Pick the album from each pair from 90's rock artists you enjoy the most

Pick the album from each pair from 90's rock artists you enjoy the most.

Attached: topsters2 (1).png (644x913, 161K)

Ride - Nowhere and Going Blank Again

I meant from the pic I posted. i.e
>In Utero
>Definitely Maybe

>pinkerton (close)
>in utero (not close)
>definitely maybe (not close)

Pinkerton and blue album. throw the rest in the garbage.

you can throw ALL of this to the garbage.

>in utero
>imagine listening to oasis

Rivers would strongly disagree

throw the rest in the garbage.

fight me

Attached: New Canvas.jpg (276x874, 389K)

Weezer is just nirvana in a major key and with less soul

EWBAITE is considered to be good universally. I don't think anyone would fight you on that if it's your favorite

you can throw both to the can.

Bleach (fuck you op)
Morning glory

Blue (very close tho)
Definitely Maybe

Morning glory

best to worst, all pretty garbage though
1. Definitely Maybe
2. In Utero
3. Morning Glory
4. Blue Album
5. Nevermind
6. Pinkerton

bump for interest

I think there are quite a few who would think you're just being a tryhard if you name anything other than Blue or Pinkerton. But yeah, EWBAITE is pretty great and IMO it's pretty reasonable.

I mean EWBAITE is way better than White, I think we can all agree

In Utero
Definitely Maybe

>Weezer's gay
>Oasis is super gay

Blue Album
In Utero
Definitely Maybe

Going Blank Again

Pinkerton and In Utero
I fucking hate Oasis