if you voted for this piece of shit you need to have your head stomped in
you need to be choked to death or lined up against a wall and shot
literally no one i know likes this faggot or voted for him
if you voted for this piece of shit you need to have your head stomped in
you need to be choked to death or lined up against a wall and shot
literally no one i know likes this faggot or voted for him
Chilly in Moscow today?
Chilly in Moscow today?
Liberals, the party of compassion
>literally no one i know likes this faggot or voted for him
Sounds like you know a bunch of libtard faggots. That must suck.
Yet if a trump supporter were to say the same about you, you’d either:
A.) run and scream
B.) call the cops
C.) attempt to donkey punch them like the nigger you are
Don't come to Canada. We love Trump.
Exactly. For all their talk of "tolerance" and "everyone gets an opionion" and "every voice should be heard," they sure do have a lack of that when its something they dont agree with. Hypocrits the lot of them.
He gonna win again tho
>literally no one i know likes this faggot or voted for him
you must have a pretty lame social circle then. The only democrats I know who voted for the alternative, killery, were lesbian art teachers
haha we had the same idea
Waaaaa STFU you worthless turd. Go get a job and make your life better then your worthless whore of a mother. (Not monitored)
Literally no one I know didn't vote for him.
Fuck you libtard cunt
If you want to stomp people's heads in, than your opinion is invalid.
>I don't have the capacity to control my emotions so I seek violence against those who disagree with, in fact the more emotion I feel the more justified I am in my acts of violence. This believe this to be true because I only surround myself with those who validate my opinion. I'm too fragile to have it any other way.
Everyone you know must be an uneducated, unskilled, unmotivated, lazy, useless piece of shit who wants something for nothing. Hang yourself and the world will be a better place.
You have no friends. They lied to you because they know you're a whiny ass bitch. They all voted Trump.
Trump 2020, can't wait
He's tall so He has got good genes tho.
Everyone you know got a trophy for showing up and want someone like mommy and Daddy to take care of them. Grow the fuck up
you have some unresolved issues with your parents, I can tell
4 more years coming right up
How fragile are you faggot?
Despite the anonymity that chan provides, enabling you to express yourself how ever you please, you still expose yourself like this... Sad
Ya ya we get it faggot now fuck off go suck tranny cock or what ever you fags usually do.