
ITT: Post your favourite bass, guitar, drums and piano playing on any beatles track.
>bass: oh! darling
>guitar: the end
>drums: a day in the life
>piano: martha my dear
Bonus round:
>fav ringo song: what goes on

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I Want You (She's So Heavy)
It's All Too Much
She Said She Said or Rain
Hey Bulldog

Why was he so much cooler than Lennon?

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not true, by the way

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The End
Strawberry Fields Forever or Rain
Martha My Dear

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>bass: rain
>guitar: while my guitar gently weeps (yes I know it's Clapton but you said any)
>drums: Tomorrow Never Knows
>piano: Obladi Oblada

>fav ringo song: Octopus

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>hobbies: songwriting and girls
>mfw the best songwriter of all time considers songwriting just a hobby

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Fuckin Chads I say. Also jesus Harrison was a twig

>hobbies: girls
Yea I'm thinking they're based

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>Hates: shaving

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>ambition: to be happy
Poor Ringo

Paul and John both looked great with beard.

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>Hates: Onions, Donald Duck

Ringo indeed looked the happiest guy in Beatles until 68. Then he become an alcoholic lad.
But I think he's pretty happy nowadays for being the drummer of the best and most succesfull band of all time.

>She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
A Day in the Life
The Fool on the Hill

Soi boi Lennon vs chad Paul

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Fuck niggers, Fuck jannies and fuck Paulfags!

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A drag, isn't it?

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based frogposter

>invents modern music
Nothing personell kid

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dumb Paulfaggot being dumb, like pottery

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>"Avant-Garde is french for bullshit"


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>releases an experimental album on his solo career
>participates on What's The New Mary Jane, one of their most experimental tracks(if not THE most)

I think George liked experimental music, he was just shitting on Yoko when he said that, which is based.

>hates: onions
based chad ringo btfoing nu-males

Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me and My Monkey
I Feel Fine
Tomorrow Never Knows
Sexy Sadie

avant garde a clue bruv

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>sexy Sadie

1. Revolver (mono)
2. White Album (mono)
3. Rubber Soul (mono)
4. Hard Day's Night (mono)
5. Magical Mystery Tour (mono)
6. Sgt. Pepper (mono)
7. Abbey Road
8. Please Please Me (mono)
9. Help! (mono)
10. Yellow Submarine
100. Beatles for Sale (mono)
101. With the Beatles (mono)
102. Let it Be (regular or Naked, both suck cock)
9000001. Any stereo Beatles album that was mixed/recorded primarily as a mono record
9000002. Love

Naked is great you faggot.

roots rock is fucking garbage and killed all momentum that rock/pop music had when it could've become something great

>imagine there's no countries
>it isn't hard to do
>nothing to live or die for
>and no religion too

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Who cares? The whole album is full of gems.


oh darling
norwegian wood
tomorrow never knows

Dear Prudence
Get Back
She's So Heavy
Honey Pie

>Fav Ringo Song

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>bass: Dear Prudence
>guitar: Something
>drums: The End
>piano: You Never Give Me Your Money

John's mong impressions are hilarious, I remember hearing somewhere that he was scared of disabled people

>bass: Paperback Writer
>guitar: Paperback Writer
>drums: Magical Mystery Tour
>piano: The Long and Winding Road
Bonus round:
>fav ringo song: Don't Pass Me By

John's guitar on Hey Bulldog are delicious

>Chicken and Beef

I remember hearing somewhere that during Beatlemania disabled people (or their carers) demanded that John touched them, thinking his contact would cure them


lol what

The word
Day tripper
Come together
Let it be

Shit tier opinion

This is the only right answer.

That quote is attributed to Lennon tho?

Dear Prudence
Rain l
You never give me your money

>Tfw there will never ever be a band as good as dem lads again
Fuck what a great fucking band they were.

Queen is better.

>ambition: to be happy
wholesome content

Not even ironically.

His son drummed in Oasis

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>bass: Something
>guitar: Here Comes The Sun for acoustic, and And Your Bird Can Sing for electric
>drums: Ticket To Ride or Lady Madonna (mono)
>piano: Martha My Dear
Bonus round:
>fav ringo song: Octopuses Garden
Bonus Bonus Round:
>favorite solo album: All Things

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Why do they all hate Yoko?

Octopuses Garden was written by George.

I think hate is a strong. I think they were all uncomfortable with her presence in the studio.

She also used to steal George's cookies.

I know but Ringo sang it

You mean Bob Dylan?

That doesn't make it a Ringo song


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the best bassline is rain
the coolest lead guitar playing is she said or one after 909
the most memorable drumming is i feel fine or ticket to ride
the best piano playing is any of the songs from the roof

ringo sang good songs apart from with a little help from my friends

*sang no good songs, I meant

Hey Bulldog
Norwegian wood
Tomorrow Never Knows
Lady Madonna

Maybe that's how he met Yoko

>drummer in literally most successful band of all time
>least amount of public exposure and pressure to produce content
>still got to pound groupies and get high with the rest of the gang
>fucking multimillionaire
>even got to sing a song or two on each album

yes, I'm sure he's so unhappy

Apparently he was
>ambition: to be happy

The Beatles sucked

>the greatest band of all time sucked