the hot hotness

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Other urls found in this thread: x youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd

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the most cutest thing

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I hate LOONA now

Attached: Love bomb.jpg (1283x1275, 317K)

itzy is great if you like pits


you literally would have adblocked most of youtube's tracking related cookies. its uncomfortable how technologically illiterate you are, while still pushing something you see as truth.

that's our yuna

Attached: 1547550833573.webm (1440x1080, 1.76M)

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idk what to do boys

fuckin cycle dude

Attached: 0dd6a69b3176bba761ef211ac2f947ab.jpg (540x660, 55K)

Why do they look so indimating here

They look like they want to punch everyone who posts on kpg

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thx kpop to allow this and trigger roasties

literally the perfect age for a kpop

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Attached: SandyFluidIrishdraughthorse.webm (1032x1078, 947K)

>still haven't done it yourself
anything more to add?

fuck loona

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Attached: yuna.webm (1200x722, 1.99M)

they're stealing views from Fromis!

I got this

Attached: 20190222_184220.png (1440x1582, 378K)

add the line

into your adblock and you don't have to see those anymore

You guys fell for it and saved this empty dupe thread from page 10, lol

Fuck Yea Forums

i'd beat the shit outta these twinks

>he hates loona

remember when drake paid spotify to shove his stupid song on every god damn popular playlist and you couldnt hear a nice kpop song without his stupid song playing randomly?


fuck they are so hot

Attached: 1544465747275.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>sandy fluid

go on a hunger strike

SEVENTEEN is the best boy group

LOONA is the best girl group

who cares? it's Yuna

thanks for the views retard


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NuBTS aren't intimidating at all, what are you talking about

But there's 7 of them


except lia
wtf is she doing in my group?

this looks real

im thinking about doing a fast dude i fucking just wasted like 30$ on food i literally do this all the time

i buy shit and then i end up making it taste horrible somehow and i dont know what to do

this is why i just eat mcdonalds

Attached: hmmm.jpg (1024x575, 55K)

6, jimin wouldn't do shit

Attached: TOMMY.jpg (2130x3186, 1.04M)

>using additional software to surf the internet
lol wtf

lia's my bias

she's there to make the others look even prettier. every group has one

this fucking banger man. if chung ha did it it would have been an instant hit. please give love to based miso

so ridiculously hot

i hear the dallas...

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get in here bros

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why does kpg hate diversity and inclusion

i threw my food in the trash can dude after spending a lot of money on it

its just so bad im not forcing myself to eat bad food

everything tastes bad unless youre like rich and can order from a restaurant every meal

otherwise food is complete dogshit

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that guy has chrome or something, so he definitely should get adblock to remove all that ad clutter

mud mixing

sometimes it's hard being the only non-retard here

you should get a job at a restaurant nancybro
i worked at a restaurant where all my coworkers were into kpop
they probably don't have that in florida but if you worked at a restaurant you'd 1) have a job where you get paid 2) get free food 3) learn to cook
then you wouldn't waste money on food you didn't know what to do with and have to resort to mcdonald's

Attached: th.jpg (474x475, 32K)

she is fine

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based jyp

worth a try because when people see you get really skinny they know you're not fucking around

alright, no more wonyblasting, it's time to YUNABLAST

you guys should watch this old navy fuck here and then start making your beds in the morning with autistic precision

just do what everyone else does. pretend you're retarded. it's been the Yea Forums meta for 5 years now

based loonabro

this is going on my fap list

canned soup is great, it's like someone stirred a pot full of good stuff for hours, just for you

we need webms asap

there are people complaining in a kpop thread that they receive kpop ads on youtube? lol

i've probably had like 25 jobs and the kitchen job was the fucking worst. it's a really great job when it's chill but when it's busy it's the most stressful job i've ever had



non-asian men knocking up asian girls is mud shit too

Attached: 1494577939631.jpg (416x600, 142K)

I know, thanks for understanding my situation.

>itzy debuts
>izoneshitting stops
>all the wonypedos moved onto yuna
love this meta already

yes, call jyp to ban this dangerous behaviour

i'm on it

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should I date a girl that like Twice?
Please help

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imagine listening to the same shitty song a million times to force yourself to like it and yet when youtube actually recs you a good song you complain on kpg instead

not really.
asian and white = ok
nigger, arab, spic, etc = subhuman

its not advice for me
i cant stand up for 10 minutes i have a handicap thing on my car

im out of the food service game for life

canned soup is not only dogshit

id probably need like 3 cans before im full

and the cans arent even cheap theyre like 2$ each and i eat 3 meals a day

your talking pretty expensive to eat cans of soup

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>should I date a girl

Attached: 1550748094630.png (925x456, 38K)

tinny retard you're supposed to have bread with your canned soup to get full cheap

how the fuck are you still alive

yeah kitchen jobs do suck. fast-paced and everyone's too close to each other

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Whites complain about "niggers" day and night like it's a prerequisite for the right to breath air, but are always completely oblivious whenever they are the ones playing the nigger role.

