What evidence is there for her rise to fame being totally manufactured...

What evidence is there for her rise to fame being totally manufactured? Her music isn't bad in the least and she has a pretty hefty fanbase.

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Just do a background check on her.


of course she's an industry plant.

Women aren't good at marketing themselves as anything more than a body. Even Beyonce needed a team to astroturf her brand middle of the road dirge.

Men can promote themselves with aesthetic or uniqueness or ingenuity, women have their face and their tits.

Is it any shock that women don't release classics anywhere close to the rate of men? It's because their a gimmick.

Women in rock music are a gimmick, a way to get you in the door. The music doesn't matter because women don't make music that matters.

Show me one female artist that's released good music, and I'll show you a successful marketing campaign.

Same goes for trannies. Except trannys don't make music, just bad decisions.

Who cares this just dropped

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Siouxsie & The Banshees

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>her music isn't bad

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she takes pictures with black men instead taking pictures with me a white man

very literally actually kill yourself. You're a scourge to humanity who can't even spell fucking they're right. I would say I hope you die before you reproduce but we both know that's never going to happen.

Quit projecting bro

Thanks for this.

How many SoundCloud rappers did she fuck?

No the poster you responded to, but this post sounds pretty incel to me

>Her music isn't bad in the least
It's not bad, it's mediocre.

Her voice is terrible. She has to sing breathy because she'll sound like shit otherwise. She can't hit the high notes or the really low notes. She can't belt.

Her lyrics make her sound "wise beyond her years" because her significantly older brother writes them for her.

Her instrumentals and production are good but basic at best.

Does it matter?

I'm genuinely curious. How do you function in real, everyday life? Like, what happens when people in real life talk to you and words come out of your mouth?

This video has your answers OP: Interscope signed her at age 14 with only one major song under her belt (which her brother wrote and gave to her). They then proceeded to payola her everywhere, especially through Spotify and Apple Music and through major entertainment publications. They made bot accounts to boost her social media clout. She did a song with Khalid (another industry plant), did a song with Denzel Curry (critically acclaimed rapper with a devoted fan following), and went on two world tours before her first album even dropped.

I'm almost 30 and I haven't been to a concert in a long time. Are artists on majors seriously running 25 minute sets like it's a local hardcore show?

What do you mean?

kys faggot

I mean, typically a set for a supporting artist would be 50-70 minutes, with a headliner being 90 up to even three hours sometimes. What do you do for that time with hardly a demo's worth of material?

You have a shorter set. I remember seeing Post Malone live when he only had a couple songs out and it was 20 minutes long. Mind you, it was in the middle of a festival, but still.

>and went on two world tours before her first album even dropped.
Her latest tour was "sold out" within 48 hours of it being announced, meaning her label bought up most of the tickets to give good headlines and the illusion of exclusivity and will sell them back to normies a week before the show starts at an inflated price.

That's pathetic.

I was aware of this business practice.

I've waited in line to concerts which I read were "sold out" only to get a ticket and see the show no problem. Especially if you're talking about venues where there's an open space to stand, yeah they always have room.

The whole thing is a giant racket.

why are Yea Forums user so obsessed with (arguably) sucessful female musicians?

Stuff it, tranny

Where is an argument there faggot?

She fucked Curry.

Based. I love that people are calling this guy incel and telling him to die, but don't give a good counter argument to what he said lol.

Allow me, then. He's utilizing a typical shill tactic. By making this thread into come commentary on women in music, he's directing it away from Billie Eilish's well-to-do upbringing and a few unsettling photographs.

>industry parents
>industry brother writes song for her which "just happened" to go viral
>gets signed to a major label despite almost no musical experience
>shilled on social media and every music website since mid 2017
>gets played non stop on "alternative/indie" radio stations
But no her success is totally due to her own talent.

"Viral" means that everyone's seen it, EXCEPT YOU!!!
Even that word in itself is a forced meme.

>Anons tells the truth.
>Faggot defends fucking Billie Eillish, a "depressed" zoomer with rich parents hanging around with filth.

Thats awful. Why even perform?

>hanging around with filth.
Nice racism.

Talent appears when they can smell money from goyims.

>reads "filth"
>thinks "black people"
Just you.


that immediate presumption that filth refers to black people

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damn you triggered a lot of kale males with this one

Nice theory but it's full of holes. First off Billie and her brother were originally going to be signed as a duo but decided against it since sibling duos don't do well. Second there's no evidence she has payola since her music and style are unconventional and labels don't like to take risks. If anything they'd be losing money if they were promoting her everywhere. Third she got the feature with Khalid because the two of them had been friends for years. Same reason why she got the feature in Curry's album, they're friends. Most artists go on tour before their albums drop so idk why that's an indication of an industry plant.

Ehm. What? Oh user here has the answer.

