Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you
How are you all doing today, my friends?
Come get what's bothering you off your chest
Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you
How are you all doing today, my friends?
Come get what's bothering you off your chest
racist user here. Ohayo
Hi, friend~ How are you today?
Yea im sure you are -thrilled- to see me. Uneventful is how Id put it. hbu
I truly love seeing everyone, friend! :)
Mine was about the same~ At home and comfy now. What did you get up to?
By the way, you know how Yea Forums gets about 30 threads a day of suicidal fucks. Its not that I try to help them or talk them out of suicide, but people dont want advice, they want to complain. Why
Sometimes people look for threads where they can talk about what's on their mind and genuinely ask for assistance. There's been a bunch of people over the year and a half that have had problems who were happy with the advice given. I can only wish the best for them :) I don't think they were asking for help for attention
yesterday i was talking with my gf about past relationships and i started to feel kinda weird, she told me she had over 100 online relationships but only 1 past irl relationship. Now i understand why they always tell you to not ask your partener for past bfs/gfs. Should i be worried?
As an introvert, I avoid being someones emotional tampoon -no offense intended- because it drains my energy, how do you do it lmao
What are you worrying about, friend?
Ah I like seeing people happy~ It's a way for me to pass time, it benefits others, and I feel good helping people who need it. Even if it's just giving them a place to rant about things.
Idk tbh, now that im thinking about it i shouldn't be worried, but it just sounds weird to me for some reason, i was always told that every girl that had many past bfs was a hoe and it stayed with me, im starting to feel different about her.
Hey just dropping by to thank you again for the advice the other day, it helped a lot!
I understand the concern. Relationships are about a lot of trust. Your options are distance yourself a bit from her but not get the full extent of the relationship and possibly push her away to the point where she's not happy with the distance between you two. On the other hand, if you're worried about being hurt, that may be the best option.
Hi, friend! I'm not sure who you were but I'm glad I was able to help! Have a wonderful week and thank you dropping by! :)
btw Im not actually racist, im just memeing around on Yea Forums. I used to be back when I was an edgy teen though
I wouldn't judge you if you were, friend~
thanks for the advice u might be right
Im serious user, nowdays I just come to Yea Forums to meme for a bit and blow steam, since the whole internet is so controlled and restricted. My family is yugoslavian and pretty racist go I grew up in that toxic environment. Even now, my uncle is the type of guy who yells anti-semitic stuff at the TV 24/7
Im telling you because I was checking out the character in your OP and found out youve been making these threads for a while so Im sure you are not a larper and looks like you are a genuinely nice guy
isabelle so inocent kawaiiiiii
I truly mean it's ok if you are, friend, but I appreciate you clarifying things~ I don't judge you either way.
Thank you for looking into what I've been doing, friend~ I appreciate the kind words! You seem like a very nice person :)
I agree!
do you have isabelle memes!!!!
Day is going alright I guess, feeling depressed and tired as always
I am about to graduate from uni, and only have one friend who already told me that when we finish uni, he won't talk to me anymore. I feel like I am just going to be lonely for the rest of my life.
I don't think I have anything quite memetic but I have things that are funny!
What's on your mind, friend? Glad your day's going well at least
Doesn't sound like a good friend! Don't worry about making friends in highschool and uni, friend. Friends usually come from work or hobbies. I currently have no friends from highschool unless you count online. Those that stick around are great but those that don't you shouldn't fuss about. You'll find people, friend! Don't worry about it :)
send the funny thing my friend loves isabelle memes!!
Tell your friend I said hi! :)
thank you!!!
fren sayd hi back!!
he liked them!!
Heck yeah! Thanks for the pupper, friend :)
I've been sleep deprived for months now, nightmares haunt me every day when I try to get some rest, most times it's just a distorted version of past events, others there are just abstract backgrounds
Start a dream journal, I know it sounds cheesy, but I was literally waking up yelling some nights for a while. Keep a good sleep schedule and when you have a fuucked up dream, write it down immediately. Sounds wierd but after a few months it made them go away.
You gotta understand how long people on here isolate themselves and what little will pass for human interaction to them in their desperate want to feel normal. People are pretty far gone.
Thank you for the bump but I really need to head to sleep, friend. I have to be up pretty early for work. Sorry I can't stay longer! Take care, everyone, and have a wonderful day/night!