>it's ok because muh pol says so
no. if you taint your pure white lineage in any way then you've failed your ancestors

>i cant stand up for 10 minutes
how about a driving job?

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pour can soup over rice

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asian women crave white cock

but I hate twice...

LOONA have no shame, they're such a flop, but BBC is just throwing all their money on the problem to make it seem like LOONA is popular


Attached: 1550245071553.webm (600x960, 2.69M)

i have my own things that i do with my car already im good on the job shit

my main problem is i get really fucking bored at nights like this

its 6 am dude

Attached: DzX1xmCU0AApZBl (2).jpg (960x1200, 131K)

the same exact shit every day x youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd youtube ads&src=typd

the more you'll care about that nugu group, the more it will be relevant, so plizz keep seething.

And yet when white women crave black dick, they're called mudsharks and coal burners


and it's hot as fuck too. i couldn't keep up and the kitchen manager was a psycho who went red with veins sticking out his head. probably on steroids. but when the pace slows down everyone's just having fun, then it's great

most construction jobs i've worked were way better than that kitchen job. i guess when i worked concrete that was worse but those were 12 hour days at least

wrong. most likely everything in your vicinity right now, or ever, has been designed and invented by a white or an asian person. sometimes some 21st century negro with a degree but that's pretty rare. white and asian (not all of asia of course) = pure. rest is not human

based and redpilled

Attached: 1528694159847.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

that's because one's a genetic upgrade, the other's a downgrade

are you an uber driver? delivery driver? g4u

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LOONA's buying views fucking hell

the system is broken

you're using numbers in that very sentence that were invented by the arabs

she's perfect bros

Attached: 1521752760844.jpg (1200x1920, 541K)

>white and asian (not all of asia of course)
Implying all whites since you didn't bother to be specific? lol, good one.

John Snow

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job is the least of my concerns

it doesnt help you get a gf or make you not bored at night time

its not really good for me because it doesnt really matter im indifferent towards it

ill use my extra money to buy better food or computer parts and stuff

nothing really that gets me excited

Attached: e07d0bf6a223470e331e009637605347.jpg (564x1002, 59K)

lol i think one of my old kitchen managers was on steroids too, all he'd eat was broccoli and beef but he was swole af. he was chill though

that's intense re: 12hr days working concrete. construction pays way better than kitchen work

pol redditors are fucking retarded and get tripped up in their own claims immediately

From the self-serving white male perspective. Blacks have physical attributes women might desire in their mates and children.

yeah arabs before islam. good times. shame they threw themselves into a hole while the white prospered. thank god we at least saved the numbers, they are kinda convenient


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/our freaking girls/

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when did you get a job though?

now that is fucked up

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This guys gets it

yoona is ugly now though

maybe because "butterfly" and shit. weird


obviously not all whites but europe is far more homogenic than asia with seamonkeys and poo in loo subcontinent niggers

btw just for future reference white refers to nordic/germanic and meds/slavs aren't white

Attached: 1535610351818.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

i love cyeong's pants. god tier pits too

you probably hate periods and her friends too but you just deal with it until it blurs into the background

i travel to stores and i buy stuff to sell on amazon

i started around november of last year

and i have uber eats , doordash and postmates apps which i dont really like to do it because its shit pay

so i dont do it but its a fall back

and thats how i made my starting money

Attached: brapenade2 (28).jpg (1080x1350, 85K)

Why are they going back to Japan again?

these, do you even know how to be poor tincel you dummy

wony can still get it desu

Attached: 1532657530944.jpg (1338x2048, 287K)

funny that the only one ever posting about loona is this one obsessed anti falseflagging to an audience of nobody

>women craving dick
nah, they have dildos.
it's the attention and free stuff and the feeling of being valuable to someone and the friends being interested/jealous about it.


Attached: -OX_YxdPvRE.jpg (628x960, 164K)

So the other guy should say Nords and East Asians next time. He might accidentally get an Italian or Greek guy nodding his head in agreement with someone who looks down on him.

that's cool, pretty alternative

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legs for days

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yeah but for the record i have nothing against italians and greeks it's just semantics around the word "white"

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too skinny

at least 12 hour days, sometimes they'd go up to 15. it was in a plant, i built the same concrete column day in and day out, just assembling a giant mold, making a huge grid of rebar, then pour the concrete and go home. very tedious, physical and long as fuck. great money though for an 18 year old

thank god the face is turned away from the camera

lol nah

Attached: 1550303031314.webm (978x1080, 2.98M)

>job is the least of my concerns
>it doesnt help you get a gf or make you not bored at night time
yes it does. lots of relationships are formed in the workplace

