Look at all these innocent women and children seeking asylum :(
Look at all these innocent women and children seeking asylum :(
Other urls found in this thread:
Feel bad for them right now or you're racist
But that's a picture of Turkish people having a protest against immigration.
In the croud was Asians etc
This was just outside Greece's borders
I see no women, nor children, only cowardice men leaving their families behind.
No no, these are innocent women and children who just want to pay taxes and shoot hoops
Oh? Greece as in has border with Turkey, but Turkey doesn't want immigration so how can they be on the border?
This was in Turkey. And it was a protest.
Are you retarded?
Not the same place. But keep tryharding
Well, would you bring your kids in that hell ? That could degenerate quickly. But maybe you're implying all the syrians that left the country are men, wich is quite dumb.
Yeah these are just the OTHER immigrants
Here is another angle of the same place, notice the Turkey banner in the background.
Notice the white guy near the front, the women, and a couple of east Asians?
So tell me how it was in Greece again. And why the fuck would there be white and east asian folk in the crowd?
Seeking asylum from what? They all appear decently well off and gathered in a way that suggests demonstrating vs mass immigration.
Anyone know what and where this picture is actually from that has nothing to do with all the knee jerk, believe OP isn't a faggot, posts?
Forgot the picture
>if you were immigrating wouldn't you leave your kids at home??
Imagine the smell
Fucking shills are getting worse and worse with everyday.
He's shilling - every ape can reverse search that image and well, who would had guessed it, it's greece!
This is a pretty complicated subject OP, hard to even paraphrase, but I’ll try.
- Largely good people running from the horrors of own country.
- imagine the kids, it’s fucking sad.
- have to go to somewhere near that looks way better.
- arrive, not speak language, totally different culture, get pushed aside by society.
- live together. Bad elements follow from old country.
>1 / 2
Not that bad since Asians have less sweat glands, and thus less sweat which bacteria feast on and leave behind waste which is what smells.
Now imagine a crowd of Americans on their natural weights there, with more sweat glands and their hygiene not being the best, that shit would smell.
I am white so I understand how bad we can get.
Are you retarded? I said this was outside Greece's border, what is wrong with you?
Nope not greece, its pictures some media have been using of a protest back last year in Turkey. The video posted isn't of the protest of course.
But yet the first picture is of the same place I posted the one from a different angle with a "Turkey" banner in the background.
So tell me how it is in Greece?
You can't can you, so you cry "waahhhhhhh shills they say things I don't like, so they must be shills waaaahhhhhh"
Keep crying kid.
Haven't you seen the news. Turkey has been trying to play hardball with the EU by busing Afghan refugees to the border of Greece and Bulgaria and escorting boats to Greek islands and sinking them (forcing the Greek coast guard to rescue them) - the refugees hoping to get to Germany, Sweden, and the UK in an attempt to get... I don't even know what he wants - some kind of
>they're your problem now, no backsies!
But he's pretending that they are the same refugees who have been displaced by his military incursion into Idlib province, even though Syrians, let alone Idlid refugees make like a tiny slither of the ones on the Bulgarian and Greek borders.
I think they were told by Turkish authorities that the EU had an open border policy.
so, 2 childrenin a hrode of 300000 fighting aged man?
>if you don't let us break into your home you are racist
>we are peaceful immigrants, let us in or you are racist
no one says this you poltard
> 2 / 2
- shit continues in new country, makes it even harder to assimilate. Everybody hates you.
- Same old shit continues, kids grow up with it from all new angles.
- problems ensue.
Now we have an issue of compassion, but Not In My Back Yard. Solution? Fuck knows. I’m a blonde white male, have lived in many foreign countries. Tend to not have been either loved nor hated by local society. When there, spent most of my time with other white visitors, but took time to learn the language, and observe local customs, although not necessarily embrace them. Stayed out of politics, made local friends. BUT I always knew I could go home to something better.
Capitalists like this image, all that cheap labor, also sexually potent so they can actually impregnate empty European wombs unlike white people here which can only ejaculate infertile puss out of their rotten balls.
