ITT: Albums with zero bad songs

>pic related

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bleep boop nonsense
where's the METALLICA? the ACDC? CRUE?
where's the BALLS? huh little pussy boy

The title track and Morning Bell fucking suck. I unironically prefer Treefingers over both of them.


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stop listening to and discussing Radiohead

pixelated bait


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I guess so

how ya doin kids

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Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da is aural cancer

Based Billy Joel poster

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the bass line though.

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National Anthem and Optimistic don't fit the overall mood compared to rest of the album

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more like hid a good song

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Optimistic is not good, the vocal melody is terribly uninteresting and repetitive.
The transition to In Limbo is the only redeeming quality.

based, this album is amazing

Not trying to meme but this might be the first album of the modern era with no bad songs.

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even I, loving this album a lot, admit they are fillers on it

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Redpilled and based boomerposting

I guess
definitely yes
lol no

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Atrocious taste. At least you posted thicc as a bricc

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The numbers was mediocre.

What is it with you faggots and radiohead. Fucking hell. Animals. Animals has no bad songs

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Sheep is kinda meh to be honest

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Sheep is my favourite song off animals.

ok, sheeple

you must be shrooming

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Best Floyd album

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Easily his best release, but way too long.

There's no good songs eaither, all are just slightly above average.
all are mediocre
Kind of cheating, but you're right.
Yes, a few great songs, mostly above average.
Fucking absolutely.
I mean, I can agree with that.

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the drukqs of house

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Absolutely shit taste. Hi, How Are You has literally two good songs and the rest are only enjoyable because he's going through a mental breakdown and are compositionally substanceless. And you somehow agree that White Album has no bad songs?

kid a is one of the best songs of the album you mong. morning bell is one of the weakest doe so cant fault u for that1

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S/T is the same
Mesmerize would also be in this group if it wasn't for Old School Hollywood Baseball

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Antics too if it weren't for Not Even Jail

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How to Disappear Completely is shit though.

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Without a doubt.


i forgot to put in an image, wow

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thats the best song on the album

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lol no. album is overrated to tits

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Pleb status: filtered

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also leaves turn inside you and the bedlam in goliath

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I would say Deloused in the Comatorium is a perfect album, but unfortunately Tira Mi Las Aranas is the weak link

Yes, this is right

Let down by Schizoid Man, which descends into a jazz morass. The rest is fucking awesome though.

Literally the worst thing the Cocteaus ever did. Well done you.

Based as fuck.

yeah but it aint a bad song per se, its just a transition that doesnt really work on its own

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