How does this whore manage to be so fucking cringe?
How does this whore manage to be so fucking cringe?
how come shit like this doesn't get called out for being cultural appropriation?
because her target audience is female NPCs who think being a whore is empowering and not 4channers
I'd throat fuck her so hard
shut the fuck up incel she's a fucking gorgeous queen you wish you could fuck her but you never will
if she was shaking her little ass in front of you we both know you wouldnt give a shit if she was cringe or not
No, she would still need to keep the mouth closed.
reddit is that way
I'm not attracted to a person with a body of a mutt child with the mind of a rock and a personality of a whore, so no.
She's a woman
Literally take any text you've ever got from a woman
If Ariana tweeted that same text she would get 90K+ likes and a million retards saying MOOOOD in reply
Women are dumb as rocks
Dubs and everyone above me dies and goes to Hell.
bc black girls are the ones listening to her
what is her expression trying to convey?
She sounds like Jar Jar binks
>meesa peoples feelin the vibes?
Dan didn't rape her hard enough
altright listen up Yea Forums is no longer a safe space for alt right racists and incels
ariana is a queen
youre a buttmad incel racist
fuck you
white boy piece of shit
im sorry but
thank u, next
sometimes I question how everyone on this godless website is so detached from reality
Safe spaces are important for our mental health, shitlord, don't mock them
I’m not exactly the serial killer sociopath kind but I wouldn’t mind raping and killing her in a dark alley.
dubs and this cuck shitstain gets immediately smited and gets his ashy remains launched into outer space
She's black now silly goose
remind me what an NPC is?
Self righteous faggots like you will go up against the wall
Lmao why is this bitch always crawling?
They're just preteens/teenagers that wouldn't say this shit to anyone's face. They just are angsty kids that want attention or literally mentally ill
Can she be white again?
It doesn't matter how cringe she might seem, people eat it up. She cay type 'hi' on twitter and get 50K likes.
but this
I want her to say this right before I force her to eat my shit
You know what's wierd. That thank you next song, its like an incel song gender bended
years ago, it was all bullshit. Yea Forums was place for people to go and ironically act retarded and say outrageous shit, but that inevitably attracted too many real life retards and edgelords and now because of that Donald Trump is President. Sad!
dan schneider has an infant fetish that his hoes have to act out if they want that good good money
Go back to r/indieheads
Dubs and everyone gets a gf!
it was never ironic you dummy. you'll always be a newfag and you'll always get dabbed on for it
>it was never ironic
t. r/the_donald immigrant from 2015
holy shit
Hating Ariana grande doesn’t make you detached from reality, it’s just common sense
it's weird to me that such a pathetic, immature little girl is supposed to represent female empowerment... then again i'm around her age and i'm a pathetic immature male... millenials...
made me google it
can’t we just call each other shitlords instead of this contrived meme shit
it's like you've never heard of /new/ or /pol/. makes sense why you love ariana grande I guess
people who can't think for themselves
issa vibe
I want to personally end her life after reading that post
why are you listening to this if you're a straight man? nobody is forcing you to and it's not for you
No. You forget the constant bomb threats, the child porn, the pedphile mods who condoned said child porn, actual FBI surveillance, the organized harrasment of people and groups. Yea Forums was a den of shit since its inception.
yeah but this place was like a refuge from all the bullshit
it was just chill people sharing cool ass tunes
now it's full of hate and cultureless newfags
absolutely haram
holy kek
say what you will about her twitter persona, her new album is fucking incredible. 9/10 and I mean it. it's legit awesome, there's a lot of creativity artistically in this cute little vixen
the best part is that they are completely serious lol
We stan Ariana.
sorry you got your panties in a twist but its not self righteous to look down on incels talking about raping someone. they bring that shit upon themselves
wow thanks shill for your well bought opinion
What's cringe about it?
t. paid shill
i don't want to rape her, I want to severe her head from her body and hold out on my balcony as a symbol of peace
What shill? I think you need to take your meds Mr. Schizophrenic. She's a grea artist.
nah thats not what I was talking about.
people can hate Ariana grande all they want, for her music, for her personality, etc.
but read through the top of this thread again
and tell me that those people don't sound detached from reality.
