Well done America, you fucked yourself out of universal healthcare. Keep serving those corporate interests!
Well done America, you fucked yourself out of universal healthcare. Keep serving those corporate interests!
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What happened? Did he do poorly at a caucus or something? I hope he wins.
give it 5-10 years, it will be a requirement to make it past the primaries of either party.
Democrats also fucked themselves out of the election. LOL at the idea that this guy will beat Trump.
He got ratfucked at Super Tuesday.
Buttigeig and Klobuchar realised they couldn't win, suspended their campaigns, and endorsed Biden. Warren, the other "progressive" in the race, did not do the same for Bernie. This is the result.
America is conditioned over decades to reject someone like Bernie. He is (without agreeing with the sentiment) an abrasive, socialist, Jew. He's unelectable because Americans have been conditioned to see socialism as a direct path to communism and they see a Jewish conspiracy behind every tree. Add to that the fact that he's got all the charisma of Gilbert Gottfried on smack and he's never going to be President.
Democrats knew this in 2016 which is why they sidelined him in favor of Hillary. She was a tough sell (and ultimately failed) but he was a guaranteed loss.
Dude, we're fucked.
I believe in you Bernie.
Bernard Sandersworth for Parliament!
>implying this is worse than anything trump has pulled
Am I retarded? Everything I see only accounts for 100 or so of californias 400+ delegates. Sanders won Cali by a huge margin, yet only is being credited with a tiny portion currently? Every other state credits the 'expected winner' the way you would expect: With the proper percentage, not with a gimped percentage.
Unironically this. Modern America was built on McCarthysim.
Oh no we fucked ourselves out of a 50% tax rate! Oh no the rest of the world gets to continue to benefit from all of the medicines we exclusively financially support being developed! How will we ever recover!
Time to put away the Che Guevara T-shirts and start looking for a job Bernie boys! No participation trophies for you today. Maybe your mommie can help, I know she has a way of making you princesses and prince's feel extra special. You can always double up on your psych meds.
Why would we want universal healthcare? It sucks in every country that has it, the people who can in your country always come to the US for treatment.
Yup. Get ready for 4 more years of Cheetoh Man.
Because status quo Joe doesn't have it in him to win.
Wow, it would be in your interest to actually research such an opinion before you come here and look like an idiot spouting it.
America you have been dumb fucks for so fucking long. Y do u persist on this. You're a fucking joke. A global joke. Is it the American dream BS that honestly believe that u will one day be a billionaire and you dont want to be taxed?
People like to be 1 sickness away from bankruptcy
>50% tax rate
50% of earnings over TEN MILLION DOLLARS you fucking spastic
Wow, it would be in your interest to actually research such an opinion before you come here and look like and idiot spouting it. There are a number of people from the UK and Canada originally, that are now in politics here in the States that vehemently curse the healthcare systems of other countries. It may be pricey at times, but who leads the world in disease control? What country leads the world in spending on researching new drugs and solutions? Now I have to agree the prices are extremely high and discouraging. My wife has type 1 diabetes and insurance rates are tough to get around. Guess what, we make due. There were times where she "rationed" her insulin or we pinched pennies to get by. I know there are people who cannot and I believe they deserve the assistance that is necessary but I don't believe universal healthcare is the solution to that.
I live in Denmark, the longest I have ever waited for my free healthcare is 15 minutes, when i make an appointment the same day.
>had to ration life saving medicine that the original creators refused to make money off of
Eurofag here under universal healthcare: It does not matter one bit what system you are under. You still pay. Both systems work. Both are wasteful and ineffective as fuck. Just get a job and pay your fee and off you go. We do the same just over the tax bill. Doesnt matter. Electing a commie on the other hand...
Bernis is a LOSER. His followers are LOSERS.
Get it straight-LOSERS. Your destiny is to LOSE.
that is all- carry on.
There are restaurants that have no waits and some restaurants that have hour long waits in the same town. Different yes but I don't doubt that it isn't all the time with no issues.