>her music is unconventional


>decided against it since sibling duos don't do well.
>labels don't like to take risks.
You're already admitting she was manipulated by the industry from the get-go in order to be more profitable. And no, the label isn't "taking a risk" on her at all. Her music fits right in with the sadboi shit which is why she's marketed as one.

Her music is so mediocre, boring. She is a robot for the executives. Mumbling some shit. Aiming for the cucked fortnite generation but the girls and people with gay orientation obviously reading this thread.

fucking stop posting about her jeeeeeesus christ whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>no evidence of payola
>brand new artist with barely any music promoted everywhere on every platform
...it's not even a "theory" that she's payola, anymore than its a "theory" that a large, woody, upright plant with leaves is a tree. What are you even suggesting is happening if not payola? "Hip" "DJs" at Spotify and youtube are just choosing to feature all her content because they personally like it? This is not 1960 and she's not getting popular through features on college radio or some shit. The shill narrative on this is so hilarious. You literally have nothing. She's a plant by definition and that's an observable fact, not a theory.

By this logic everyone in the music industry is an industry plant.

>Except trannys don't make music, just bad decisions.

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Almost everyone at the top level of the mainstream is, that's not controversial. That's how the industry works, they develop products and then promote the products they believe will do well. They promote these products by pumping out the message that they're already popular across tv, radio, social media, print media, etc. The normies buy it and everyone makes money. Rinse and repeat.

>her music isn't bad in the least
These are the people that browse this board. The absolute state

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Dumb fucking cuck cucks himself, what's new?

kate bush
janelle monae
st vincent
bilinda (of mbv)
wata (of boris)
cibo matto
tiny hazard
asobi seksu
Кpacнoзнaмeннaя Дивизия Имeни Moeй Бaбyшки
kassie (of guerilla toss)

I wish this vid brought up when in her career she started palling around with SoundCloud rappers. That's a huge subject which could have implications as far as her image is concerned, i.e. if it was manufactured or not. WHY did she gravitate towards rappers so much?

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Do fuck off.

It must be their big...personalities.

It must be bait, she is the depressed version of Justin Bieber.

fucking reddit spacing much?

I don't believe Billie is truly depressed. Depressives don't spend so much time on social media nor do they flaunt their conditions.


I know what you mean, but WHEN did she start befriending these guys and copy their style, and under what circumstances?

Rap is considered cool now, all major festivals are booking these no talents to mumble in the microphone to cucked white people, just pop a Xanax and smoke weed all day.

Who gives a fug if they break the law, thats just awesome role models

Of course its just a image bullshit thing. When its visible through her apperances. She will have a nervous breakdown in the middle of the tour, All managed by the record company. SHE IS ONE OF US:

No evidence she's sleeping with any of them.

please leave w*men

I kind of want to slap you for not including Julia Holter

"Friends" get you a long way in the music biz.

How fucking stupid are you. We’re talking about a woman who doesn’t have any traditional musical capabilities whatsoever. Music has fucking nothing to do with it. She’s just an over glorified model and they aren’t afraid to put money into that.

Well, she's not exactly going to post a picture of her creampies is she now.

That's a shill, user.

>We’re talking about a woman who doesn’t have any traditional musical capabilities whatsoever
She CAN sing. They signed her for her vocal abilities which are very good considering her age and lack of classical training.

>I'm almost 30 and
How is your age relevant to anything here.

>First off Billie and her brother were originally going to be signed as a duo but decided against it since sibling duos don't do well.
The Bee Gees and Carpenters weren't successful? Uh...

>Rap is considered cool now

I'm pretty sure this was the case in Vanilla Ice's time.

Someone post the gif.

She's worse even than Snail Mail who at least plays an instrument and as far as I know writes her own songs.

Agreed. One nigger is as bad as a hundred.

It was another time.

she looks like she fucks black guys

oh wait...

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>Same reason why she got the feature in Curry's album, they're friends.

They're more than friends.

Trips of truth.

Very based and almost totally redpilled however

>promote the products they believe will do well.

It has nothing to do with whether they believe it will do well the (((free hand of the marketplace))) is a meme because the entertainment industry literally has gazillions of shekels in reserve and is subsidized by the CIA anyway. They promote what they believe will best send their message which in Shillie’s case is that dudes with dyed dreads and face tats are really cool and make great partners for middle class white girls. Mainstream media is driven by ideology not profit.

Again, what evidence is there she's having sex with SoundCloud rappers?

I can’t make a blind man see but I can tell you that regardless of whether she’s literally getting banged her aesthetic and image that are promoted by her label are designed to make “SoundCloud rapper” type guys attractive to “artsy” suburban white chicks.

Her whole appeal is that she's the same age as most of her fans, if she was even 5 years older now, I doubt she would have nearly as much success as she does now

Her fanbase is gross race mixing blacks who drool at the thought of fucking a mudshark. Well she's 16 and they're gross. Secondly popular doesn't mean good Op, but you probably have NPC music in your playlist so im administering medicine to the dead here.

