So woomy
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
So woomy
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
god i love kekero!!!!!!!!!!
So happy
*feels overwhelmed with love touching nose to nose*
*tackles kekero and kisses lovingly*
*blushes from love as their sweet lips melt into the kiss, feeling their hearts beating passionately*
*pushes the tongue into tailfig's mouth, rubbing their tongues on one another*
*kissing tailfig feels so nice and exciting*
I'm going to make sure you drown
Is she a squid or is she a kid?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Your fortune: Bad Luck
*makes out intensely, holding kekero close*
*continues to cuddle and kiss, snuggling in*
if ur woomy wuz woomy how woomy wud u say you're woomy wud b
l--lude dubs......
I keep thinking I failed life but then I remember
As long as I'm here then you still have hope
*remebmers hapy dae*
Your fortune: Good Luck
are you my sentient ball tube obstruction?
Oh sorry I didn't notice I was responding to you because your name kind of looks like a photopolymerization of the word anonymous and I also noticed that your friends with kekero
so woomy how we get down
never thought it would be like this
so woomy how we get down
gotta admit we got it goin on
i like kekero but i wouldn't say we're friends because we don't interact much i usually just enter the threads and say i want to fuck whatever he posted unless it's the animal crossing dog because that's crossing the line for me
You are clueless and you will suffer as a result
what else is new
you just described your relationship with just about everyone else as well
rave hitler.gif
going back to bed now
i do hope you enjoy the rest of your day
as i sleep my dreamless sleep
*enjoys their really long kiss, carefully breaking off with saliva stretching between their tongues*
*smiles with happiness and love, cuddling in bed with tailfig and looking into his adorable eyes*
*holds tailfig close, sleepily closing the eyes and slowly falling asleep with him*
Gn cutie
i love woomy
i suppose delusions are free
Good luck retardette
I've simply come to the conclusion that i wouldn't believe anything anyone told me
such a small voice too, Mr Sickick
Who wants to see something REALLY REALLY REALLY SCARY???
The outer dimensions surrounding the 3rd Dimension DO NOT FEAR little Hell
yummy thighs
Where do we go when we sleep???
Indeed Ms Eilish
I know mine travels when i sleep
I have three Maybelline Nail Polishes
Red 90, Pink Salmon 490 and a soft browny pink 130
Which shall i wear first???
Any suggestions ???
btw mum, i want you to be Mara again
NOT that fly Beezlebub
We're NOT your enemies
try and read between the lines
i think i'll wear the Salmon Pink 490 first
let the fly work it's way into a Coma
i'm not ready for my bath yet
in the meantime i'm wearing
alternating colours on my fingers and toes'
Sally Hansen eXtreme Yellow 353 from left on fingers with Sinful Colours Tutu thrill 1601
on toes from left foot in
Rimmel Feelin' Fly intermingled with Barry M very bright Pink with a copper top, i think it's called Lollipop or something
Beware sister
What's a coffee brand that starts with B???
my supermarket favourite is LaVazza Oro
but i alternated it with other brands too
i have to buy pre ground because i can't really afford another coffee grinder
i used to use my old one for dope
it got sticky with resin and broke lawl
havent had dope in ages
So, um, when will you Nu8ke me???
They call me Scomo
The Ruiner's an infector serving his shit to his flies
My door's open boy, why don't you come on in and we'll discuss the shitroach situation in my flat.
page 10 dubs