I'll take "definition of cuckoldry" for 400 Alex
holy fucking shit.
imagine being so brainwashed into thinking universal healthcare is socialism you actually make your wife ration insulin
what the actual fuck is going on in america, yall are fucking braindead
Good news. Biden won't be President.
Better news. There won't be an America to worry about for long.
The BEST news. Death is where the pain stops.
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Did I say make? Never did I say make.
but like you know that your healthcare is empirically the worst,
the only thing you guys have are high end surgeons (cuz they earn the most in america.
Your drug input is so high because yojr dumbfuck drug companies spend so much on RnD making useless shit they need government handouts to maintain operation.
Is this meme trying to tell us that black boomers AREN'T retards?
the little bernie toon is actually right, that guy is voting against his own best interest
Yeah, nah. It would cost 20 trillion dollars to give proper healthcare to the 320 million people in the US, not to mention the undocumented illegals here.
Even if you were to entirely liquidate Apple, Amazon, and IBM you still would only have about 10% of the actual money needed to find it. The government only takes in about 3-4 trillion a year through taxes as is. The money simply doesn’t exist.
Anyway, you should rage quit and vote trump like all your ignorant cohorts are going to do. We’ll take your vote.
I agree with you completely. Never wanted to defend them, just don't believe universal is end all be all.
you even let her ??
honestly you cunts are fucked. you seriously need to fix that eduxation system
funny how you always seem to find the money for war
I have told her not to. I know it's hard to believe, but we live in a world where each unique individual has their own mind and brain. They have the ability to make their own decisions. I don't agree with half the shit she does sometimes lol. Appreciate the trolling though.
You mean (((tax-payer funded healthcare)))
Allow me to give the government 3K/year to give me back 2.5K in healthcare for """"Free""""
>yojr dumbfuck
>eduxation system
so much for your education system.
blame the jap phone and crusty mechanic habds mate
Snap-on Franchisee here, need some tools? Own a business, work hard for my money, and provide for my family
This is a lie.
We would ALL be taxed hard.
Poors too.
eliminate the insurance comoany middle man, you eliminate the need for profit, which deflates the bloated costing.
everyone pays for it, but everyone saves money, unless ur an insurance agency
Nothing went wrong on Super Tuesday. Biden was projected to do well in a lot of those states. Bernie won huge majority in the states he did win. There are plenty more primaries to go, and Bernie can win.
In order for Bernie to win, though, Warren needs to drop out and stop cucking Bernie.
Aww, Poor baby seething today. Why don't you put on your black hoody and go out and throw rocks in the yard.
Oh, so you *want* trump to have an easy win.
Trump will have an easy win regardless of whoever declared got put against him.
Dang, we could have been our very own Venezuela...
>currently pay 22% of income to taxes
>healthcare cost me an additional 8% of my income
>only have to pay co-pays, unless I've reached my $1000 deductable, then nothing
>10-15 minute wait at basically anywhere I want
>$7 for any medication in existence
Why do I want to change this system? "Free healthcare" would raise my taxes to 35%, I'll have to wait longer and many medications and surgeries aren't covered unless deemed life threatening (eg I couldn't have gotten these skin tags removed or dental implants)
Wife just had our second kid, likely paid the hospital $75 for a 3 day, all inclusive, stay; food alone in that time would've cost more.
If you don't like the healthcare you have, shop around. If you "can't afford", suck up your pride and visit one of the thousands of free clinics that already exist with government and/or charity funding, or do some research and apply for Medicaid (the universal healthcare that already exists)
No, actually they don't. They hear what we pay for healthcare and they think we're fucking insane.
Not him, but ok, I'll bite. What is your answer?
I agree going to universal healthcare isn't my first pick, but what's your solution to big pharma and insurance fucking this country dry?
Joe Biden doesn't even know who he is half the time
I don't get it. Why didn't all you young fuckers actually vote? Did you want someone else to do it for you?
