Looking for a high which can be enjoyed alone which lasts several hours without the need to keep topping up.
What drug is this?
Looking for a high which can be enjoyed alone which lasts several hours without the need to keep topping up.
What drug is this?
based drugposter
Maybe pop some extended release oxys? You’d be chill for a good few hours
Delsym aka dxm extended release :)
It's called antidepressants. Takes a few days of regular intake to kick in, but they keep you happy until you go off of medication.
Deffo acid but only.if you've done it before and know how you are on it... and even then being alone is the one thing that would be a little sketchy cuz there's noone to check you if you're being a dumbass
vyvanse. read a fucking book and clean your room faggot
Idk ketamine and lsd depending on dose
it is LSD.
Enjoy frying your brain. It will be loads of fun.
For a trip cheaper than actual LSD try Nbome as long as you're not an idiot who takes seventeen tabs at once. For a less trippy high so you're still able to do stuff, ket
bruh no lie DXM is a great solo drug. google "dxm faq" and read up nigga
yeah but it would be desirable to have a good friend with you that can enhance the being well feeling or can save you from the lonely bad trip. but if you really want to do it alone be carefull on the dose you gonna take. enjoy :)
you sound mad did you have a bad time or just a religious sheep? not trying to fight jw
Pregabalin is pretty great and lasts like 8-10 hours.
Heroin, deadass
LSD is your drug my friend.
if you have to take 17 your a idiot for sure, or its fake. but iv heard nbome is rather deadly but I've done to zero research on it
Bake weed into cakes.
Half a Q in a dozen cakes.
Eat them
Enjoy buzz
Antidepressants takes months to begin working, some up to 9 months before you feel any effect.
Seconding jenkem, a bit unorthodox but a really nice high
Fuck that shit. Sniff gasoline from the lawnmower.
That one dude did dust cleaner all day and loved it. But eventually it made him talk like a demon grow a weird beard and tell and chase his wife and grandmother around to tell at them like a demon. He broke a table I think. then they threaten to kick him out. but he had to quit cause no home or food sucked. never did he have the weird beard days again. "The More You Know"
No decarbing the weed? Just plain old weed into cakes? have you tried that and did it work?
You're looking for the feeling of accomplishment.
Figure out what you aspire to achieve in the real world and achieve it
The high will last for days if not weeks
take 600mgs of it (legit buy a pack of mucinex pills) and smoke a bowl. You'll have fun.
Kratom 7g
1/2 a lemon’s juice
1 capsule of turmeric powder
Full day’s worth of magnesium tablets
1500mg of phenibut
This is a legally obtainable opiate/benzo high that lasts for hours especially if you take 4g more kratom in 3 hours. Phenibut lasts most of the day.
do a weed man
Not who u responded to,but:
works at low temp., just tastes like ass.
>Get some bud
>grind it up as fine as you can(the drier the weed the easier this is)
>get a cake mix kit from the shop
>add weed to mix
>Bake using instructions of cake mix box
Takes between 40-90 minutes for effects to kick in, but once it does you'll know it. It's a different kind of buzz than smoking it, and it's difficult to measure your intake so it's easy to over do it and just fall asleep, but if you eat the cakes bit by bit you'll find the optimum buzz. And the buzz lasts hours without topping up. In fact I've woken up still high after eating weed cakes from time to time.
Kratom is the drug of choice.
I've done acid, shrooms, hydros, weed, alcohol, etc etc
Kratom is the working man's drug.
I take it once daily, 3g, at the end of the work day.
I've done Kratom for about 3 years now. It's a strange drug, because the lower the dose you stay at, the more effect it has (or rather, if you go higher in dosage, the euphoria goes away and its just the dreaminess).
Start at 1-2g, I like mixing it in orange juice, then chugging. Acidity supposedly helps it act better.
I've done 1-20g a day doseage before I realized the best way to take it:
Empty stomach: This is the biggest influencer of the effects. If you have eaten in the past few hours, you won't feel the kratom that much.
Dose: 1-2 grams to start. You'll be tempted to go higher, but again, you just lose the euphoria. Cutting back to 2-3g brought back the euphoria for me, once my body adapted to the dose.
Doseage: Once every other day is preffered. That's so your body doesn't become tolerant. I've personally found once every 24 hours is fine, and I don't seem to be building tolerance over many many months.
A word on frequent dosing: So, kratom has a separate effect from just euphoria and dreaminess, which is a sense of good feeling/everything is right with the world. This is the "magic". And a lot of people (check out kratom forumns) will begin upping their dose and retaking it multiple times a day, because duh opiate and they love that feeling, and one day, you'll take kratom, and the magic is gone. And I'm not sure it's possible to come back. Not everyone loses it, but it seems to track with tolerance/more frequent dosing.
I always get the euphoria and dreaminess, but I do miss the magic. It lasted a good 8 months when I first started taking kratom and was dosing twice a day, 3-5g per dose.
how do you take it? powder? which strain and price?
I like good old green bali strain from happy hippo herbals online. They also sell phenibut which I insist is an excellent companion to kratom. It’s best to take it in the morning and have a lazy day.
Powder I weigh out (you can eyeball with teaspoon measurements) and mix it with orange juice. It generally floats, so I whisk the shit outta it so it mixes well.
Then just chug the OJ/kratom mixture.
For strain, colors are turning out to be less important than previously thought, too much variation. I buy from a local tea shop, so I can't comment, but I'd try a newbie mix pack from happy hippo and pick a red, white, green or gold.
