Can we talk about fin la human? do we need to shut down hip hop now that there is a white transgender rapper...

can we talk about fin la human? do we need to shut down hip hop now that there is a white transgender rapper? How does mu feel about this?

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Thog don’t caare

literally who?

>his name is a fucking Adventure Time reference

Hiphop in general is fucking thrash and just a meme, even worse live. With 95% white people trying to act like niggers.

I don't give a fuck, is the music decent?

>white transgender rapper?
Can he be transracist too?

male or female that's fucking disgusting

i would fuck her no lie
maybe i'm just too lonely

i just looked up the name on google and it doesn't exist, fuck off OP you huge faggot.

im not even op and i found him(her?) in seconds lol

Listened to one song on the soundcloud link and they sounded like Steve buscemi


Regardless of the face and the jewellery I’d still have a go on those tits

its just a soundcloud rapper with 42 followers
it isn't really that interesting, who gives a shit?

Op does cause he seethes at the thought of trannies

I’ve never listened to her music but I saved this pic last time this trash was posted so enjoy b0is

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i don’t care, man can do whatever

wtf i love fin la human now

any moar?


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>hiphop is fucking thrash
no, thrash is thrash

correct answer

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this is disgusting to you?

this makes my wiener feel things

what's it like being gay?

>the average white male in 2019

Soooo... how about some links?

based thogposter

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posted already if you are curious. shes ok i guess. jello (seems to be her most popular song) is a lot more unique than a lot of the shit i hear on soundcloud so theres that

Its pretty fucking sweet man not gonna lie. Guys are way better in bed and I still fuck girls too. Best of both worlds desu

not these links.
I mean the sexy stuff

if you really think this shit is ok you need to get new ears, because i felt like i was being fucking tortured

You must not be into hip hop because this is truly more unique than 90% of the garbage I wade through daily on soundcloud

its poorly mixed but thats soundcloud in general. Its definitely unique. Idk ive been going back and forth on jello between liking it and hating it. Its truly got a strange overwhelming vibe. Some of their other songs are a bit more plebian but I like that she is actually experimental. Fucking retards call everything experimental on here and I’m happy to see an artist that actually makes me say “what the fuck?” From the music down to her appearance. Reminds me of a modern day Aphex Twin or some shit

Butts are fun

>Reminds me of a modern day Aphex Twin or some shit

> I like that she is actually experimental.

are you guys on fucking crack or something?

literally nothing experimental or interesting about this shit, sounds boring and very low quality.

you need to get a better taste

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show me something good then. Thats the only reason i even come on here anymore

whose mans is this

this but unironically