>somebody else should vote for me
>there should be vote-welfare now
>and pay for any debt I may have accrued while deciding not to vote for my own interests
>It's somebody's fault! I just don't know who to blame right now!
>Wife just had our second kid, likely paid the hospital $75 for a 3 day, all inclusive, stay; food alone in that time would've cost more.
Sure, that's what you paid the hospital, but what did the hospital get paid? Did you look at the absolutely astronomical bill that went to the insurance company?
It is very good in the UK
The problem with these post's is that they seem to focus on 1 issue: "Free Healthcare". What we should look at it the totality of Bernie's agenda such as: free healthcare, banning fracking and fossil fuel exploration and the Green New Deal for starters. All of these policies combined would decimate the economy. Even China has recognized the need for capitalism and they're not slowing their consumption for fossil fuels. They also have "free healthcare" and rampant Corona virus. The U.S. is on track to produce a treatment. The U.S. has internal customers to sustain us where China does not, that's why the tariffs were effective. You can't have people employed making products they can't sell if you're not competitive in the market. You need factories, reliable and cheap energy sources and an a working infrastructure. Bernie's policies would weaken this country beyond repair and make us into the 3rd world shithole that he looks up to!
Why does that matter and how would universal healthcare solve that?
It's a good thing you faggots aren't doctors, relieving symptoms will never cure disease. I couldn't care less how much the hospital got paid, the bottom line is how much I paid/pay
aww poor baby why don't you pee pee poo poo
Biden is the inevitable Dem candidate. All the remaining states are heavily in Biden's favor and Sanders won't be able to get enough delegates to come even close to Biden at this point. Sanders race is effectively dead in the water. Basically alk he has left is hanging on til the Dems convention and hope to leverage his distant 2nd place into a VP spot on the Dem ticket.
Only thing we lost was becoming a gun less shit hole and having to wait in 12hr line for a can of food
If that's the case, I thought Jews were supposed to be smart!
You can't be this dense. You really don't see the problem with the medical field, big pharma, and the insurance companies charging hundreds of time over the product and service actually provided? Where do you imagine all that money to come from? You/we ARE paying or your company is paying. (which again, is coming from SOMEWHERE) It's still money.
Our willful ignorance and/or acceptance of this situation is our biggest hurtle to overcome. This situation doesn't make sense, but like a frog in boiling water.... we just accept it because it's happened slowly over time.
Countries with universal healthcare don't allow themselves to be overcharged by big pharma companies. They just say "nah... that's fucking insane".
Oh i see, not only are you poor, but retarded, gotcha
Government controlled healthcare is not a solution but a stop gap. Solve the real problem or fuck off, for now I'll continue to vote in my economic interest
>Oh i see, not only are you poor, but retarded, gotcha
Oh, personal attacks because you can't fucking argue a point to save your fucking life. Likely way more fucking money than you pal... I'll be fine. I see a problem in our country and I want to fix it for my fellow citizens and well being of our country. (and I'm willing to pay more taxes for it because I'm not a selfish cunt)
>Government controlled healthcare is not a solution but a stop gap. Solve the real problem or fuck off, for now I'll continue to vote in my economic interest
Wow. So much substance there pal. Really. Thanks for all that ideas you... oh wait. You have absolutely no solution? What's the solution smart guy?
Your daily reminder that the DNC has both the superdelegates and a brokered convention at their disposal to keep Bernie from winning the nomination. They will NOT allow Bernie to win.
War makes money you idiot.
Fuck universal healthcare.
How is not putting these insurance companies out of business not "solving the problem"?
Did you know that insurance cannot cross state lines? Yep, say you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. You live in California and travel to New York and you get sick. You are now dealing with a different company. They must have a unique corporate entity in each state in which they do business. Think what that does to your insurance premiums.
That’s awesome. Bc now my family can provide services to children with autism without the government getting involved or making the enterprise completely unviable financially
Get a job with health benefits you lazy fuck. It's not the job of the middle class to pay for your fucking healthcare!!!