Honestly? Fuckin' based my man!

Part of her promotion is "child prodigy" despite the fact she doesn't write anything on her own, can't sing, and plays no instruments.

None of those pics are remotely sexual.

>givin my good buddy daquan a friendly lil lick on the tip of his finger tee hee ;P

It's not.

>suck my toe jamal xD

Theo toe pic isn't her.

Billie Eilish is literally made to appeal to trashy girls in flyover states who think smoking weed and being "good vibes" is a personality, you know the ones. "university of colorado is a legitimate school"

>denzel sweetie pour me another cup of coffee no cream you know i take it black ;3

What's sexual about sharing a coffee?

Are you delusional or joking?

I wish Denzel would fuck me but I'm no longer a teenager.

yeah they're going on tour together. how do you derive sex from that?

>xxxtentacion was such an inspiration to me he really understands girls we vibed with each other because we had so much in common so many good conversations we had as friends he was my homie and i will miss hanging out with him xDDDD

she never met x all those texts are her imagination.

She's fucking Jumex.

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All of them

Her lyrics are not wise beyond their years lmao, they are somewhat catchy, but fake Deep most of the time
I do like her voice tho

>fake deep
How so?

>imagine not realizing this thread is for a focus group

the whole internet is a focus group dummy

You think her handlers really shit around all day and post on Yea Forums to figure out better ways to market her?

She's the zoomer Kate Bush m8. She's truly talented and will do loads more in the next few years.


stay mad roastie

Nothing wrong with white women loving black men.

beautiful post

She looks 100% xanned out in this pic.

What is wrong is using mass media to create a false impression of what happens when a teenage white girl starts "associating" with black guys in their mid 20s with face tattoos.

So what does happen?

Ask your mom.

My mom isn't white.

You reddit space like a faggot but this post still makes sense.

Stop it with this meme. Her range is nowhere close to Kate's and she's juvenile as hell.

Quads don't lie.

JID is a manlet.

Black women are 100% redpilled on how interracial is portrayed in mass media.

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She needs some of that classical training if she wants her voice to survive to 21.

roasties SEETHING!!!!

Who cares? God damn.

I think you just haven’t looked hard enough. Music made by men simply get’s passed around more because people have had preconcieved that a woman can’t make god tier anything for so long.

Laurie Anderson - Bright Red(no music videos for this album. This one , the music speaks for itself.)

Slapp Happy - Slapp Happy (Dagmar Krause is a genius).

Grimes - Art Angels(yeah she markets the hell out of herself, but who cares. One of the boldest voices in pop.)

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It’s Blitz (Karen O is a GENIUS)

Klein - Tommy(a modern day avant garde classic. There’s not even any man today making more experimental music than this shit.)

Sophie (trans) - Oil of Every Pearl(Regardless if you like it or not, it’s an EXTREMELY unique pop album at the end of the day.)

Pj Harvey - To Bring You My Love(more testosterone than you)

Delia Derbyshire (her contributions to the albums electrosonic and The White Noise - An Electric Storm have made some of the most forward thinking electronic music ever. Never felt the need to put her image out there btw)

Descartes a Kant - Paper Dolls(An obscurity. Basically, the girls answer to Mr. Bungle. All men have been able to do is literally make Mr. Bungle lite
bands. These girls fucking made their own interpretation.)

There are hundreds of others, but basically my point is, if you’re not open to looking at a girl as a genius in the first place, you’ll never accept a girl fronted album as a 10/10, even if a 10/10 girl fronted album is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

also, following the logic of your whole rant, you basically said that if you market yourself correctly, you’re a genius. You can’t even formulate your own thoughts, or your thoughts are just contradictory nonsense.

why does she only hang out with niggers and wiggers? is she trying to tell us that being a nigger is cool? afaik she has fucked many niggers

>Except trannys don't make music, just bad decisions

We should be getting paid.

Not that guy, but
>Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Garbage, Karen O is the poster child of no talent hanger on thots
Unique yeah, not necessarily good, but basically a man in drag making a decent album lmao

PJ is based tho

her music IS bad

>Music made by men simply get’s passed around more
fucking sexism, maaan.

if i may...*ahem* fuck niggers

How many classic albums do they have between them, because I reckon it's less than the number classics just released by The Beatles.

Women can't do music in anywhere near the quality and consistency of their male peers.

The number of classics released by the women on that list doesn't come close to number of classics released by John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Tom Waits, fucking Kanye and Kendrick.

Attached: women-know-your-limits-540x300.png (540x300, 163K)

Ech, you guys are like every teen gossip blog.
Kill yourselves.

im really not sure anymore if posts like these are legit shill or just bait

I'm gonna write this into a letter and ask fantano why so many music classics are male-dominated. Let's see him sperg out like an SJW.

Yes pal, you may fuck niggers