gimmicky features (and the majority of consumers loves that shit)
>it was made popular cause some hits were produced with it
>portable (show me a comparable device at time of its release, ill wait here)
the same one mentioned already. The electribe 2 is as portable, has more features, and is the fraction of the cost.
Also, the rest of that is pulled right out of your ass. The OP-1 is an anemic scratchpad, and yes, a meme
>1000$ on a synth (which isnt that much when it comes to hardware synths anyway)
lol, that'd be fine if it were a competent synth, which it's not. Has less ability than vintage romplers
look at the electribe and then at the op-1 again. Notice a difference?
>pulled it out of your ass
no i stated facts
worth mentioning that the Electribe 2 came out 4 or 5 years after the OP-1. The OP-1 came out the same year as the Octatrack and in 2011 you would be pressed to mention anything that could honestly compete with the OP-1. That was 8 years ago. To buy a OP-1 today doesnt make much sense to me as opposed to buying one in 2011
>Notice a difference?
That the electribe 2 does more for less money? Yeah I noticed that lol
>no i stated facts
yet another retard who doesnt know what that word means
whatever, im not a shill trying to convince you to buy one, i was just trying to explain why this went viral on youtube. but read this guys response as well:
>you will never experience the purity of making lo fi electronic folk pop with a qt on your op1 out in the middle of a forest
enjoy ur laptop
>lo fi electronic folk pop
show it
iPads can do everything this does and much more, and there are apps with the same toy-like immediate feel
Today an iPad kinda blows the OP-1 outta the water.. Can't say the same about the 1st Gen iPad
fucking kek
>Worth 1900$
Absolutely fucking not
why u lie
>how to trigger Yea Forums with one image
It could have also been a change in the exchange rate.
Not everyone uses DAWs. Some prefer hardware.
There are nice midi keyboards for 60 bucks, more comfy to play, and with velocity, you can just download fl or ableton and have way more options than with what casio calculator
As far as I am aware, Teenage Engineering is not based in Venezuela
lol just imagine paying that much for this shit, and it all being for the screen
I mean.. It's a really nice screen and the thing is well designed and is fun to play but it's only 8 years old. I understand the costs of making it and that TE doesn't want to sacrifice their craftsmanship, etc, blah. But they're not Moog status yet.
They might as well make peripheral hardware that controls a smartphone application of their design.
Might as well.. They should call it the OP-Z
buy one and get a macbook too and a ROLI synth
don't buy this in 2019.
you can buy loads of gear for that kind of cash. this thing is really a small toy, although some use it in the actual production, but i feel like it's just so they don't feel they wasted the cash.
I'm trying to develop a vst that is just cwo effect