But in Cuba, the government provides for their children's healthcare, education, where they will work, and how long they must serve in the military. And, that's a good thing.
I'm making $148k per year with plenty of opportunity to shit post on b, and like I pointed out, bomb ass insurance
Cry more
Too big to fail, just like fannie mae and Bernie mac
>I'm making $148k per year
That's great sport. 47 more years of putting 100% of that into savings and maybe you'll surpass me. But whatever... internet bragging.
Again, do you have a solution? You have absolutely failed 100% at talking about actual topics and instead resort to personal attacks. Why is that?
They're not too big to fail. The American people just needs someone at the top on the offensive telling them how bad they're getting fucked.
We'd have it if the billionaire class paid their fucking taxes you retard.
Why can't they regulate the pricing so hospital visits are reasonably priced.
The top 25% of wage earners pay over 90% of the nation's federal income taxes. Source: www.irs.gov
>lying on the internet
Later, Reddit
Good on you mate for not just looking after yourself.
that's what it boils down to being a decent human being.
it's funny when shills try to scare us with shills
Guy from northern Scandinavia here.
I can not, I CANNOT fathom how it's possible for people from the US to be this braindead. Wtf.
First of all, medicare for all SAVES MONEY
Look it up you stupid fuck. Literally EVERY STUDY EVER DONE EVEN BY THE PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE IT find it saves around 2 trillion over 10 years. Jesus Christ
Second: all i hear is: “50% tax rate this, 50% tax rate that! Oh how very horrible! We can’t have that!".
right. News flash for ya: I might pay 46% in taxes, but at the end of the day i have MORE MONEY THAN YOU
Why? cuz our minimum wage is about 27$ and when i'm done paying my taxes i can use that shit for whatever i want. I don't have to pay for all the stupid shit you dumb fucks like to pay for like insurance, college tuition, medical bills or whatever.
swear to god Bernie is the one chance you guys have to look competent to the rest of the developed world, but you'd rather look like a mentally handicapped toddler with nuclear weapons.
is that why the left has seen Russia behind every tree and trollpost since 2016?
that's what unrestricted capitalism does for ya.
i can get sick in the US and my europoor insurance will either set me up for healthcare locally or bring me home. usually both.
If you want a good example of universal Healthcare, look at how they treat veterans in the US
>the left
and the right, and center.
>The Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark don't don't have a minimum wage at all because they are so highly unionized. "The unions there felt that a national minimum wage would interfere with collective bargaining, and it might even bring the price of labor down," says Chater.
that is just basic negligence and is a tradition in the US.
So, federal law requiring a single company do business as 50 companies is somehow "unrestricted capitalism"? Seriously? Why would a company choose duplicating itself 50 times over?
Inflation to make you think you're making more so they can take more
Neat system, i appreciate the craftiness of those jews
>I CANNOT fathom how it's possible for people from the US to be this braindead
I prefer to call us brainwashed. But yeah, braindead in that the majority of us won't do our due diligence and look these facts up for ourselves, and instead gather our information from facebook memes and fox news.
who benefits from this law?
>unrestricted capitalism
Where do you get your news?
> Commie
> Proposes a system where the doctors and hospitals are still private
I am none of these things
No, newfriend, this costs the company more money, which in turn raises the costs of the end user, the policy holder. It does not earn the company more, in fact, they earn less from the duplicated personnel costs.
Young people sucked, they showed up less as a percentage then they did in 2016. Thanks apathetic young people, I know you really wanted to pay 100k for a college degree.
Bernie was never going to win. Biden was the preselected winner, just like Hillary was in 2016. The rest were just propped up to give the illusion of choice.
The DNC is quite literally a corrupt, crony party bent on complete government control. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can remove the blinders that are the mass media lies.
NOTE: I am NOT saying the Republicans are ANY better... (before you assholes start jumping onto that "kek right-winger" bullshit)...
