ITT: Post the year you first started browsing Yea Forums and the most memorable thread or meme since then

ITT: Post the year you first started browsing Yea Forums and the most memorable thread or meme since then.

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Other urls found in this thread:

every sharethread since 2014

2013 i think
the caveman sponge
fantano threads

>unty v. montie
>return of Hampus
>CLT spending the night with Tallis
>CLT "died"
>hell be fine
>boston marathon
idk a lot of things
Strawberry Jam if you're reading this you're still my waifu

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hampus penis
nattie tits on tnycht
Cham, The Plebfinder Generalfacebook dox
moses threads
Fantano youtube spotlight

DLB threads from like 2011
the thread where everyone did extended album art until it all turned into dicks
album leak listenalong threads

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I've seen things you newfags wouldn't believe. Yeezus threads on fire off of American hours. I watched AnCo glitter in the dark near the Cedro Amphitheater. All those posts will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to let this thread die.

>All those posts will be lost in time, like tears in rain
get off my board Satan, doing God's work is eternal

Is that why you take so many dicks?
So the rest of us don’t have to?


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>the ensuing month-long shitstorm after the MPP leak and release


late 2012
the whole mbv - tokio hotel poll fiasco, shit was SO cash

2009, JENNY DEATH WHEN is forever emblazoned in my mind bc it went on for so long and just defines this place for me

forgot me lighter

objectively when DG peaked

that guy that was banned and took a screencap of his posts

>John Lennon the absolute madman




>liking flint
mama mia

>Sufjan Stevens lost album

the Putting Ketchup in the Fridge threads
Death Grips ARG
Devin from DIIV threads and Marcel shitposting
Crazyaga being a sperg
The continuing misadventures of Brandon

Oh and forgot about Aaron Ellis, the aussie shitposter

>the Putting Ketchup in the Fridge threads
that was Yea Forums, aka the GOAT board

no I'm referring to the fake Radiohead song which someone leaked on here and someone rolled dubs to name it Putting Ketchup In the Fridge (named after the Yea Forums meme) and then music websites started writing articles about this long lost Radiohead song called Putting Ketchup in the Fridge

holy fuck why have all of you been here for 5+ years lmao


>Aaron Ellis
awww hell yeah

The ITAOTS listenalong that got 2000+ posts
That was grand
I was underage at the time

Silly newfag, you can never leave

i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

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Around October last year. The only real thing I remember is that dumb tourist meme that killed every thread

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Good b8

came back to find this place a husk of a husk

does anyone still have the vocaroo of the dude getting really mad at unty for shitposting too hard and calling him autistic and shit?

Jan 2018 and there was a thread about Trent from NIN . This one to be exact

Early 2013
The thread where Yea Forums discovered the fact that the SpongeBob theme was actually written in a 11/8 time signature.

link to archive


gorespammer bombing every single metal discussion with pics of gore and making it impossible for us to have metal threads until 2014

watching the coachella 2012 livestream on Yea Forums and the absolute mayhem that ensued when they brought out hologram tupac


watching death grips blow up

over a dozen boards banding together to help us raid the MTV poll (possibly the last coordinated raid effort in Yea Forums history)

the great tripfag exodus of 2013

the boston marathon bombings and Yea Forums temporarily getting shut down by the FBI

antz tearing the board apart with his relentless trolling in 2013


aaron going on a VPN rampage in 2014 and getting australia perma banned from making threads

Yea Forums killing lemmy in 2015

YACHT spreading rumors of a fake sextape on Yea Forums and the "GIVE ME THE JUICE" fiasco


oh and devchan and lorde posting her song on Yea Forums in 2012

This album dominated every AOTY thread.

I remember almost all of these. The rise and rise of Death Grips was something else.
I'll add:
>Deadmau5 creating threads about himself
>Deadmau5 doing an AMA

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lmao this is my chat

that nardwuar chvrches restraining order thread


Either the first Exmilitary shill thread or Niggerfish420 threads.

He can't win for losing
>aaron going on a VPN rampage in 2014 and getting australia perma banned from making threads
This will never not be funny.

Brandon live commenting on the chvrches set while we were watching the cochella stream was pretty funny.


cat demarco haha

Lou Reed's Gay Voice

First mu thread I took part in was pic related

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Mid-2012. Most memorable threads were probably the NLDW ARG ones because those cemented this board as something truly special in my mind. #pinsismypal2k12

2007 but the same experience for me

>The Pope
>the one tripfag who pretended to be the chick from Breakfast club
Where are they now?

legend says niggaman is serving a life sentence in prison for murder
the rest migrated to tumblr and facebook (except for witchy who is still here)


All I'd see on here was Death Grips threads.

The Deadmau5 thread was the beginning of the end. The ITAOTS listenalong was the last thread worth being here for.

lol remember when everyone was complaining that joel's ama would ruin Yea Forums when it really was P4K giving kanye a 10 just a few months later

>david bowie dead



Holy fucking shit dude thread.
Metal being impossible to be discussed until at least 2014.
The interminable Indie vs. Metal threads
The time Skrillex showed up for a Q'n'A.

Honestly, Yea Forums is a shit-tier board and I can only describe the seepage from /pol/ as poetic justice. Söyim perish

>The time Skrillex showed up for a Q'n'A.

Also the P4K and Scaruffi hivemind was REAL back in the day. We still joke about P4K scores and Scruffy reviews now but in the 2011-2012 days people took that shit to heart. That dumb Scaruffi essay over The Beatles, Yea Forumstants seriously believed it was true and we also couldn't have Beatles threads on Yea Forums for a very long time.

None particularly stand out
Started coming here far less frequently around 2009 as that's when the board really went to shit



Andrew w.k. was more fun. He literally lick his shoes for that one user