You know what it is. Loli thread, post'em. Everything is welcomed
You know what it is. Loli thread, post'em. Everything is welcomed
Other urls found in this thread:
Continued dumping from the last thread.
posting em as i find em, my folder was full of thumbnails
Fucking honeypot
brooooooooooooogh u jsut postd cring!
Dont see how. I've traded loads of stuff there
nothing to be found
nvm I'm an idiot
Just gut feeling. Is they has a cheese pizza there?
*Are they has cheese pizza there?
Sorry im drunk
artist is 1=2, but i don't have a higher res one of this
how to practice safesex in china
nice, will fap to this
no higher res of this, either
now i'm sad
this thread is golden
still open?
fbi open up
1=2 is like a less gory JM
Wickr: telios9
ngl when they have a mask over their face forced to breathe in an aphrodisiac is my biggest kink, i wish i knew if there was a specific name for it or where i couldfind more of it
Is it wrong that I jerked off to CP secretly while my friends were in the room today? Twice. Also jerked off to CP on my friends bed 3 times while he was out. All on the same day.
it's not wrong but you should be careful, and you should avoid searching for cp
I want to have sex with Mari.
what the fuck user, yes thats wrong jesus christ
y tho
nice to see you here
only kind of 'gas' i approve of as a fetish
Why? I only do it on tor
Cums in his mouth while he's sleeping too while you're at it
Shota/loli friendly discord:
discord / MUbT6AJ
This is so fucking hot
Glowing fingers wrote that post.
Dude I know the same
Must not fap! Hnng
its 5:30 am plz tell me this is almost done, i refuse to sleep until i save all of it
theres a hentai that got my into it originally, now whenever i stumble upon shit like that makes me go diamonds lol
What was the hentai?
I'll speed up
hanime tv/videos/hentai/gakuen-shinshoku-xx-of-the-dead-2
It isn't loli, still a really good hentai though
thanks, i appreciate it
Thanks a lot dude
Love this shit!
Last one
what's the name?
that's some awesome shit, but the format stinks. a manga as a split webm with forced procession ... awful idea.
Mail Order Elf or something along those lines
well i was gonna sleep but fuck this got me diamonds again
No one "trades lolis" when they're literally all over the internet
You won't fool me with this one, glownigger
Kindly fuck off
Is it possible to be a good person and be a lolicon?
Best comics to be posted on Yea Forums yet,please continue
the idea of loli is gross but the pics always have the best depiction of a perfect pussy
Morality is subjective.
What artist is this from? The fabric looks sublime.
>there are no such things as viruses because Ive turned on my computer before
Genius alert. We've got a fucking savant in here.
any chance you could post this seven more times with edits and prove it isn't autistic spam?
It's 50% one edited image but sure, gold.
gee bill FIVE times? edgier than tungsten
I agree I'd rather the edgy shock comic poster to this shit.
>everyone who doesn't lie is bad
well that's ironic
How do you feel about nigger being the main star of that spiderman moviecartoon?
they're still pumping out spiderman movies?
hello Yea Forums, how are you today?
Good hby user
Tom Holland gonna have his 3rd Spiderman flick, and we're getting a spider-verse 2, and Sony isn't gonna let the Venom and other vilains go to waste.
Spider-man is the most popular superhero with young boys, you BET we gonna have a lot more of them
Pretty good, dub user, pretty good. Can't wait to go home to draw more lolis
The new venom was actually really good, I thought. Whereas Spiderman doesn't even remotely look like a horse anymore. His most popular appearances are in other movies.
personaly I'd love to get more insomniac spider-man games. It was really good, almost as good as the Arkham games.
I was enjoying it till the sudden change of heart after 3 DAYS. I hate that forced shit, always feels unnatural as fuck. I'm not even into rape or pain of any kind, mind you.
8/10 paintings with 2/10 plot. Overall, formulaic as fuck.
good plots are so hard to make. I should know, I'm struggling a lot to write one for my game >
If I didn't believe the combat engine peaked ten years ago and that they would too heavily rely on graphics and dlc, I would too.
It's like final fantasy. If there's anything carrying the videogame besides how well it's done, it's going to suck. As soon as people find something that doesn't suck and make it known they like it, it sucks. Murphy's law, rules one and two, first bathroom stall fallacy.
I think we should bring back crash bandicoot.
I don't think they're that hard to make, you just need to put the dick aside, start with a premise, and follow it logically with a few bumps on the road.
Just stop wanting to make things happen, basically. Sure, have an endgoal or a target for the characters, but try to lead them there by nudging them if they get off course, not by railroading them.
>I don't think quality is difficult
post your portfolio
I don't even know what a good plot is. I never watch things for the plot, usually it's something else.
besides porn,wrestling, the news, and weather what could possibly be the point of watching anything else?
Good drawings, music, artistic skill, cinematography, cultural impact.
When I say good, I mostly mean consistent, mind you. That's what I think it's not that hard to make. Sure it takes time, and you have to be willing to put in the effort, but the whole process is organic for the most part.
