Wow. This is what I’ve wanted Ween to sound like all this time, what are some other Primus must listens?

Wow. This is what I’ve wanted Ween to sound like all this time, what are some other Primus must listens?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sailing the Seas of Cheese & Tales From the Punchbowl

A comedy rock band, but they can actually play their instruments?

Yeah that’s pretty much what I meant, plus the songwriting is just much more creative and dense in general

I hear Pork Soda is good too, do you not like? Btw listening to the first track of Tails From the Punchbowl and holy hell its already great

not sure, I haven't listened to Primus in a long time and those were the ones that stuck with me the most.
really happy with the new Claypool-Lennon album right now

ween are better tho

not true btw

ween isn't a comedy rock band

>Pork Soda is good too
It is, although I’ve seen some anons slagging it lately
Some very good tunes though

Primus’s first 4 albums are all great. Their best song is Nature Boy though

lol wut they most definitely are

Listen to everything before Antipop.
Listen to everything after Antipop (except Wonka).

animals should not try to act like people and brown album. also check the claypool side projects, c2b3, oysterhead, fancy band, frog brigade, the list goes on

You misspelled tommy the cat

their early stuff maybe
They're a serious about music they just have a sense of humor and don't take themselves that seriously.
When I think of comedy bands i think of something like Weird Al or Tenacious D.

zappa is very serious about his music, I would still say he is comedy music
from the man himself:

I take it Antipop sucks?

took me ages to realize the fucker in the pan wasn't a monkey wearing a few but just some guy with a bump


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welcome to this world

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primus is about as godly as hard rock gets

I'm the guy who made the pork soda thread the other day. Is Primus normally posted on here this often or did I reignite some interest?

holy shit you're that guy?????

Yes, did you want a photo and an autograph?

Pork Soda has started to grow on me more. Songs that sort of glazed over as the album played are standing out to me more now. Still don't know if it is my favorite. Brown Album is pretty neat too.

here is my rating without the desaturating seven because i dont understand it yet

seas of cheese > frizzle fry > pork soda > tales from the punch bowl > miscellaneous debris ep > green naughahyde > brown album > animals should not try to act like people ep > rhinoplasty ep > antipop > wonka

True btw

Yeah for me personally it did reignite some interest because you said you didn't like it so I checked to see what songs were on it. I only had a compilation called "They can't all be Zingers" so I never knew which songs came from what album

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Ween is amazing
Primus is amazing

ween is a comedy rock band with good, creative, original music. so zappa is a good comparison and tenacious d is their polar opposite.

They aren't comedy rock.

You misspelled Frizzle Fry

not laugh-out-loud, substitute for standup or a movie kind of comedy, but yes. they are. when your songs are about purchasing pollo asado and annoying jewish reggae fans, and it's a comedy rock band.

Nirvana has a song about beans, and a song talking about pooing as hard as rock, does that mean they are a comedy band?

Yes. I laughed heartily when I heard he blew his brains out. All those thot tears...

yes, but those songs do not comprise the bulk of nirvana's output. people going to a ween show or buying a ween album expected comedy.

This. One of the best musical entities there is.

I don't expect comedy when I go to Ween shows.

Have you even listened to any of their albums. Most of their songs are depressing.

OP here, I’ve always known about Primus but you’re thread was enough to make me check them out. And I must say, I’m glad I gave Frizzle Fry a try and I suggest you listen to Tales for the Punchbowl because I just finished it and it’s pretty good as well


listen to everything by them. theres some good stuff on antipop even though theres some weaker parts to it like fred durst being on a song. willy wonka kinda sucks but its just them being their weirdest.


don't listen to this guy

You wanted Ween to sound like shit?

uma delicia

Sausage "Riddles Are Abound Tonight", technically it's a side project, but it's really an earlier Primus lineup.

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fuck you retard

What’s up with the Primus threads as of recent?

Les Claypool is dying atm.

Pork Soda's def my favorite, but I suppose it's not for everybody. A little darker, more varied sound.

so what about the entirely instrumental albums then?

you picked a best-of dvd and their 2nd most forgettable album, you kinda had it comin

their lyrics can be tongue and cheek but calling them a "comedy band" when they've done songs like the ones on Quebec is just stupid

Anyone who thinks Primus is better than Ween is just braindead i'm sorry to tell you

>you picked a best-of dvd
implying the ep isnt some of their best music without any actual critique
>their 2nd most forgettable album
and thats where youre retarded

Groundhog's day is one of their best tunes.

: (

Ween's level of musicianship is not even close to Primus. Dean Ween is pretty good but Ween still couldn't play a Primus song if their lives depended on it.

This shit is really good. The guitar makes it sound like a dumbed down version of math rock but I still love it.

The Residences are also good.
Ween is a reddit meme.

>The Residences
user, i...

Hello skinny is one of the best things they’ve done

Also tales from the punch bowl is their best album if you ask me

Your right Les claypool by himself is 10 times better than ween

Ween are such better songwriters than Primus. Sure if Claypool played for Ween they would be even better, but there’s a reason why just about every Ween album is great and only a few Primus albums are.

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there can still be comedy in purely instrumental albums, like jazz from hell

Not that user, I like Antipop but it's definitely one of their weakest albums, because there's a bigger focus on a harsh guitar buttrock sound for some reason. There are some great songs on there, but check out albums like Pork Soda, STSOC, and TFTP before Antipop.

It's close desu but I agree

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Literally every Primus album outside of Antipop and Wonka are front to back bangers

>For some reason

Fred Durst literally somehow had massive influence in the production, God knows why.

I'd say that Frizzle Fry is as good as the best Ween album (which is The pod btw) but Ween overall released better material

fred durst and les claypool are buddies and limp bizkit were a big deal in 1999, historical revisionists be damned.


Antipop is underrated, idc what anyone says. The second half lags a bit but the first is dank as fuck

Also, the Desaturating Seven is kino. The vinyl gets me hard.

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