Attached: 1542371804904.webm (1220x880, 1.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:

hwang yeji the fugly whore

Attached: shark.webm (358x640, 2.68M)

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Attached: kai9.jpg (480x519, 49K)

Playing kpg like a fiddle

>is it safe to post

Attached: 45756457635.jpg (1200x800, 109K)

Fuck off slugroastie

Attached: 1550632378150.jpg (2970x2160, 535K)

why is he exo’s center
settle it

Why doesn't Jisoo just learn English?

she protec
she attac

Attached: Dz8n4hyUwAE0tZr.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 339K)

janeposter is like the least offensive personality here, wtf are you talking about


Attached: yejlug and slug.jpg (1339x852, 146K)

not even gonna vote

I want to protect that shark smile bros

Attached: 1550769409707.webm (650x578, 704K)
what the fuck was it

cutest boy in the galaxy ~

Attached: DXXVQB3W4AA9QOa.jpg (1065x1600, 284K)


where's the jisoo erper option?

the poonaseether is the only loonaposter left

/kpg/ here, i hate /kpg/ the most

She has the best smile

Attached: 1550614185393.jpg (578x578, 110K)

I love kpg meta discussions

Attached: 1546789893973.jpg (1200x800, 117K)

What are they laughing at?

Attached: 1549845185161.jpg (680x680, 55K)
wonyshits btfo

is that the guy who keeps whining and falseflagging about loona

sluggoroastie btfo for the trillionth time

Attached: 1538703081495.png (717x781, 730K)

Attached: DzhtdiwWsAADZGd.jpg (1125x1125, 122K)


shark qt vs. leader of the hordes

kim lip...

keep samefagging the poll sluganti

Attached: b08e8a5bab99e7e4caea00528b657771.jpg (1412x2000, 381K)

literally the cutest shit

Attached: 1549195052302.jpg (932x907, 72K)

their tragic lack of talent

Omobros, we must redeem momoland cause fucking janefag and trinny had to ruin it for everyone else

Attached: 02ezy3sqfzf21.jpg (1200x951, 226K)


imagine being a lovelinus and thus having multiple mental illnesses

Attached: vaker.webm (1080x720, 2.95M)

Attached: DycWoK7WoAALFjv.jpg (1242x1795, 219K)

keep seething landwhale lmao

we hate twicetoddlers the most

Every time

Attached: Dz7w6G4W0AAbvoL.jpg (2048x1229, 183K)

but how?

just you roastie

what are some kpop songs that would be hits in america if they were released in english and by attractive westerners

exito's current state


Attached: DxD_Nq3VAAEERQZ.jpg (1080x720, 60K)

Pili is unironically the best kpop song to come out in 2019, and I'm not even a Dreamcatcher fan.


I dont have to imagine

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

>t. exoloser

Attached: 155921346597.jpg (504x455, 23K)

Those commercials were kino as fuck

Attached: 1541368889726.webm (1920x1080, 1.52M)


not as bad as being a mtf tranny like yourself, sluganti

Attached: 1539300438333.jpg (388x516, 26K)

freaking cute!

>8 months since last comeback
i can't defend this any longer bro..

post more ahin

Attached: 1549212695513.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

don’t samefag roastie

that's a new low for kpoop then

idk who is arguing with who anymore

Attached: arin confused.webm (258x333, 190K)

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ooof look at her go

Attached: 1523451881025.jpg (1333x2000, 316K)


Attached: 1492556262939.jpg (1200x1128, 1.03M)

thinking about xiumin

>and I'm not even a Dreamcatcher fan.

Attached: dubudimension.jpg (4797x4800, 1.56M)

everyone wants her

Attached: 1529767650731.jpg (1333x2000, 358K)

>jisooroastie still continues to samefag like crazy

Attached: 1510877885818.jpg (586x637, 38K)

the ugly version of yeji

Attached: maymay.jpg (643x625, 96K)

dayoung and bona look badass here

wow Big Marvel bro has really changed

Attached: Heejin10.jpg (2730x4096, 2.14M)

Jithoo knows english. She's just very very self-conscious about speaking it


Post them while saying something nice. We will make omoland great again

Attached: 30ecc575cc70e8515e8a3d257d24d36d.jpg (604x1076, 89K)

>nigger with aids

implying daisy isn't peak gf/wife material

Attached: 1541204414411.webm (1440x810, 2.36M)

what a cute cat

literally everyone in the whole world

Attached: 1544583869464.jpg (1365x2048, 462K)

who has the fattest ass and the stinkiest braps in kpop?

