that's racist
Would be kangs
But alas ‘twas but a gang banging niglet
These threads are made to keep the black vs white divide constant. Have a good day
I do like fucking white people.
no white people were involved
I like fucking blacks...in the job market, that resume goes in the trash lmao
Can you at least use a more modern picture of him so we recognize him?
Shouldn't have fucked with the Zim Zam.
Fuck alien niggers white people rule go eat poop bich
Hispanic shoots a negro. Whitey to blame.
you mean fuck the Latino guy with the Jewish last name?
Obama-loving Hispanic shoots negro
A niglet was prevented from turning into an adult nigger. What's the problem?
Burr durr i can do it to retard
he deserved it
Exercising his 2nd amendment right
Growing his own hemp, just like the founding fathers
Practicing blowing classy smoke rings and the elegant French inhale.
Good kid
Zimmerman ain't white....he's a spic/jew
Dumb ass nigger got what he deserved
it's almost as if you can't tell which one assaulted an undercover cop, also their fiancee before this even went down.
you are right OP, perhaps you should take all your black brothers and sisters to Africa, away from white supremacy?
*jail, he'd be in jail
Justice for treyboon
*jail, he'd be in jail
or a victim of black on black violence, at least that is what the numbers bear.
Who’s Trayvon Martin?
>Trayvon would be receiving his PHD
>Trayvon would of owned his first home
>Trayvon would be putting on that last coat of paint on his white picket fence
>Trayvon would be raising 2 beautiful children
>Trayvon is not with u anymore because of that WHITE MAN!!