Hey Yea Forums, I've got a question for you.
Is it possible to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel without wanting to commit suicide?
Hey Yea Forums, I've got a question for you.
Is it possible to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel without wanting to commit suicide?
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What are you talking about? NMH revitalizes my will to live
I still don't understand what you're saying. All i know is that this band does the exact opposite for me. Is there any way for me to enjoy it, and try not to end my life with the music in the background?
>Neutral Milk Hotel
is this album really recorded with wrong phasing between channels? or it was this version only? why they had the need to do this? jeez... whiny nu-males can't even do an album properly. the production alone made me depressed and do a kurt cobain.
whats so suicide inducing about ghost?
Maybe after you go to therapy
just get better taste lmao
>is this album really recorded with wrong phasing between channels?
[citation needed]
>All i know is that this band does the exact opposite for me
if it's possible to listen to Pink Moon without killing yourself then anything is possible, user.
jk NMH fans should all chug bleach
>jk NMH fans should all chug bleach
Garbage music obviously.
How so?
If you can’t hear it, I have some bad news for you.
If you can't explain it, it's not true.
Nice try though
you know what? I listened to another upload and its ok, you fuckers couldn't even tell me that it was a bad upload.
this one ok
Sounds like your problem for judging music based off of youtube
How am I to explain something to you that you are inherently incapable of understanding?
>that you don't know how to explain or put into words because you're a huge fucking faggot
I'm more musically intelligent than you. Try me.
>Is there any way for me to enjoy it, and try not to end my life with the music in the background?
There is actually. First you need to buy a baguette, you know one of those big long ones? Leave it for a week or two till it hardens up. About an hour before you go to listen to ITAOTS, begin the process of easing down onto it. When you're about halfway there, turn the album on and continue sliding it in. Your goal should be to have the whole thing inside before you hit Communist Daughter.
I’m talking about an intangible quality.
Sure is convenient for you
Well from your point of view, sure, but it is the fact of the matter.
I thought you said it was intangible?
Make up your mind
That doesn’t mean it isn’t real.
If it was real, you'd have explained it by now
>not knowing whats words mean
Not an argument
Last post to you unless it's an actual argument.
Can’t tell if this is bait but for the meantime you’re a fucking faggot m8