BTFO quite hard
>Open the borders or you're racist
The normies are all over twitter jumping on the "thats wacist" bandwagon
>3/2 I’m rambling.
I don’t know. These people deserve better, but not in this country, not in that, not in yours, mine, wherever. They need shit sorted out at home first, but there’s oil/diamonds/drugs/politics/religion there causing shit. Often USA/UN “helping”. What to do? Give them their own country? Well that’s failed in the past. Let 000,000s in to others ? Not going to work. Look at UK/EU problems. We’d all like to help but without it affecting our own lives.
Would I like to help 99999999 displaced families? Hell yes. Do I want them in my country? Hell no.
What do? Fuck knows.
Thanks Obama.
Its no ones responsibility to help these people, they have their own governments to blame with US and EU a little for helping here and there.
What is our responsibility is to start responding like grace, tear gas, bullets the universal language of gtfo
Those guys are as European as Indians are Asian.
Imagine the smell
What if they’re a minority that will never have an influence and their govt is killing their kids?
They come here get Everything and i don't Go a few weeks to Work and get nothing. Half of my salary ist Just for taxes.
How many people do you see go out of their way to help the homeless ?
I hope that answers your question
Refugees are a treasure.
Actually fucking heaps here to be honest. If anyone is actually homeless, everybody helps out to find home and job. Small town...
i find that hard to believe, especially for places like CA and EU
When you say 'homeless' do you mean mom's living in their cars with their kids to keep them away from alcoholic or physically abuse husbands. Do you mean couchsurfers.
Or do you exclusively mean the schizos on the street who 'sleep rough' who can't function in society?
Those are the lowest form of life. Even the shitty societies were they came from couldn't bare with them.
Wake up, Europe. If you don't care about yourself, think about the children who will suffer from those subhumans.
They kick me out from home cause alcohol and nowhere find a new one in germany
retarded nigger
New Zealand.
Let them in, let them in, let them in! Haha, just kidding screw you fucking alien
What cuckery did I do to deserve this fucking shit here in Europe. Fuck me, wish Hitler had won the war. No more "peaceful" sandniggery.
U r racist , immigration can only benefit a society
I'll happily be a racist
Please tell me that image is satire. Please
The guy in the bottom center of the pic, thats the bomber.
Found Eurasiantiger
Well I already didn't like them but this is pretty gut wrenching tbh, why is violwnce in the name of a god happening in a first world country?
Because idiots are allowing it.
It's in no mans land between Greece's and Turkey's border crossings.
EU should put a price on Erdogan's head.
Yea right. The European Union of Cucks doing anything that requires a spine. That'll be the day.
>hey everyone loook at this!
>samefagging soam and drama
>hey OP that isn't at all what you say it is, not even a little
>spam haha niggers think of the kids rape lol muslims dirty haha memes look look look
>surprise OP is a fag
>is literally retarded
Just look at the pics lol
Fuck 'em.
Deal with it, they are the same people
Not saying they will, but they should....
Gas every fucking one of the and niggers.
Sand niggers. D'oh.
It was on the border and it wasn't a protest. Erdogan want the EU to join his invasion of Syria, the EU won't.
Erdogan sent the 3 millions "war" "refugee" he kept to blackmail the EU and even freed many prisoners to send them to the EU.
This is a weapon. This is a planned invasion. This is an act of war. And it have been done by a NATO member.
you goddamn uneducated illiterate nigger xDDDD
literally this!!! literally the first words that came to my mind xDD
You'd just love to drop a bomb into the middle of them
>I am white
kill yourself nigger
Drop nerve gas
Not the whole world are callused shitholes like those m8. People like rural areas for a reason, especially when they've lived in a packed city all their life.
Put it in one post you stupid faggot wtf are you doing.
U must be one frustated nigger, living in some shithole like india or america
Shut up
Not that i like that they come to Europe, but this can easily be explained. In muslim culture women and children normally seperate from the men in "social encounters" like these. I get the point, but bad example
Just gun them down
But the government took all our guns away.
Where is a hero when you need one
How do you know what there gender identity is .
fuck off pig loving mohammed, try this on facebook not here