What does she listen to?

what does she listen to?

Attached: 3CA40F54-4241-4999-B5FA-596BA43393F2.jpg (1242x932, 257K)

Am I supposed to know who is that?

Wasted quads desu

the radio

My commands

she cute

Ugly fucking roastie

a pleb AND an incel...who ever would have guessed.

Who cares sage

wow incel

My cock

who is she and does she do porn

Bo Diddley's song Bo Diddley from the album Bo Diddley.

A pleb for not being attracted to a dime a dozen, 6/10, cake makeup, normie cunt? And an incel for having taste and control over my hormones? Fascinating take.

she's ugly

Attached: DzC69dFXcAE1CTb.jpg (1178x1798, 777K)

Nope. A pleb for being a shit-tier pleb...and an incel for being involuntarily celibate.

my balls slapping her asshole.

>thinking a chink is less ugly

Post her without makeup. I dare you.

You can’t see how ugly she is through the makeup?

Gee I wonder who's behind this post

Attached: Neckbeard.png (345x337, 127K)

Lol, I look nothing like that. You’d probably call me a chad honestly.

>Lol, I look nothing like that. You’d probably call me a chad honestly.

Attached: 1Srv7u3xDx069WG6UyVsePQ.jpg (320x427, 28K)

Why did you post an insect? None of us are into insectiality.