Not lying... never been on reddit. You aren't as good at this as you think.
I honestly try to be. We're all in this shit together.
Move to a socialist country and then tell me how great that healthcare system is. Idiot
i wasn't talking about the companies oldfag sir
Yep, when a jizz mopper is making the same as a brain surgeon, no one cares about quality. Asshole. Go play with Legos nigger
>lying about not lying AND Reddit
Digging that hole deep, faggot, i love watching you twist
Din satans idiot Bernie är inte någon gammel sosse utan en J-boy och väldigt rik "renodlad socialist".
Hade det vart Tage 2.0 som ställde upp hade du haft en poäng. Men ingenting kan rädda USA. Speciellt inte progressiv socialism från en kaptitalists barm.
In the USA we have the best surgeons and doctors in the world. Stay mad kid
Enlighten me- how does a government bureaucracy requiring duplicated services do anything that promotes "unrestricted capitalism". I'm all ears.
You literally have half the population of California and no one cares about your country. Get out of the conversation. People from real countries are talking.
are all cancer
Enjoy your $35 McDonald's cheeseburger, asshole
I’m cool on your government rationed healthcare.
>come to the US for treatment
You have the direction wrong, the medical tourist normally leave the United States for treatment.
"A report of McKinsey and Co. from 2008 found that between 60,000 and 85,000 medical tourists were traveling to the United States for the purpose of receiving in-patient medical care.[75] The same McKinsey study estimated that 750,000 American medical tourists traveled from the United States to other countries. " en.m.wikipedia.org
Let me preface this by saying I absolutely despise trump. That said, he is absolutely going to win against Biden. If you are too fucking thick to not understand that what didn’t work in 2016 will also not work in 2020 then I don’t know what to tell you.
you want me to explain in detail our complicated system? It's a Yea Forums post. No we don't have a minimum wage set by the government but the unions cover every single type of job there is. Nobody ever makes below 20/hr without there being outrage and backlash for the company. Even then the people making the least are youngsters just entering the job market with 0 experience.
Right. If i wanted i could easily sustain myself working at McDonald's until i'm 60, then get paid by the government to be alive till i die. The whole time taking vacations when i need to, days off when i'm sick, days off when i have children etc. Meanwhile you guys think it's totally normal to work 2-3 jobs simultaneously to survive. I don't need to know the value of the dollar to know you are allergic to logic.
I'm not voting. libs need to learn their lesson. Myself and fellow leftists will join my Trump supporter brothers in pissing off the libs. Horseshoe theory confirmed
why do people who never used socialist healthcare talk about how great it is?
as someone who has, it sucks ass in comparison to private healthcare - basically the policy for socialist healthcare is "fuck you, don't get sick"
imagine stanning boomers
> real Countries
- incompetent countries with nukes
Well in Sweden at least the minimal wage is something like the mean of something something, lower 50% half of the population which nets in 2.2k $ a month or something. But its a minimal wage nonetheless.
Man you're stupid hah. The 50% here kicks in after you earn like 60k a year, at the point you wont be starving anyway.
Switzerland is a good example for having by far the highest salaries in Europe but when you hear that they pay like $2k a month for babysitting while we have it for free kind tells a different story as well.
OK, so there is no minimum wage like you claimed. And the prevailing entry wage is $20, not $27 like you claimed. Well, you can't seem consistent at all.
Sorry, I'll take Forbes magazine over inconsistent guy on the internet. Have a nice day.
Denmark has half the population of the state of Georgia..... so yeah, itll be a little easier to do.
Having a healthy population that has easy access to healthcare makes even more money.
I will. At least i can afford it faggot
Biden's healthcare plan is universal healthcare. There are other ways than M4A to accomplish the same thing.
Europeans come to America, Americans go to South America
>People from real countries
People from countries too unprepared to control a simple virus.
There I fixed that for you.
Ah, yes. I knew the devils would find me