The hard part is finding good "outposts" along the road, and a good premise and desired conclusion. But avoiding problems like the ones in the webms is extremely easy, because you simply don't write stuff that doesn't make sense.
Empathy? Learning from and analyzing other people's experiences is something very valuable, even if those people are fictional.
the problem I have, when it comes to plot writing, is that I have all those fantastic scenes.
Of course they're not really fantastic, but I believe they are, and I don't want to let them go to waste.
Problem is, they're not logical. Going from scene A to scene B isn't natural. I don't have a clear ending in mind (even worse when there's multiple endings).
I'm very good with theory, but putting storywriting theory to good use is another matter...
watching. so ill give you cinematography. cultural impact would be "the story". the rest is you being ADD
consistancy by it's very nature, is progressively difficult
Sometimes you just gotta drop stuff that doesn't work. I know that feeling well, and it can be hard at first, but over time you'll learn not to get attached to that sorta stuff. Roadmaps are very useful if you want to try connecting seemingly separate pieces together as well, I do a lot of those.
>consistancy by it's very nature, is progressively difficult
Yes, but we're not asking you to simulate the whole of middle earths' economy to the cent. Some inconsistency is natural and expected, but some of it really isn't excusable (like someone changing their mind all of the sudden after 3 days of constant rape to the point where they show love for the rapist). If you have a plot hole or two, I think people think of that more as a failure of the storyteller, and not as much as a failure of the underlying story itself. Perceived consistency is not that hard to achieve, depending on the scope of your setting, of course. And when I say scope, I don't mean size, I mean amount of moving pieces.
Is there somewhere a uncensored version of this?
Its not really my taste, but...
I would consider watching something for it's ability to teach you watching for the plot. I'd like to leave the topic though because this debate might get too important for someone and I guess it's a matter of opinion. I simply believe the story it tells is the majority reason art is produced, wether or not we conciously realize what we are absorbing, although many people might think more narrowly defining it is more accurate.
>Yes, but...
No, just yes. Talent is effort.
>Sometimes you just gotta drop stuff that doesn't work
I know that. Maybe I should enlist some help for writing cause it's hard to stay consistent with your own story and what appears to be logical for me isn't always for other readers.
There are actually many forums out there where people specifically help each other write stories. Most of them are fan based on specific characters or series however.
fuck I want to get Misty extremely pregnant
I think I should give a concrete example of consistency that matters and consistency that doesn't matter much, in my view:
Consistency that matters:
A character gets abused by someone harshly, but suddenly, when the story needs it, it sides with the main character for no reason. If the aforementioned character is a human, the account will not be consistent with how we perceive humans to behave.
Consistency that doesn't matter:
The character lost his left arm, and later in the story the storyteller describes him pushing a very important button with his left hand. This can be safely be brushed off as an error made by the people telling the story, and is meaningless in the grand scheme.
>No, just yes. Talent is effort.
No, not just yes, read what I wrote. Complete consistency is of course very hard depending on the setting, but nobody expects you to take into account every single grain of sand in your fictional world. Consistency is inherently easy because it just involves following logical progressions, but it can get hard depending on how many variables you have. Saying that "consistency is difficult" and leaving it at that is a really shallow way of looking at storytelling, and just tells me you're more concerned with sobbing about how hurd it is than with actually analysing your options and your audience.
>what appears to be logical for me isn't always for other readers.
I'd say that's a matter of expression. If you aren't good at telling stories, then stuff that may be obvious to you will seem really confusing to others. That doesn't necessarily mean there's underlying consistency, it just means that you probably left something important out, or are simply not able to express yourself in a sufficient way.
>Maybe I should enlist some help
Depends. If you enjoy writing, then don't! Make mistakes by yourself and learn from them. Unless you're talking about showing people your work for them to look over and review, which is always going to be a must if you're thinking about making something for the public.
I'm not really sure I'd go and seek help on forums for *loli porn* writing.
And there's so many other things to take into account too, because my story meshes with gameplay (as it's not gonna be a fully linear visual novel). I still have a lot of prep work to do, I suppose...
Finally watched this thing. Had to watch scenes with her frame by frame, because of how little there is of them.
I can think of at least 3 places you can go just here on Yea Forums: the /agdg/ and /vn/ threads on /vg/, and the writefaggotry threads on /trash/
yeah, that's my main gripe with this (otherwise fantastic) movie: the 3 minor spider-people have too little screentime and what little they have is way too fast paced
A few writing tips.
Why would you waste any of your time watching such a hunk of shit?
I waste my time on Yea Forums, a little movie is nothing compared to that.
It would blow my mind to see how much money was generated from lolicreeps getting lead to see it.
cute sells
not many I think. She wasn't really in the marketing material.
Heck where I live there was barely any marketing in the first place
New Thread >New Thread
New Thread >New Thread
What didn't you like about it? I thought it was alright, the fight scenes were decent, Main character sucked, but the other spideys were cool. Great effects, art style was good. Liked the music too. Only the story was cliche(comic book movie duh) and women empowerment ridden, but overall. I liked it.