Claim your waifu, Yea Forumstants

Claim your waifu, Yea Forumstants

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Attached: julia holter.jpg (428x428, 72K)

smells like gay in here

Attached: harriet wheeler.jpg (846x593, 97K)

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Lads we need some proper women in here

Attached: British slag.jpg (1276x1920, 921K)

anneke is underrated

siouxsie a cute

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tim heidecker

Attached: nik.jpg (450x501, 101K)


based toriposter

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Do you like beating women up?

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Was lorde posted?

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they're ugly

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fuck i was just about to claim hope
good taste user

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thanks user

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Yea Forums has terrible taste in waifus

actually no. Yea Forums have good taste in waifus. that's the only good thing about Yea Forums.

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