ITT: Artists who have made careers dining off one good album which was their debut

ITT: Artists who have made careers dining off one good album which was their debut

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almost said weezer but at least they had pinkerton

Every revival rock indie band from the 00's like Strokes, Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, etc etc etc

>the strokes did something other than is this it
never knew

>Arctic Monkeys

Their debut is their best album, but everything they released between that and AM has been great too.

all this 90s garbage is just nu-male soi cream for teens.

But room on fire is good

uhhh pearl jam fuckin rocks dude.

are you my boomer english teacher from middle school

just to be clear, what's your opinion on Greta Van Fleet bud?

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pic related is pretty fucking good, no idea what you're talking about

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Even that album is shit

Rage Against the Machine

I don't think any band qualifies for this more than Boston.

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Is This It and Room on Fire are great
Turn on the Bright Lights, Our Love to Admire and El Pintor are great
>Franz Ferdinand
Their second album is also great
>Bloc Party
>Arctic Monkeys
Never good to begin with

Try again

their 2nd but their first on a label. the rest of their albums are great but they never got close, except maybe the newest/sequel album

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>room on fire
>all the strokes' b-sides
>all the am b-sides

literally fuck off from the board holy shit.
how can you even lump them in with the rest of those shitters.

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so true. this album is the magnum opus of the genre, a true masterpiece. imagine the timeline where he had the time/budget to make it into the true emo rock opera that it was supposed to be.

this is the only real answer

theyre terrible.

im shocked as to how no one here looks down on them

Ten is objectively weaker than Vs., No Code, and Vitalogy. You must have really terrible taste.

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Why is reading comprehension not required to speak anymore? he's saying that they never evolved their sound, which pearl jam never did
Example pic related

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Are you gay?

Pearl Jam absolutely did evolve their sound, which is why I said their later albums are better, you hilariously self-unaware, illiterate retard. That first album was overproduced stadium rock. They never completely abandoned that style, but they got way more into folk, and they also did some harder material. You're a moron.

are you high user?

No but everyone agrees except yourself


>Turn on the Bright Lights, Our Love to Admire and El Pintor are great

why do you keep spamming pearl jam debut hate man no one gives a shit

None of those made a good album except maybe Interpol

Arcade Fire

most people here have never listened to them, except one or two songs in high school maybe.

Ten through Riot Act was a decent run. Soundgarden beats them out easy though.
Room on Fire was fine.
>Franz Ferdinand
Agreed. That Sparks collaboration was cool though.
>Bloc Party
Intimacy was good.
>Arctic Monkeys
Their only bad album is AM.

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Weezer without their debut album is just a one-hit wonder (Beverly Hills)

Guns N' Roses.

They never got better than turn on the bright lights but they never got actually bad.
>Franz Ferdinand
nigga get the fuck outta here, they only got better and better. their transition from post punk to dance pop was smooth and perfect

It pains me to admit it but yeah, appetite for destruction is the only genuinely good thing they made. The use your illusion albums could've been amazing but they were ruined by having too much damn filler.

The Cars

came here to say this. later violent femmes albums sound horrendously bad
My pick is Jesus and Mary Chain but most of their later works aren't really bad, just middle of the road



Their hits are pretty evenly spread out over AFD, Lies and the Illusions records.

Biggie smalls

Cypress Hill

Not him but even as great as BoLA was, is not on the same level as s/t

how contrarian of you user

blue album, pinkerton, and red album are the best weezer albums
all the other ones range from eh to garbage (raditude)

none of them have a single decent album

>Arctic Monkeys
Their second album is their best though.

this is super accurate which is sad cause their later albums are much better than De Mysteriis

The Strokes, Interpol, and Franz Ferdinand all have 3-4 good albums. Correct with Arctic Monkeys. Bloc Party has 0 good albums.


implying pinkerton isn't first rate incelcore

>The Strokes
Room on Fire did pretty well on its own, right?
>Arctic Monkeys
I know this album is reviled but AM was a smash hit in and of itself.

Ten is the best album of the 90's.
What you indicated here is that you misuse the word objective when it really should be (that you are a) contrarian.

>That first album was overproduced stadium rock.
Uhh, no.
The latter half especially has literally nothing to do with stadium rock.

This, AFD is arguably the most hit stacked album ever made.

This. They still haven't decided what style to latch onto.

dirt core and superunknown are way better than ten.

their second album is nice

The bandleader's muh perfectionism and lawsuits derailed any chance of making another quality album.

Ritual De Lo Habitual but that might not be your cup of tea.

As far as a good album goes, Van Halen. Sure, they had good songs like Panama, Unchained and Hot For Teacher, but their first album has all good songs, except for one. Take a guess which one that is.

Quiet Riot
Guns n Rose's

room on fire was ok
antics and el pintor were fine albums but i agree that totbl is by far their best as well as their most successful
>Franz Ferdinand
>Bloc Party
first album is their best (and the best album by any of their bands) but the next two albums were fine, awitc is seriously underrated
>Arctic Monkeys
yeah wpsiatwin is their best but their career exploded even more with am so they don't really fit

I wish they could make shit like this again instead of the boring music they make now

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Does it count if it was thier only album?

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I like Pearl Jam but hate this album lol

LOLing at your plebery level

What the fuck is a The Beatles

black sunday and temples of boom are their best

"career" but it's a bad sign when your fourth studio album is just an acoustic version of your first

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AfD isn't even good, it just gets its knob slobbed by every boomer music fan ever because
The Use Your Illusion albums have their only good songs (the MV trilogy of November Rain, Don't Cry and Civil War).

*triggers Yea Forums*

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damn, missed out on the quads

the sex pistols.
or more accurately, johnny rotten

But No Code wasnt their first album

Doolittle is their best album though.

trips checked

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