Yea Forums was never like that user. If you think people are closed off now, 8 years you couldnt have an actual pop or modern hiphop discussion without people calling you a cultureless fag. If you didnt like anything mu orientated or dare say mu music was shit, people would fucking storm your post and call you a faggot. Mu is more open now because more people know about it. It was slower and more music was listened too and talked about yes. But only music the community that is mu deemed was worth discussing and sharing
OH word. carry on then
if you give me money I'll help you shill her to Yea Forums too
serious? post resume to discord
>but if people don't say what I agree with, they are disconnected from reality and should take the medication that I recommend them
she's spanish
which discord?
/new/ and /pol/ weren't original boards and came later than many other special interest boards
that was almost all Yea Forums
so what else did you find looking up Yea Forums history? you aren't fooling anyone you dumb fucking butch dyke
Yea Forums was the majority of the traffic for years
people came here because of Yea Forums early on
/pol/ didnt become the main draw until the 2016 elections. Yea Forums was still the main board during that celebrity nude leak that brought in a lot of people. Yea Forums's basically an irrelevant porn board now but at one time it was like 90% of the site. it definitely had it's fucked up shit going on
i might have to actually listen to her new album. anything that makes incels seethe this hard has to be worth checking out
rolling for this
she's gorgeous and the new album is god tier
pop album of the year
post your address and a photo of yourself so that I can plan your early death you waste of human skin
You don't even know what reality is.
"I'm a whore."
2011 best
Dubs and you get raped by Satan in real life.
omg only an npc cuk would put so much effort into an npc meme
issa corporate thot
I agree it's a very good album and I'd let her sit on my face.
issa meme
for me, it's 2014
While the pics used are terrible, I'm really digging Ariana in 2018/2019, However, if you look at most of her stuff from 2014, that is the correct answer.
very convincing point retard
Needs more pantyhose
post your picture and address so that I may show you meaning in pain
She's Italian.
posted wrong pic
omega retard
are you scared because you'd know I would do it?
threats aren't arguments retard
we aren't having an argument, I'm making a promise. now post your address
Not the guy youre responding too but why dont you do it user?
it does but people dont actually care about it
Yep, it's mentioned that between her tanning too dark and how she speaks at times, but her fan base and the media approval are simply too big right now for it to matter. Nothing sticks to her anymore.
that's what makes you such a retard, turning to physical confrontation when your ideas are challenged is the quintessential retard move. doing so online makes you literally a joke
i don't know what you guys are talking about in this thread, i just wanna say that this image is dumb as fuck and it somehow manages to make me laugh harder every time i look at it.
I hope no one has to go through the horror of fucking this garbage
issa look b
I have the urge to hurt people when I see them make gay posts, I'm just asking for a simple address
Dubs and you die and go to Hell.
you must hurt yourself a lot
ariana hater incels rekt
ITT: Incels
thank u, next
most people are dumb, women AND men. dumb incel.
Fucking underrated post
post your address
I'm glad you tried to help us all, bro.
Dan only rapes statutorily.
you there, post your address good sir
Never thought I'd see the day that Yea Forums completely unironically hypes up an industry starlet
If dubs She will get HIV within 5 years.
what's the deal with girls?
Better question, why the fuck would you voluntarily go to a pop whore's Twitter and shit up the board by posting disgusting pictures of her?
disgustingly hot, you mean
oh yeah?
