What's the best key and why is it C major?

What's the best key and why is it C major?

Attached: c-major[1].png (600x337, 8K)

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>no sharps or flats
srry bub u tried

c sharp minor

a major

partial to a major at the moment, very beautiful.

do you like Chopin


Makes for best pop songs

Absolutely F#m / A

because it has the least sharps or flats. But I much prefer the key of B Locrian ;^)

Attached: Wootangclan.jpg (243x207, 8K)

E minor

Dorian mode

its literally the most pleb key lmao

Modal fags FUCK OFF

Stills sound good

Eb major is quite obviously the best key.

C# minor isn't that unusual it's just E major a lot of the time

>only Ionian and Aeolian are keys because I'm an idiot who just accepts stupid arbitrary rules without thinking critically about whether they actually make sense or not

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Keys are meaningless now that everybody uses equal temperament. Switch to isomorphic keyboards and chromatic staffs.

a minor gets me hard, about keys, everyone knows d minor is the saddest of all

No they're not, a lot of stuff is still written with consideration in mind for vocal range

Just transpose it up or down according to the singer's preferences. There's no need to think about keys.

Any key that I tuned my guitar in. As for modes I love phrygian and dorian.

>staying in one key

Attached: wtc-i-14b.jpg (407x197, 25K)

>Calls Major and Minor Ionan and Aeolian
just why?

This is pure retardation.

>keyfag mad because he did 12 times as much work for no reason



It’s all about parallel mior

Oh, hey guise, what's going on in this thread. Whoops, how did that slip out?

Attached: Alt.jpg (759x343, 36K)

no it isn't. Its all about closely related keys on the circle of fifths. Or not, if you're Prokofiev.

Attached: tumblr_llrt27BmzY1qidrmwo1_400.png (400x527, 195K)

Let's talk about that "meme" you just posted

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What am I looking at here?

The future of musical notation.

It's the simplest key. I don't know that it's the best.

If its good enough for Beethoven then its good enough for you!

All keys are equally simple. It's only bad instrument design and bad notation that makes them seem otherwise.

PFFFFFT, as if. Even Schoenberg and Hindemith wanted to overhaul musical notation. If they couldn't succeed, what makes you, a presumptuous nobody, more likely to?

Attached: Douglas.jpg (1440x1080, 198K)

I'm just joking. But it is objectively a better system than the current one for several reasons which I will list.

>both the major and minor triad are accounted for in "standard position"
>being a mode of limited transposition (octatonic) there is only need for three distinct key centers
>notes of the same kind reliably appear in expected locations (mostly to say a line or space)
>Octatonic/Diminished is one of the most used modes both in modern classical music and Jazz (and I'm guessing bleeps but I'm too much of a grandpa to get into that shit)

R u just starting to learn how to read music

C major sounds generic since everybody use it, E major is a good smooth key that I like.

E major is literally nightcore C major.

12 tone equal temperament is overrated

>implying keys sound distinctive to anyone but those with perfect pitch

I'm not saying you don't have it but don't act like there is an audible difference between C major, E major or G# major to most people.

If you improvise a bit with scales and chords and change keys you can hear that every key has a distintive sound. And I dont have absolute pitch

pseudoscience. you're saying if you play the exact same chords and scales in one key they will sound different than in another key? Pure pseudoscience.

It has superb flexibility:complexity ratio. You need to go all the way to 53EDO for unambiguous improvement to 5-limit harmony (and if you're willing to go that far, why not 72EDO, which is good all the way to 11-limit?)
Most instruments don't have the same timbre across the whole range. E.g. guitar pickups have a fixed resonant frequency no matter what note you're playing.

technically 36TET is the next most interesting thing since it divides the chromatic scale into completely unfamiliar intervals.

36EDO gives you good 7-limit, but it doesn't fix the weak 5-limit of 12EDO.

I'm not interested in "fixing" things to be more in line with the overtone series. I'm saying if you tune in 36TET you'll have 3rd tones which should sound entirely distinct from semitones or quarter-tones.