>release the shark

Attached: 1548617987734.png (960x960, 1.18M)

my clown wife, yuqi

Attached: 1528677978100.png (1366x768, 1.73M)

Damn slugbros bringing the heat

>fattest ass
probably nancy
>stinkiest braps
probably dubu


Attached: DnmSTXJU0AAP3Em.jpg (540x960, 65K)

someone said this on kpg ages ago


Attached: 1546187894050.webm (480x400, 2.89M)

Just one slugroastie

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finally a sexy 15 year old

Yuna is kinda average but she has nice smile unlike Ryujin who looks dead in the face while performing

Attached: kbv2.webm (1920x830, 2.85M)


I'm jealous, of course
but i still love her
call me a cuck, i dont care

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Attached: 1545993814097.jpg (1000x1829, 655K)

>ages ago
itzy only debuted recently

i'm so happy that dating rumour was bullshit

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Attached: tmoyh.webm (472x716, 1.84M)

did izoneshitters jump board when itzy debuted or did they just kill themselves

but most importantly she shits on sluggo's back

>Yuna graduated from middle school in December 2018

Attached: 1523613887202.jpg (1000x1500, 128K)

>Yuna is kinda average

bros i am about to seethe...

my love

Attached: 32684415720_90833e1a2a_o.jpg (1024x1536, 998K)

Aren't they coming back this march? I didnt like that they were riding out the SEA wave but I cant blame them since it was a big money grab

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You're the only one that could love that

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Attached: URRzhGu.jpg (1000x1500, 314K)

oh really? that's a relief
I didn't follow it very closely because I didn't care that much

Attached: 1547858304948.webm (640x802, 649K)

Attached: bigfatass.jpg (1152x2048, 236K)

Imagine doing this to Yuna


Attached: 1538126213226.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

I swear almost all of her releases get pushed back

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-21-15-25-09.png (1080x1920, 895K)

Attached: NeatAgonizingHammerheadshark.webm (610x1080, 765K)

more like loonashitters killed themselves after what happened

ugly shit

Attached: orib.webm (965x1318, 1.93M)

Worst angle in porn. I dont wanna see man ass clench and balls swing back and forth for fucks sake

Attached: WhirlwindFailingIsopod.webm (850x1500, 2.99M)

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i literally CAN

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itzy first vlive when???

Attached: 1542809619362.jpg (1200x900, 216K)

hellspawn (4kids friendly edition)

I want more daisy solo streams, they're so fricking comfy
btw comfy is NOT a code word for boring

Attached: 1544148656953.jpg (1280x960, 169K)



meant to quote

>File name says shark
>It's actually sluggo

Attached: 1550527334711.webm (1280x720, 631K)

Attached: 1550671121781.gif (420x300, 3.56M)

first fanmeet when

Attached: Dz8GdH1XgAIhNxq.jpg (2730x4096, 1.75M)

they dress like blackpink but they look cheap

why are you getting cucked by a girl who herself was also cucked

How did they make such a pretty man

Attached: 94593faf2ec38451612564397e189a861b9fbcfa_hq.jpg (720x532, 53K)

wtf lmao

literally the ugliest shit
keep seething roastie

Attached: exoticv.webm (1280x680, 2.98M)

they dress like 22nd century girls while bp is stuck in the 20th

i love jeong

Attached: jeongyeon.jpg (1080x1350, 191K)

But why did all the daisybros hide durning scandal? I was perpetually seething by myself

Attached: 20190130_160249.jpg (636x896, 296K)

this is a blackstink free area

I want to see Sana molest Yuna

Attached: 4563557.jpg (1000x1285, 282K)

I think she's cute and sweet
idc about the rest

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god, he's so cute

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Attached: DxcbnhmX4AEXRoZ.jpg (1200x1194, 309K)

Did de MV drama kill Loona? I loved vid of their choreo.

yuna looks so fucking weird sometimes idk whats going on with her face

Attached: 1550215512842.jpg (2730x4096, 838K)

his mom is pretty

he totally has his fathers nose

his mom is pretty

burgers said blackpink were dressed as 2002 socialites

looks there are active janitors on Yea Forums again
reminder they willingly give their id and social security number to 4jew so they can clean up shit for free

what drama?

