This faggot is 18 and a millionaire

This faggot is 18 and a millionaire.

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I'm almost 20, and the fact that he's younger than me makes me want to die.

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>jew sees retarded nigger
>''hey nig- i mean young gentleman, would you like a record deal?''
>niglet says yes
>niglet acts funnily on social media and has his name put on commercial tracks crafted by a team of sound engineers and financial advisors
>much money
>niglet gets 10% and is happy
>niglet ODs or goes to jail
>label keeps putting his music out to get as much money out of it
>goes on to the next niglet to repeat process

This is just a /pol/ meme

what part of this is wrong?

wtf how does he have that kind of facial hair if he's 18 this is so unfair

Maybe he is a Gucci gangster

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nah its completely true...that's why we gotta go with Based Bernie in 2020...make the elite weak so they stop taking advantage of artists

who this fake tekashi

Cringe. This is just fun music and people like it even if it's bad.
No wonder /pol/tards are virgins.

See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire

lots of people clicked on his stuff


Fun must be a symptom of cultural rot and complancency. No wonder superhero movies and hip hop and corporate pop dominate. Wasteland of shit. 2010s cannot end soon enough.

it gets worse man

dumb Zoomers mostly. We need to locate the generator that these meme-rappers keep spawning from and destroy the nappy menace at the source.

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Because he actually released something that people enjoy

Why do you keep posting this? Its not funny.

How much you wanna bet he owes every penny of it to one or another?

Fuck that POS con artist.

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It's not even fun. I look around and everyone is stressed and angry, and the music is stressful and angering. You know it to be true, because hip-hop people are so quick to the offensives, and they have not learned to kek properly.


>fucking kek, this

>Fun must be a symptom of cultural rot and complancency

I bet you're a real pleasure to be around at parties.

I thought he got popular on soundcloud with his producer friend before a label picked him up

Fucking kek that’s not even him

Oh shit Haverd Dropout out now

thanks for the reminder op

On where

Do you guys have any idea how fake the music industry is? He probably isn't even 18. They get some rich kid or some MK ultra puppet, train them, write their songs for them, give them their style, and make the radio stations that they own play their music. It's all artificial! The industry has to be very careful with who they make a superstar. Otherwise you get more Kanye West incidents.

spotify and its more uninspired trap shit, Lil Wayne's verse is alright

>snopes said so
Fine. How about the house your $27 donation bought him.

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lolololol based bernie reliving his childhood

yeah he's 2 years older than he says, I googled his arrest record years ago and saw his actual birthdate. wish i had screenshotted it they won't let that info leak anymore now that he's actually famous

From retards like you giving him PR

Gucci gang. That's literally it. The internet has accidentally caused the worst shit to rise to the top. Watching or listening to something for the sake of irony or to laugh comes up the same as if you were listening to it unironically. It's the same principle that's kept reality tv shows staring morons on the air for the last 20 years.

Atleast they have a job and not committing crimes, r-r-right?

by being a mysoginist and entitled asshole

I don't know why people think its funny to listen to trash music.

people like him because they know he is only a short-term bullshit rapper that's going to fade soon. People like unstability and chaos sometimes. That way they feel better about themselves for not screwing up so bad.

But this shit turned him into a billionaire

By triggering soiboys, /pol/tards, and boomers aka being based as fuck.

Belle Delphine isn't even a 18, doesn't make music or anything of significance, and makes 300k a month lmao

Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang


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The fact that this retard will die by the time he is 20 from an xanax overdose makes me happy about my own existence.

shut the fuck up

Michael Jackson was a millionaire at half that age and I envy few people less.