Phenibut is great too, but I will say it has a withdrawal that's a bitch, unlike kratom for me. Phenibut is more of a drug I carefully take, and wont take it if I have a lot of social interactions the next day, cause I'll be wiped.
whiskey and wanking
who's the best supplier?
Acid or mushrooms
Try amphetamin (speed). It lasts 2 hours and is cheap.
Weed, oxycodone, heroin
Most powders last a couple of hours without the need to keep topping up, but if you use them regularly than tolerance will mean you need to keep topping it up. Also their REALLY bad for you. Like yeah technically all drugs are, but these can and will fuck your life up.
Psychedelics fit the description and are less bad for your physical and mental health, but solo tripping is a mixed bag. If you prep yourself mentally with meditation in the weeks leading up to taking it and have someone on standby to trip sit you if it gets to much then you'll be okay.
Weed is perfect to do alone and you can get high for hours but you'll need to re-smoke every hour or so to maintain it.
The question is WHY you'd want to do this rather than tackling the issues in your life that leave you alone with nothing to do for hours.
I feel that losing the magic feeling happens with a lot of drugs if you take them regularly.
3 weeks max faggot
I'd love to have a had a AD that's takes 3 weeks to work. I've been told 6-9 months and that is backed up with experience so fuck knows what you're talking about. Maybe stop acting like you know what you're talking about online and just stick to the cuck threads you astronomical faggot
"Doc put you on AD? Fuck them bro they're all bullshit, I took some and after 3 hours I was still depressed. Big pharma are lying to us all, I know they are I watched a fb video on it, I know what I'm talking about. AD's don't work bro"
You probably
after the first few times? none of them
but keep trying
Would you recommend Sertralin?
Doctor prescribed me, I have at home but don't know if I should take this shit.
edibles or lsd
I hated that one. Made me have diarrhea and made me feel like killing myself. Everyone is different though. i finally found one that worked for me. Prozac. i tried effexor zoloft and buspirone. took me months to find the right one. Just keep taking it consistently and dont miss a dose. After about 3 or 4 weeks you'll know how it effects you. Ive heard it can take a full 6 weeks to feel the maximum effect
Maybe find a doctor you trust, then try what they recommend. Here is not the place to ask. Don't deal with doctors you don't trust.
Also realize you have to play the game and try out the seven different water pills before you get something relieving
Some even up to 6 months.
Most of the time people saying they didn't work for them is just a case of them not giving it enough time.
I was prescribed olanzapine years ago on top of other medication. It was to help counter severe anxiety and thoughts of harming myself, and after 5 months I was ready to give up because my anxiety was no better and the side effects I thought were gonna kill me. Doc convinced me to give it another month or two, which I did, and luckily they started to work, and my anxiety levels are much lower and I've had no thoughts of harming myself.
Shit just takes time sometimes.
...what is jenkem?
Shit and urine in a bottle. Leave it out in the sun then you inhale the fumes. It's a high for desperate poor people.
I’ve tried kratom pills (powder) and even at 7g I didn’t feel much. Is fresh powder really that much better?
Yeah thats for sure. Have a bit of social anxiety and was to the doctor last week. Think all the time if i should take or try better without first. I have not take something like this before, just drugs.
Well I can tell you benzos don't work. Unless you just need three days relief from some traumatic event that is. I have a physical condition that causes anxiety and those meds always cause your anxiety to resurge worse than before when you stop taking them.
It's not that they don't help, it's that they help too much and end up replacing things you need to be less anxious like boundaries, a support structure, finances, freedoms. Anti psychotics and anti depressants seem dumb for anxiety, but they have a middling effect that still leaves most of the work up to you. It isn't ideal but society has failed past the point of being helpful with those other important things.
both APs and ADs fuck your brain so the decision you want to make now is...how desperate are you? To your own private knowledge are you doing all theright things and still find it near impossible to function? Thats when symptomatic meds become the lesser of two evils.
Personally I would say always try as hard as you can before hacking your body, hope it helps
Your doctor was stringing you along, you dummy. Source, tried every ssri available (And snri). Theyre all garbage.
Weed maybe
Thank you for your wise words user. Think i try it first without. When it get worse i still can try them.
60mg adderall xr
Suboxone. Half life is 48 hours. it lasts all day long. But start with a low dose
Ket lasts like a hour
You're doing it wrong.
>need to get high? Try the medication specifically made not to get you high! You know how all other opiates take three days to withdraw from? This one takes two months, have fun!
I used to take 16mg of bupe a day, for getting off oxy...
Didn't feel a goddamn thing from em myself of course, but I'd break off little ~2mg chunks for buddies and an hour later they'd be puking their guts out...
Methadone is a much better high in any case, as far as the crazy half lifers go...
Im prescribed them. I know I don't get high. But if a person is opiate naive it will definitely get them high
Yeah thats how much they have me on. I was going to get on methadone but its too much of a pain in the ass driving to get a dose everyday
Ah right sorry my mistake was assuming your experience alone isn't the final authority on all things. I guess it is, my bad.
Oh man...
I was on it for a couple years, then quit it cold turkey 7 years ago after my unemployment ran out.
That was a fun 3 months, lemme tell ya... Well, more like 6 months before I felt completely normal again, but yeah... I'd do my best to wean off that shit if I were you.
just smoke a fucking joint asshole