Have you ever gone to a concert alone Yea Forums?
Have you ever gone to a concert alone Yea Forums?
Yes. Go alone. You will have fun.
Yes, multiple times.
I almost did but decided not to when the set list and live footage I saw made the performance seem shitty
I've only been alone one time and it was pretty fun. I cut loose and for the first time didn't care about what anyone else around me was thinking. This time the music will be sadder and so am I.
just do it. if you want to see the artist live then go see the artist live. no good reason not to
I'm definitely going. I'll never turn down an experience like this
Yes one time i went to Lollapalooza by myself. I was flirting with a girl at the Strokes stage but i lost her in the mosh pit.
Once I wanted to try to scalp tickets to see Motörhead, but my friends were tired and didn’t want to. Then Lemmy died a week later. Since then I’ve never passed up a chance to see a show I truly want to see, solo or in group. Don’t let others hold you back, not even yourself
Just saw Daughters tonight alone and it was fucking incredible, one of the best records I’ve ever seen.
Alone > with people tbqh, not like you can talk to them for most of the time anyway and at least for me I like to express myself and just let loose, which isn’t as conducive to having to stand around with friends
Not much of a hot opinion but good taste.
hey hot opinion why did you call yourself hot opinion when your opinions are often lukewarm at best
Holy shit I said records instead of shows
I’ve got plenty of scorchers but I’d be a clown to sit here and purposefully try and be a contrarian at all times
How about you only turn on your trip when you're dishing out said "scorchers", or better yet, don't use a trip at all.
went alone to plenty of classical concerts and it was just great, but I guess that's exactly the type of music you'll enjoy precisely that way. Never done that in a rock / pop / whatever massive concerts, my first impression is it should be pretty akward but I guess it depends and just like in everything it has its goods and bads
It’s just a moniker man, don’t get too twisted up about it
I like using a trip because I can get/give feedback to other anons from different threads and those that care know my taste somewhat
why is this such an alien concept?
Trips are good. Don't worry user.
i went to car seat headrest alone which in and of itself probably tells you how much of a faggot i am and i had a pretty mediocre time. Didn't have a whole lot of fun not sure I'd do it again for just anyone but I'm a big fan of csh and I'm glad i got to see them live anyway
All the time
Yes and i had more fun.
Yep, I saw George Clanton alone and had an excellent time. There's nothing wrong with doing that.
a lot of places have a singles policy and wont let people in alone
Yessir were you there?
Most of the times, yes! I get the front row and I have plenty of times to write people back. Most of the times you also happen to meet people who went alone in the first row too, so it's easy to break the ice
yes, i saw swans alone in 2016. i remember a qt goth girl was checking me out. just go and listen to the music, that's why you're there after all.
Sell me on concerts Yea Forums. At most I only ever listen to 1/4 of any given artists discography, and I certainly don't give a shit about said artist themselves, only the song. So wouldn't any concert just be me listening to mostly songs I don't really like?
I guess if I'm tripping it wouldn't matter but I don't know if concerts being drug havens are just a meme or not. Is there anything for me at a music concert?
Yeah. I don’t know people with the same taste as I do.
Either way, even when I don’t go alone, I still only mostly talk to the person I went to before and after, and maybe in between with little comments, so it’s not like the experience is so much better with another person.
You’ve actually never been to a concert? The experience is pretty different to listening to the studio version. Usually there are differences in songs. Depending on the band/artist, songs can be completely different, or much longer. The energy at a live concert is much different than just listening to the studio version. Even if I’ve never listened to a song before, I can still enjoy it if it’s a good song. Hell, sometimes seeing a song live has complrmetely changed how I initially thought of it.
Just go to a concert for an artist’s music you really like and decide if it’s worth it for yourself
I have but only when a family member had a spare ticket. I didn't really notice an "energy" that everybody seems to talk about. Maybe I'm just too autistic idk.
Yeah, a couple of times.