>classical is boring
Classical is boring
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it is
that's why I use it for concentration, desu
yes it is and youre pretentious for listening to it.
Friendly reminder. If you don't listen to classical music, you don't belong anywhere near a serious musical discussion and literally all of your musical opinions are null and void.
depends on what is boring for you
i don't need to know classical to discuss all sorts of pop and electronic stuff because i've invested in those styles enough to know what's what
I listen to classical, but I acknowledge that it's probably one of the least diverse genres. It's good music, but many of the songs sound very similar
yeah, its boring, and you are an idiot for thinking you're smart because you listen to it.
Are you deaf? It's arguably one of the most diverse genres.
surely this is bait
Good post brother
even retarded people know its boring
thats how boring it is
except it is
the state of this board.... :(
Honestly I don't even see how an actual retard cannot into classical. Its mostly just gorgeous melodies, explosive climaxes and sweeping harmonic progressions. Any idiot should be able to appreciate classical. Actually classical is often played to keep the mentally challenged in a calm state. I mean autists and severely retarded people. Literal retards have more sophisticated musical taste than most of Yea Forums. Let that sink in.
While true, modern research into the human brain proves the more recent music isn't even registered in the brain as music anymore, using a Reddit meme is far worse.
tl;dr - the only thing worse than modern "music" is Reddit "memes".
>Yeah, I love classical music because it's relaxing
Nobody on /classical/ says that. That's one of the youtube comment types we make fun of on a regular basis.
>wojak and pepe are reddit memes
This is usually a clear sign of false flagging.
Wojak and Pepe are the single most successful memes in the history of the Internet.
Meme edits are the territory of Reddit and one of the main reasons why normies harbor an intense dislike for Plebbit.
tl;dr - Wojak is perfect, Wojak edits are Reddit-tier aka shit.
who the fuck wants to post the original Pepe or Wojak at this point? It would make anyone seem new as fuck. Its the remixes that allows them to continuously be refreshed as Yea Forums properties.
Quite the opposite. Newfags from Reddit use these "remixes".
No memer worth the salt he collected would ever willingly edit a meme. Either you create content or you steal the meme after asking politely not-so-politely.
You probably think this cat is reddit too.
It reminds me of simpler days.
>least diverse genres
>500+ years of variety
>everything from modal, to tonal, to atonal
>pioneered electronic music
>pioneered the dissonance and technicality you hear in metal
You dumb
What do you expect? look at the Yea Forums catalog and its pretty clear that only 1% of the board has the IQ to appreciate classical
>believes the meme that metal is the natural inheritance of classical because "muh dissonance" and "muh virtuosity"
You're dumb too
Can you explain why you need high IQ to enjoy classical music?
You don't. As I already explained, actual retards enjoy classical more than Yea Forums does. Sometimes its worse to be stupid than just plain simple, which is the lesson you learn from reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot.
classical has nothing to do with IQ, it's just the retards on the this board never look for anything past post-rock and shoegaze
>>classical is boring
that's what people say when they don't actually listen to classical music, Dvorak's symphony no 9 or Stravinsky's rite of spring are the proof that classical can be all tempos, all moods and harmonies. classical is mostly appreciated by classical musicians, since they know all the mechanics or " techniques" that evolve executing a classical piece, since is not rigorous than playing 4 chords on loop
Its obviously more complex than any other music out there but to be honest in terms of timbre it can be boring. Thats why I hear more electronic than classical, because I love the synths even if the melodies are not simpler.
Dvorak's Symphony 9 isn't very harmonically adventurous. If you want "all harmonies", you best be looking at Rautavaara.