>nah, they have dildos.
that's like a roastie saying "you've got your hand". it's just not the same


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but my amazon shit only takes up a few hours after i wake up at 4pm and then i stay up ALL NIGHT

and i have trouble staying sane

fortnite is pissing me the fuck off

not when you work for yourself

its very lonely still

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wony and yuna in mud wrestling

Well then a Slav. Is that your cutoff point? I'm trying to find where your comment is relevant to what I was saying to the other guy.

though I love the FOTM Yuna, Wony is still my Top on the go fap

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yuna would kick her ass desu. but i'd pay to watch

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>fapping to 15 years old
You disgust me

how many would you make on an average day? sounds kind of interesting. what do you do now, rebar?

cry about it

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only idiots date their coworkers

im simply not gonna play fortnite as much if i dont enjoy it

theres no sense to doing it

its too hard its not relaxing just getting shotgunned instant killed every time you land

its stressful etc

fuck it dude

wtf do people do

i gues people have to get drunk or some shit to fill the gaps

i try not to drink tho

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>fapping to kpop
To what?
No ChoA fan cams for ages now.

>Red Velvet Aren't Worried About Breaking Records — They Just Want To Have Fun
haha sure you jest

i drank tonight

>women want low iq creatures with big dicks

might as well fuck an ape

coz we ain't gay

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black stink don't bother

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Humans are the apes with the biggest dick-to-body-size ratio. Gorillas, chimps, orangutans, etc. all have small dicks.


im pissy as hell dude

cant relax cant chill cant enjoy

dont know what to do

i dont know if too many people know this feeling

it feels limited and stuck into too few things

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>Lia can speak english
Dropped lol

>Is that your cutoff point?

more or less but the point was I agree with you that
A. not all whites are equal
B. he/anyone saying "white" or "european" should specify the actual scope

Attached: 1529371890844.jpg (1884x891, 283K)

>tfw you'll never get to play floorball with Yuna
feels bad man

A qt

Attached: yuna5.webm (920x1080, 858K)

>only loona uses youtube ads
>certenly not jyp
>nor yg using their ads on their own videos

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

rebar is a steel bar that goes inside concrete, like a skeleton, to stop it from crumbling. i think it was $20/hr but after 8 hours it was double time so the OT was huge. i don't have a job now, i work with my uncle a bit making signs, like billboards and shit, but he hasn't been calling me much lately

Attached: 1016123_1.jpg (1024x1024, 75K)

RV is a lot like GOT7, their fans show up to concerts and meets even if the new releases don't have attention on tv/youtube/vlivhatever

Is she good at that

kpop girls with alcoholic beverages are my favorite kind of picture

this doesn't count

imagine this is your freshman gf

she's the best

Attached: 1550553622545.jpg (615x1366, 165K)

i know that feel


>tfw no 15 year old gf
What went wrong with my childhood

debut chewy > debut yuna

Attached: 1531263555900.webm (372x778, 1.09M)

seething poonatranny


Attached: 1526771101686.jpg (1024x582, 89K)

loona have the best legs, facts

What is it about Lia

Attached: Dz9uEKBWwAAZa6W?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (1280x1920, 518K)

>twice on btw
>loona on everyone
>bp on bp

how yg even manage to fuck up even the smallest shit

>double-time after 8hrs
that's good money, sick
that's cool re: making signs with your uncle
also cool re: being unemployed

Attached: 51011176_608435322938842_1043826466427699173_n.jpg (443x553, 44K)

chubby cheeks, immaculate pits and a cut tummy

>spend days working on a video
>uploads it on twitter
lol what a waste of time

literal esl orbit

They are all midgets though

she's canadian

her pits are too deep

Attached: yuna6.webm (1320x1080, 705K)

glad i got to do it with other teenagers as a teenager

there is a rumor that she has a dick, she has a bulge down there at least

Attached: fromis-9-height-jiheon.jpg (800x1200, 115K)

>cant handle the truth with evidence
>goes on a rampant shitposting


Attached: tenor.gif (346x280, 1.77M)

ugh how does she do it

Red Flavor MV scene where they're partying with the glasses in their hands is realistic kino for me.


nope i agree with everything you said. you are esl though.

thats Ryujin though

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It'd be nice if YouTube showed me kpop advertisements, instead of ads about insurance and apps

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z-girls. more like who?-girls haha

What did Twitter do to not go bankrupt yet?
They have like 2 billion dollars of borrowed money and the costs were above 100% of income all these years


>the male idols have butts while the females don't


Attached: O9x3iHt-HcWrTM5A (1).webm (1280x720, 1.27M)


well go watch male butts then

>that fake laugh

At least you don't get Snoop Granny on a pink bed mumbling about something

all big tech companies operate at lost for infinite growth and investors, stockholders, and banks understand this.