Attached: 1550777034484.jpg (388x465, 22K)

me too

Attached: jeongyeon2.jpg (1080x1080, 95K)

no loona bros just got too cocky

his mom is cute and very youthful looking

Attached: 1520603731933.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

would be hot

Attached: ceec9c3dcfb7f3cdc476a846604b193a.png (512x767, 571K)

i like joking on them but they did great

Attached: C7QfZsrV0AE3Ytt.jpg (900x506, 66K)

Attached: 1553450867.jpg (340x451, 38K)

luckily there are plenty of other members worth posting

Attached: DqnlidgUwAAvaSt.jpg (724x1200, 122K)

how can anyone date an ugly shit like daisy

not really

her nose is kind of odd

Attached: battle angel.jpg (623x625, 45K)

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she does but shes not straight up fugly like chaeryoung

they put a lot of effort on the choreo this comeback, im proud of them

Attached: cousinv.webm (474x640, 2.03M)

comfy is just a code word for boring dbh

the hot hotness

Attached: 1530522943590.jpg (1538x2048, 385K)

List of groups ITZY killed:

>dating rumor was bullshit
>daisys side literally confirmed it
what did he mean by this?

>Hello Venus
is AOA quitting as well?

i could use chewy's ass as a trampoline

Attached: 9d8a622a239bb3e50e695d5177f1dcd7.jpg (1080x1080, 110K)

Attached: jeongyeon3.jpg (1146x1146, 277K)

i still cant judge itzy until i see their sales

are they mostly in english or korean

the ugliest shit in the world

Attached: .jpg (1117x709, 58K)

loona was a stillbirth though

best talent in kpoop

Attached: Dz7fBvSUYAA6tC8.jpg orig.jpg (480x360, 37K)

link dead
please repost

Attached: 1536799796993.jpg (686x1018, 83K)

only jews would want to moderate a community they've been in for 6 months anyways

word the big three is currently twice and itzy there is no third because itzy killed all of them

Attached: 8fababfdab7cbfde3bce6217ffe4c250.jpg (1080x1341, 102K)

well every one I've seen has been in english but it's possible that she also does some in korean

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Attached: babyv (3).jpg (1024x1024, 80K)

this unironically


Attached: 15258800_1900193473547969_7946048904758296576_n.jpg (296x295, 17K)

Attached: yejuggo.jpg (719x720, 63K)

what's up with this guy and loona?
he replies to every single post about them just to talk shit kek

Attached: 1550612676124.webm (640x360, 1.25M)

twice lost more fans to Itzy than any of those groups though, you even see it on kpg when all the dubu posters jumped ship to yeji. although rv definitely lost fans to itzy too

Jhope's sister is cute too

Attached: mejiwoo.jpg (1080x1349, 171K)

Attached: 1550526878048.png (406x412, 244K)

>dubu posters jumped ship to yeji
who is their waifu?

its our time to rise

Attached: DEwLRf3U0AAacHA.png (1200x829, 1.15M)

it's this "guy" here

jungkook's mom

Attached: B4403A4B-EF03-478C-B1CD-2B69A74D54F6.jpg (720x540, 52K)

sluggo actually hurt by sharkbros
seriously based

then they said they couldn't confirm because she was on a plane, so how did they her initial confirmation? they didn't, because it was a nasty, made-up lie

Attached: Dv8gICSV4AAAc0D.jpg (960x720, 116K)

That is a beautiful and precious smile you fag

Attached: big mouth dubu.jpg (1343x756, 92K)

sorry streamable is faggotry in person looks like they deleted 90% of the stuff i uploaded already

what's the point of spending a good 1/3rd of a MV showing the viewer people that are not related to kpop at all

Attached: hobipredebut.jpg (1024x1024, 126K)

Nice 5 head bitch

a perfect fit for my... h_____

fans buy those plush gifts for the girls, but they really don't want them, they make for cute pictures though

well, that's disgusting but not surprising

she's so fine

Attached: 1547536010217.webm (1308x960, 2.94M)

keep repeating this cos no one actually believe you

Attached: 1550504832217.jpg (598x598, 44K)

wtf i can't believe yoonji is actually jungkook's mom

Attached: 1548628652264.png (444x499, 247K)

her reps confirmed it then ikons side denied it almost immediately after lmao


Attached: Dz2lTDtVsAEyNNK.webm (700x508, 690K)

>twice lost most fans
>how did you concluded that?
>they are posting itzy now
>maybe because twice isnt coming back for 2 months and itzy just debuted?
>no its because i said so

putting dubu's foot in dubu's mouth

Attached: 1530968482956.jpg (1241x968, 461K)

is it official about hello venus?

man he really looked fucked from the beginning

so how much will itzy sell on their debut

poona is obsessed with forcing the lgbt shit, they deserve to flop

>locks eyes on target
>open mouth
>genuine creepy smile
>proceeds to grope her friend
>smiles like a horny girl

i thought you guys said he was banned now

lol Blackpink is unaffected

Attached: 1549112886429.jpg (720x844, 67K)

she's his female version but cute either way

Suga's mom and brother

Looks like his brother got all good genes

Attached: sugafam.jpg (899x636, 81K)

Attached: pandavmon.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

contract's ending and they have no comeback hinted

do kyungsoo the only straight guy in kpop

wh*te power my nibbas

Attached: 1550454560196.jpg (1432x1909, 420K)

This but on Yuna

blackstink found dead in a random alleyway in america, forgotten and full of cum

the fact remains that there exists discernible evidence of twice fans becoming itzy fans, but very little for bp, izone, and loona fans hopping to itzy

izone still has their nip fanbase. loona wasn't even at a stage to be "killed".