Imagine her saying this shit a few years ago when she was still a white valley girl lol
we out here vibin..we vibin
blessed thread
I feel like I see this being every where I go, government implements are a bitch I have to deal with this everyday, she begs on her knees like a devoted dog, may I ask for forgiveness, I see the same faces everyday
more like issa wigress larping as a nigress
High five dude!
alright listen up Yea Forums is not reddit
ariana is a whore succubus
youre a buttmad sjw faggot
fuck you
white-hating piece of shit
I'm not sorry
fuck you
Her stare is so vacant. I feel kind of bad for her.
>Larson continued, “[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”
spoken like a true sjw sycophant, you're not changing the world sweetie, drink bleach
>Pop album
>Lots of creativity in this little vixen that has 20 or more songwriters on each track
>said without irony
wew really swallowed the poptimist pill and people want to say the music press is obsolete, i dont think so
Because you keep paying attention to it. If it makes you angry and "cringe" why do you follow her and have pics of her and even know her well enough to hate her?
user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?
>A] Wrinkle in Time
Really Larson, that is your hill to die on? A Wrinkle in fucking Time? If that is her image of success in diversity we need to homogenise the entertainment industry quickly
sjw mod-boner activated?
you should apply over at r.ddit
they only hire sjws over there
get his ass
he doesn’t follow her you fucking mong. also just go on twitter you’ll find her on your timeline forcibly if you have any friends ot following any music publications
Id spit roast her with you bro, n-no homo
you, clearly
found the nigger
it does. she just ignored it plus her fans defended her
she's no queen, she's a common whore and should be treated as such.
fuck off.
reddit is down the hall to the left.
she looks like she fucks black guys
oh wait...
user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?
what the fuck does any of that even mean
t. not a burger
no clue
t. burger from Illinois
Because it's not that bad. And she makes some fire ass music
>issa vibe
i want to cut her feet off and mount them above my fireplace like a hunting trophy
anyone else know this feel bros?
what the fuck. I've never seen this. I just googled it. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
back to redit
That's true
but pretty much what sed
Only when you accept that Yea Forums is full of dumb/ill people you can fully appreciate it.
How many times in middle of writing reply i stopped and decided that it's just pointless.
should’ve stopped with this one too and necked yourself instead
>Will get
user, she worked with Dan "hop in my van" Schneider, c'mon
Marketing herself to cringey morons. It's the audience she thinks she's appealing to. I work in the music industry, I can tell you none of these "artists" or "talent" make decisions for themselves either. She has hair and make up and wardrobe managers all conferencing together on how to make her be more of a dumb slut to sell.
I want to cum on her feet
>pokemon tattoo
Niggers literally destroy everything they touch. Music and fashion is both shit now. fuck niggers and fuck this midget mutt
thats right user, you're the only sane and normal person here because you choose to actively consume absolutely every single mass marketed product you're exposed to on a daily basis
I didn't say that.
>i d-d-d-d-didnt s-s-s-say th-th-th-th-th-that
fuck you guys I love this song
looka this DOOD
Women are like, a full point of standard deviation below men, dumb roastie.
Rent free
it’s trash kys
I don't care still love it. also if every song on this album was like this one it would unironically be god-tier
it's trash kys
Dubs and this whore dies in 2019
She was a victim of Hollywood pedophilia at Nickelodeon
I fucking want to rape her, she's asking for it
>this is what America wants our women to become
>Let me stay, in my bag, because I like, when you're mad, it's a mood, it's a vibe, it's a look, it's a match
gotta talk like niggers to earn their streams
>takes three spots of the hot 100
how'd she do it
she deserves it!
i'm not complaining
Dubs and everyone gets a pizza roll.
>bombing intensifies
She traded her soles & holes for roles with Dirty Dan.
>lemme stay
>in my bag
>cause i like
>when u mad
>issa mood
>issa vibe
>issa look
>issa match
can someone translate this to english?
'Cause teens live for this shit. What is surprising to me is that she's almost 30 and she still doesn't realize how cringe she is. She's going to have a pretty big breakdown when she stops being famous.
She's an awful child-like jew wigger. CRINGE indeed.
she's ugly