What's the worst physical pain you've ever had, Yea Forums?
What's the worst physical pain you've ever had, Yea Forums?
Sorry for shitty pic.
Chronic pain in my shoulder and my left arm for about 4 years and i'm only 23. I'm on a medication wich works well, still not perfect but I don't want to suicide because of the pain
Fucking hell chronic pain sounds like a nightmare.
Worst part is you feel like you have a handicap, it put so much effort to do shit stuff and to everyone you look just fine. Peoples can't see so they imagine you are overreacting and really it's exhausting
What about you OP? What's the worst pain you encountered ?
Let's bump the thread i'm interested
exploded testicle
I got kicked in the balls by a midget once. Shit hurt bad
Oh boi, so u just have one ball left ? How is it going ? How did it happen?
1. Appendicitis after 24h
2. Air that rose in the shoulder after an operation (sounds harmless, but belive me that shit is not funny)
3. Ski accident where my knee overturned - now chronic pain like turning a knife behind the kneecap, every 3 minutes until I bend my knee and crack it
4. Wrist fracture, splintered
5. Food poisoning, salmonella
6. Torn ankle strap
7. Teeth accidents
The worst pain i've ever had was probably when my skull retained a shit ton of blood ( doctors told me it was becuase of a nervous system malfunction) so i coudn't move my eyes and the roots of my hair were burning like crazy. But the worst part was my ears, there was so much blood on the sides of my head that my ears felt like they were about to explode, the pain was unbearable and being able to listen to the blood flowing in my skull drove me crazy.
When I was a kid I was in wrestling and one time I was pinned on the ground with my elbows planted and a fat kid in the pair next to me fell directly onto my wrist and bent my fingers back to touch my arm. This was coupled with a sickening and loud crack and splinter sound. I almost passed out but I went into shock for like an hour instead.
It was also though that i looked fine because it wasn't very noticable so i when i told my relatives how i felt they thought i was overreacting/exagerating.
Immediate pain:
Smashed front teeth back up into jaw.
Long term:
MX bike crash.
Thumb, finger, hip, shoulder ALWAYS hurts. But it’s like breathing now, don’t notice it unless I think about it.
got stabbed by a stingray......
Fuck, that's weird af, sounds horrible tho
chex em
started hallucinated
for half a second i was in a completely different place. an empty room with black and white checkered floor. i was completely immersed in it, as if i was actually there.
was interesting and unsettling at the same time.
Really bad toothache, had to keep it constantly cool to avoid pain. I went shopping with my mom and sat on a bench, ran out of water and had to bear the horrible burning pain for 10 minutes before she came back with water
Does someone in here ever had a heart attack ? And can describe it
Bumping for this.
(Also almost satan checked?)
I've had heart murmurs, feels panicky. Chest pain and you can hear your heart beat in your ear and you get afraid that it won't slow down
Skinned my knee when i jumped off a swing. I didn't cry though!~
Broke a rib during martial arts class that punctured a lung. Pain was bearable, but the suffocation was beyond scary. Gasping for air while each movement of the ribs digs into your lungs. would not reccomend
Nipple ring caught on a railing at work and tore out. Instantly dropped to the ground, felt like I was going to throw up. Coworkers thought I was having a heart attack. Fun times.
Pic of my cat for the bump
I did morphine for years then decided to stop cold turkey, worst two weeks of my life
Cluster headaches everyday for 3 weeks straight
Good on you for stopping though user, i'm sorry for your pain
dick sucked by goat
busted ribs + many kidney stones
At 12 yrs old had a dr rip my toenail out with pliers.My Dad was in waiting room said it was a bloodcurdling scream.local anesthetic only