When did you realize this was Kanyes true masterpiece?

When did you realize this was Kanyes true masterpiece?

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a good 2 years ago

the exact moment i heard it

when bound 2 finished

when I was in high school, then I grew up

go to bed zoomer

>Fantano thinks Watch the Throne is better than Yeezus

go to coffin gramps

never, the only two choices are The College Dropout and MBDTF

didnt he give the new ariana grande album a 9? who cares

couple months after release, my opinion has not changed


First time I heard Hold My Liquor.

First time I heard anything other than Bound 2. A friend showed me I'm In It as a joke. After the Jamaican dude started going fucking nuts, I knew this was a great album.

I eventually grew to like Bound 2 as well. The worst songs are Blood on the Leaves and Bound 2, and they're not bad.

>I keep 300 like the romans

I haven’t realized it.

When did OP realize he had shit taste?

Talentless hack-approved!
>And it works. It works because it’s beautiful — you either like it or you don’t — there’s no reason why it’s beautiful. I don’t know any musician who sits down and thinks about this. He feels it, and either it moves you too, or it doesn’t, and that’s that. You can analyze it all you want.
You do feel it, don't you user?

Attached: lou reed4545.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

god I miss 2013 so much
How do we go back? ;_;

>Yeezus is almost 6 years old

Attached: fuck.gif (540x224, 2.92M)

not gonna lie, it's fucking cringe and nearly ruins the song for me.

When I realized Yandhi will never be released

Re-listening to it now. It's OK

it's legitimately terrible and Yea Forums liking it is the biggest meme on this site

Niggers couldn't understand it.
>that's why I'm in it

It was my first kanye album, so probably then

When it leaked

in 2013

when Keef came on


At first I though it was TCD, then LR, then Pablo, now I've settled on Yeezus