Justify your smoking habits with reasons other than "Shut the fuck up it's none of your business"
Justify your smoking habits with reasons other than "Shut the fuck up it's none of your business"
Because I can.
I need the feeling of a tiny suckable penis in my mouth at all times that also justifies my laziness (and allows me to take 5 more paid breaks a day because I’m literally a lazy white trash republican that expects the world to be handed to me).
its something to do in my 10 minute breaks other than stay on my phone
Until I quit 8 years ago. Never looked back.
Because I hate life with the cold power of the black hole at the center of the galaxy, and anything that shortens the duration is only doing me a favor.
I am an ex-opioid/amphetamine addict and nicotine gives me something to supplement my former addictions. I used to smoke them during my binges.
Because it felt comfy, but I just vape now.
It's called liberty and drugs are subjective. Look at sugar, caffeine, alcohol etc
Without a nicotine addiction I become a big drug addict and alcoholic. So I'll choose a drug that doesn't completely destroy my life quickly
I started when it was considered cool. I keep doing it because my parents raised me never to quit anything I start so I'm gonna see it through to the end damn it.
I pretend it makes me look cool.
The government killed vaping. And I genuinely enjoy it
Because it is like giving everyone around me a big middle finger in their face, and they get all upset. The more they hate it, the more I do it. I love it.
Because it relaxes me after a long day at work. I don't need to smoke every two hours just one or two if the day was harsh. Live life a little ? Do you never drink alcohol because it grills your brain cells ? It's the same fucking thing. Just as alcohol, you don't have to consume every 10 minutes.
I can't smoke weed without it being mixed with tobacco. Fuck Australian customs.
Stimulants are pleasant.
because I want to feel responsible for my own death, if I happen to die of cancer.
If you get hit by a truck or whatever, you cannot really blame yourself for that, however imagine getting cancer even tho you never smoked a single cigarette in your entire life, how powerless would you feel? How pointless would your life all be?
That is my rationalisation, but obviously it has to do something with nicotine addiction and overall genes towards addiction.
Feel free to argue with my point.
I smoke rolled cigs. Use untreated tabacco. Regular cigs are full of additives to make it taste less harsh and more addictive. These additives are also what makes smoking more harmful.
I smoke pueblo, the blue mix, the regular mix is too harsh. Last time i smoked was last saturday, about 4-5 during a party at a friends house. Next time will be smoking next saturday. No cravings. If i don't meet any friends on the weekend i sometimes don't smoke for 2 weeks. Being addicted to that stuff would seriously kill my enjoyment for them. I can't imagine how a pack a day must taste like.
Yes yes..
Help me wind down greatly when every I get into one the moods, but more or so often I smoke to relax a bit. Feels good man, and it's not hurting anyone(other than potentially myself but at a minuscule level.
This. There may be an actual reason behind this tho. Have you noticed how much propaganda there is against smoking, but none against drinking? Have you noticed how people who smoke have a certain feel to them, like their personality and attitude towards the world is somehow different from non-smokers. I think that smoking was picked up and popularized so much by various companies in the past, but only relatively recently its actual effects on the body and psyche were discovered and so the global elite is trying to discourage people from smoking, as it may be screwing up with their brainwashing agendas somehow. Think about it - they promote every sort of degeneracy - drinking, drugs, etc, but when it comes to smoking tobacco that's a big no-no. > Inb4 hurrr durr they are trying to protect people from unhealthy habits.
Wrong, they don't care about the public being healthy and there is much evidence for that - promoting degeneracy, obesity, additives in foods, etc. I noticed this organised attempt to stop smoking in the last 10-15 years, and it was major, even in my shit eastern european country. First they raised the prices so much, then banned smoking in public, and when this didnt have much effect, they started putting some disgusting shit in the cigarettes, supposedly to make them extinguish themselves and not cause fires. All of this happened in 10-15 years.
people who don't smoke are almost always pussies
I enjoy it. I see it as a luxurious item. I could be sippin on a RedBull or munching sweets, its like the thing you do once in a while and not often. I am not smoking everyday I only really smoke when I feel like it which is like 2 times a week tops!
Shut the fuck up it's none of your business
im always sleepy and have headache when i dont smoke..
it goes well with hot coffee.. just like peanut butter and jelly..
its good when your bored
On saturdays i love to purchase a 12 of beer, a pack of cigs, and a 40 of coke. I smoke the pck in one sitting
>I smoke the pck in one sitting
nigga you have ascended
I quit actually. Feels bretty fucking gud
Shut the fuck up it's none of your business
Smoking=\=being cool
It kills me faster
user here convinced that his lung tumor is actually making him smarter
Because there’s less chance of me killing my self if I do.
Im most likely gonna die before I get cancer anyways
Smoke a pack day; Doc said if I quit I’ll die. I might have misheard him.
Why the fuck do i need an argument, as long as i dont do it when and where its innapropriate i dont see the problem, seems to me you a complex or two
My wife got fat and takes all my money
I know a guy who smokes exactly as much as you do, a pack on average if i dont give any away lasts me 3 days and if i just stay at home all day ill smoke like one maybe 2 cigs
Because it's breaks my overthinking and substitute the self harming habit. The problem is I'm in Avery bad situation rn so I smoke 1 pack a day and cut myself too
But it surely help distracting me and make me escape for my life
I'm not saying its making me smart you dumb fuck. I'm saying it might have another properties and effects as well, which are not desirable by the establishment. The propaganda against it is very real, even if my theory is incorrect.
you should learn how to not sound like an immigrant when you write text
To piss people like off
Your theory is based on nothing but conjecture, it’s not even worth being called a theory. There is no scientific proof that smoking affects the way one thinks or acts. You claim there is based on your anectodal knowledge, which even a child knows is not reliable.
I’d avise you to keep smoking so that you remove yourself from the genepool quickly, before you reproduce and tell other small creatures your stupid bullshit.
The one freedom I'm granted in this life is to choose how I die and faggots like you don't get to tell me otherwise.
>Shut the fuck up it's none of your business