seola tho

Attached: 47586226_2172410353009331_5545037372588535326_n.jpg (960x626, 62K)

ahh dang my wife iu cucked me with blacks once again...

what a bitch

whos this btw?

can't tell if itzy has failed surgeries, or is in desperate need of surgeries

vicar amelia...

lia from itzy the one everyone dislikes for no reason

what a shitty ass quality

well she has a constant bitch face so I can see why

source? this can't be happening to me

you need some brain surgery

post cuties

Attached: 1544969410667.webm (760x700, 2.31M)


basicly a fucktard made a post that didnt even make sense
and now its a rumor on kpg


i think yeji has the most surgery a girl has ever had

Attached: DzhY9ffV4AA-l2N (1).jpg (636x959, 83K)

rip NaMo stream
5G f*kcing when?

i was actually thinking about other girls. yeji might be the only decent looking one

that is why everyone hates her

t. urbonerd

you first

nayeon looks busted af there
that guy who spams ugly crops could get some good content out of that vlive

they are in thailand, please understand

that is why i belive him

there should be more nondegenerate drinking in kpop to be honest

well shes the most plastic one and she doesnt look good she looks like a plastic alien designer baby

of course she looks good thats not actually admirable though and she looks like a demon vampire

Attached: DzR_tJCUUAEHQQ2.jpg (2048x1365, 221K)

ah that's it

on to it

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cute demon vampire girl. i like that

dont fucking encourage nayeon anti and nayeon spam ffs

tfw no sinb gf

Attached: Dz_Ln_2U8AASMH_.jpg (1333x2000, 690K)

When is she coming back

also why is she flexing fake off-white, I thought Jieqiong was making money in China

Attached: 52040700_319104222284381_5643516171302345206_n.jpg? (720x720, 103K)

things i love about yuna:

her unique facial features
her perfect teeth and smile
her chad athleticism
her extra dalla fashion
her soft angel voice
her lanky stature
her baby soft skin
her luscious red hair
her unapologetic individualism
her tireless maknae energy
her desire to make itzy fans happy

Attached: 1538710154438.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

>Fri evening


Cuties mentioned?

Attached: superior itz.webm (480x270, 397K)



and first of all she isnt fake

I see yuna is in that "don't turn sideways" club, together with momo, jennie, nayeon, and others. better that way

WELL WHEN You know that reptilians are actually real like i do

or satanic entities or whatever they are

then you actually become afraid of them and want nothing to do with them

i understand if youre naive she looks hot or whatever but im not stupid

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absolute state of SM visuals

Attached: melonkakao.jpg (1195x900, 223K)

1000 year old vampire

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literally the only good members


already on it
and there are many of us

>Momo finna eat junk food again


Attached: yejimoggedbyyuna.png (2880x1564, 1.86M)

>her desire to make itzy fans happy
where do I sign up?

they crashed like 3 times in 30 mins

Attached: 1530491773777.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

is that your excuse

yuna? more like poona

it's just her rbf

Attached: IMG_20190222_041639.jpg (979x1080, 120K)

Lisa's internet sux balls!!

Attached: lisa_archery.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


im gonna kill twice soon ama

>her fingers are long!
>here's why long fingers are evidence that you are man
>but there is no context on which you measured her fingers
>dont judge me i say her fingers are long and so they are
>but this is stupid she is a petite girl and her fingers looks normal compared to other girl idols
>no im a new account not even a day long and what i say should be counted as gospel

bbcream face

fuck off orbit, nobody likes your flop group

in which order are you offing them

Attached: 1546489738120.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

>spending 16 hours a day fantasizing about some jyp tranny having a penis while at the same time vehemently hating gaypop

Attached: Dz9qwZuU8AAofiA.jpg_orig.jpg (3840x2160, 1.08M)

tzuyu first i hate chinks

okay poonapedo

she's dropping her bow each time she shoots

that sounds like a good time to me

>blinks did it

Attached: r.webm (640x842, 1.77M)

the moment I watched the Dalla Dalla MV, I didn't chose Yeji as my bias, Yeji chooses me as her bias

itzy more like poopzy

Attached: 0a37bfce21c85560ebec7a09c586eb52.jpg (564x704, 32K)

textbook insecure faggot.

new link

you know it isnt

i sucked lia's penis ama

I really like that Yeji smile.

>you will never hold lisa's wrist


did it taste like y_na

>cant beat a bunch of teenage girls with a mediocre song
>starts spreading rumors like a faggot to hurt their image

he must be an yg fan

what color was it

mad pooper

>lisa will never kneel down at your crotch


where the fuck are they and they are with tshirts?


I can hear Sana

my vlive cant load for some reason

no, I'm a loonachad

early thread you retard pedo

didn't taste yuna so idk

neon blue

that one never mentioned itzy is probably the best one like wheein