What are your expectations for Weezer’s Black Album?
What are your expectations for Weezer’s Black Album?
Bold of you to assume I have any
generic and forgettable top 40 pop rock
mac milar
it’s going to be based as fuck
Enter Sandman
better than their other recent shit i hope
maybe with a more abrasive sound
however i know that at least half the songs are gonna be total shit
bold of you to assume this thread needed your input
30% of the album sucks so far
cant knock the hustle is alright but California snow and zombie bastards are nearly raditude levels of suckiness
>cant knock the hustle is alright
Exactly I'm never going to listen to it, just like the green album.
It will be shit just like everything from them except the first two albums with the exception of The Teal album
>they are never coming back
7 good albums bud
>refusing to acknowledge maladroit, EWBAITE, and White
only weezer worth listening to at all is Pinkerton, blue album, and maybe red album for nostalgia.
Love weezer but they're pretty broken creatively.
Red and Hurley are great
hurley is average but red is good
teal album sucked. boring covers
>EWBAITE and White
Those albums sucked hard
I hope you never tell anyone that IRL
No one I know likes Weezer but be anyway kek
you didn't say anything about maladroit
its okay
Shit, like literally all their others
They haven't made an album above a 4/10
All of those three songs are great.
>Those albums sucked hard
Fuck off, White was literally Blue levels of excellence.
Elsa Jean, Natasha nice, Alina López, Jia Lissa, Ivy Wol- oh, you meant the weezer album, nah i have little expextations
I finally got around to listening to Pacific Daydream and bits from the cover album. I was immeasurably disappointed after how much I loved The White Album. It's probably going to be like their last two releases and I'm probably going to hate it. Weezer more than likely had one last great album in them and it's more than likely we'll never get anything even close to the material on The White Album again, let alone material on par with Pinkerton or The Blue Album.
Everything Will Be All Right was pretty good.
For Pacific Daydream, listen to it from Weekend Woman, that song and everything after is pretty solid.
They had a huge blue autist as a main produser for white, he went all out on makeing it sound like blue, he even made sure Rivers kept his vocal style as close to blue as possible
Yea, i got brein damage
The 2 new songs are shit 50% now
None lmao
High As a Kite was great.
haak > ckth = lil > zb >> cs. aside from cs and zb this album is great so far
nvm I actually like both I was going off the itunes samples
Why hasn't it leaked yet, y'all? :(
I want to heeeaaarrrr iiiittt
This, High As A Kite is really amazing, really made me happy and its music vide is best they had in years.
Living In LA is growing on me too.
just hope isnt like their last one
High as a kite is alright, the other 3 are garbage.
Can't knock and high are pretty great.
The other ones are slowly growing on to me.
ckth = haak > zb >>> cs = lil
Surprisingly Zombie Bastards grew into me quite quickly after dismissing it initially.
California Snow also grew on me, the guitar and the synths are pretty great, I especially love its last verse.
Today's singles sucked.
It's over.
(I kind of liked Can't knock the Hustle, but my expectations were lowered.)
Why can't they make ok-ish music anymore ?
Now they sound like Shitty Hoosiers, a band that made only one good album.
Every release just gets more and more cringe. Rivers should just give up.
why do people keep doing this black body shit
High As Kite was awesome, it pisses all over can't knock the hustle.
High as a kite just came out and it's sounds pretty good
Yeah, it's one of the best songs they've dropped in years.
sitek is producing it so it can't be that bad, will probably just be a mediocre rock record.
better and improved on
Actually brain damaged if you think EWBAITE and White sucked. They were probably the last top tier shit Rivers is capable of making.
I think it's catchy enough.
High As A Kite nicely made up for it.
Something that manages to sound like buttrock and generic millennial "woah-oh" pop at the same time
is that seriously the album art? lmao that's fucking embarrassing.
full retard