Weird shit...

Weird shit, but why the fuck are vids that have black people reacting to traditionally "white" music and loving it are so comfy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because none of us have real friends to share music with, and if we did, they'd all be self obsessed as us and give none of our music a chance because the bands represent an idea they dislike/dress differently than they do

At least in my experience

Because you're addicted to masturbatory activities

By the way, I think you should kill yourself

Probably because you don't have any meaningful interactions with black people and these videos provide a way for your brain to get whatever chemicals are released from black people going DAYUM DEZE WHITE BOYS AND THEIR MUSIC CRAZY GOOD YOYO. It's same effect you would get watching some foreign tribe interact with new technology for the first time.

i hate these stupid "reaction" videos so much. almost as much as I hate the fuckers who post them here

tru lmao

I don't understand people who get mad at them. As if you people are any different on this board, all you do here is post albums in an attempt to get approval from Yea Forums for the most part

Maybe like ten people on this board are genuine in their taste and don't fall in line with "Yea Forumscore" and actually want to talk about music

Maybe it's fun to live vicariously through someone else experiencing something good for the first time.

what do you mean
>you people

maybe it is retarded to watch some faggot go over the top aping so he can beg for subs
I will be so glad when this trend dies, even though there will be some thing just as stupid following it

I don't know why you are excited when a Brother review music that appeals to your folks, but maybe that's because it helps you to empathize with people you don't naturally empathize with as they aren't people you are usually around.

Personally, I find these "reaction" videos a bit wasteful, but I can understand why some people would love empathizing with people from different backgrounds when it comes to music.

Stop pretending to be a nigger on the internet.

T. basedboy mad bands like Metallica are getting hella attention as opposed to his faggot Yea Forums music

I don't understand this attitude of 'don't criticize other people for doing something stupid!'

thank both of you

Yea Forumscore isn't even that good

cool ad hom, even if it is wildly innacurate

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What's stupid basedboy? People enjoy sharing their music with other people, it's simple.

Preston from KTF Reactions (which is just him) is the best black guy reviewer.

Also what the fuck happened to Lost in Vegas? They fell off. These other niggas are gonna take their shit.

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>this thread

I feel personally attacked by this post

because you're brainwashed by jews to see blacks as "cool and hip" and you crave their approval for liking "uncool and unhip" white music so you can feel validated because you're a weak human with no real interests of your own outside of whatever has the "cool" approval. you're a faggot and blacks are retarded animals that capitalize off of your faggotry because they're lazy and being like "woahhhh dudeeee, dat shit aightt, dat shit aight" to a rock song is a lot easier than traditional roads to financial stability in the US.

Then explain why I like white metal guys reacting to rap music, ya fukkin' fag.

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now THATS Edgy

>Lost in Vegas

I wish their subscribers would stop recommending buttmetal to them.

because aside from being a brainless faggot that seeks approval for their interests, you enjoy the novelty of reaction videos unironically instead of seeing them as the low-effort theft of actual artistic content they are and thus once again are a gigantic faggot that swallows whatever low-effort shit the youtube grifters shit out of their money-grubbing assholes.

maybe you should provide a more thorough and thoughtful answer to his question then Mr. Redditor

this is you btw
throw money at the dancing monkey, you tasteless simpleton

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I make my own money, sorry, I don't feel envy for whatever mere pennies these people collect from Youtube.

Seems you're in a very bad spot in life, sad.

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cool ad hom bruh
>currently listening to msi, but whatever
>feed the troll moar

The same reason you see videos like "Irish People React to American Candy" Different cultures checking out each other's cultures. It's a fun thing that only delusional politically correct loons disagree with.

whatever comforts you from your obvious plainness and basic ways zoomer

>im not making him mad, i better try once more

I'm 30, but okay. Is pic related you, by chance weak male?

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>I'm not mad but I'll post this picture of what I think is an unattractive and stupid looking male that serves the function of a stand-in that is so ridiculous that it allows me to feel dismissive and elitist about the fact that enjoy garbage youtube created by and for simpletons

ok chief

>of what I think is
So it is you. Sorry your viewcount isn't up much still brah, but being jealous isn't going to fix it.

Maybe get a real job?

It is tho user
Are you autist?

>check some of these channels
>Slipknot, alt-metal, Metal-core, Metal-core, Slipknot, Deathcore, Metal-core more Slipknot, token Black Sabbath and Metallica songs, more Metal-core
It's like same songs on repeat.

Lost in Vegas started listening to the horseshit recommended in their comments section

very little of Yea Forumscore is appealing to me
Macintosh Plus fucking slaps tho

>Lost in Vegas started listening to the horseshit recommended in their comments section
That's literally how they, and all these channels start retard.

>black guys make a youtube channel reacting to new rap songs for rap fans
>some crossover fans end up spamming Metallica in the comments
>they give it a try
>Megadeth, Pantera, Slipknot, Toolm etc etc fans flock to the page and spam with their requests and follow

That's how 90 percent of these things start, most of them aren't that contrived and the ones that are are usually the ones nobody follows

can we raid some of those channels to get them to listen to super weird shit?

You can. I like Metallica and think 90 percent of what this board promotes is garbage. But by all means, go for it.

It can go both ways. You have stuff like Kid A, which is amazing, and then trash like TMR

Black people listen to music too dude

The legends and originators of black reactioners. Over 4000 Patrons

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