Female doctor
Young Asian police woman
Asian police chief
Young black protagonist
Mixed race couple
Use of terrible millennial patter
I’m 9 minutes In to this shit. Life long Whovian.
Female doctor
Young Asian police woman
Asian police chief
Young black protagonist
Mixed race couple
Use of terrible millennial patter
I’m 9 minutes In to this shit. Life long Whovian.
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Yeah. And now it's being spun as the doctor was originally a woman and they're planning on making the doctor a black woman in either next season or the one after.
The problem with Doctor Who's female protagonist is that she's nice. But if you look at the Doctor, the Doctor has always been an asshole to different degrees. There's always been a darkness in the character.
Female Doctor would be closer to Missy, capable of great ruthlessness.
>"You take other people and you fashion THEM Into weapons." - Davros on The Doctor
Ruth's definitely got ruthlessness in her. I already like her.
your fault for watching this garbage in the first place
And when I say the Doctor has always been an asshole, this is what I mean and why Ruth will be a good Doctor. She's got a cruel streak.
The doctor died on Trenzalor. Capaldi and Whittaker are non Canon.
I kinda gave up with Capaldi.
That man was the perfect candidate to be the doctor, he has all the cynical snark and self-assured confidence and potential for outright viciousness and they failed. They had the perfect actor for the role and the writers failed.
That's been my impression. It's not the fault of the actors, it's the damn writers.
The Doctor is NOT nice. He's good, but not nice. They need to study their history. The Doctor is capable of extreme cruelty.