He just looks like an ordinary Korean

literal autism
he posts those insipid loona baits and falseflags that no one falls for all day

can you imagine if bp and itzy have their comebacks on the same day

me on the right..

just listened to the full xx album

Attached: 1544092533638.webm (658x800, 2.86M)

you cannot even conclude such thing because there is no time scale for you to measure


the fact also remains that twiceposting still happens while the other 3 you listed get nothing at all

clearly not

need a better picture to judge that

i've noticed that but the amount of time he spends doing this shit is amazing


>jihyo will never tell you to say "ahhhh"

Attached: jihyo_feeds_pabo.webm (562x1000, 2.97M)

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Attached: 1547378618525.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)
this incredibly brave MtF kpop idol is breaking new ground

Attached: 1546046687908.jpg (1333x2000, 228K)


>he takes "sorry this oppa dropped you for " posts seriously

Attached: DSX7OU4VAAETjhT.png (800x1200, 1.32M)

damage control

i dropped twice ama

wew we all know that yeji is ugly now

when is bighit going to do something like this for bts again?
they should have enough budget and creative power

Attached: DSQ0Sq_VQAkRYzi.jpg (2000x1333, 339K)

best girl

Attached: bop.jpg (1024x1024, 55K)

what? I personally dropped twice for izone and might drop izone for another group as they've been lackluster after pd48

Il be taking this thanks

Attached: 1548650611777.jpg (500x361, 68K)

i liked yeji until i saw her melting nose
now i'm a yunaboy

i want both

Attached: 1533209636988.jpg (720x960, 134K)

Attached: LongRemorsefulGiraffe.webm (640x800, 909K)

he's unironically gayer than most members

>kinda average

She's stunning. She may not have the perfect sculpted face but the best way to describe her would be that she's Radiant.

those noodles look so good

Momo looks so happy everytime she eats

Brainlet question
The kpops change clothes every damn day and wear them once, where do they go?

just because you're a filthy hopper doesn't mean the rest of us are

Attached: Screenshot (583).png (793x214, 58K)

Attached: DXC4T2QU0AE9s9Q.jpg (720x720, 57K)

I love her nose

Attached: 15523084567.jpg (900x1200, 140K)

Attached: 1543025604975.webm (364x768, 2.22M)

my girl

literally the BIGGEST nose

Attached: Dz0nRKYUcAENGgd.jpg (443x841, 51K)

Attached: 1533750625405.jpg (741x818, 49K)

Attached: FJqu5qtQ1vvr-xZ.webm (1136x640, 1.13M)

more like shes michael jackson lost daughter


2 faced bitch

Attached: Tc0J6oH9fJ1UZHvF.webm (720x720, 378K)

Literally just one picture with the exact angle lighting

either back to the company that lent the outfits for walking promotion, or to the closets of the company's stylists to store for future use, or the closets of the idols' themselves.

/kpg/ I'm drunk. Post kpops who like to get drunk?

Attached: 25023954_1239334352864970_5612251662811922432_n.jpg (728x728, 72K)

yuna seems to have some fans on /in/t as well

more like you need to shut up before you eat some teeth. (your own)

Attached: 1545500096247.jpg (500x361, 28K)


where are the OMGchads...

wanna her to smother me with those thighs, then ram her fat cock down my throat

Attached: alcoholicsuga.webm (830x590, 2.99M)

Some anons here take them home to sniff

sank you

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Attached: 1545645849379.gif (300x355, 2.71M)

cub is so pretty... I don't know what to do about this

Attached: 1.jpg (640x640, 72K)

fuck her mom

I'm a bandwagonner, I hope onto whichever group is having a comeback.

she's been called cutie sexy since forever you dumb fuck

blocked at the airport security office


>people have only 1 side to them
are you an npc?

based and redpilled

>mfw it worked

Attached: 1545994091544.jpg (299x379, 27K)

>when you change your mind and tell her you'll start making babies right away instead of waiting any longer


yeah her nose is disappointing...