Remember when Yea Forums was worth browsing? I sure do.
Remember when Yea Forums was worth browsing? I sure do
what is this frame from?
Remember when life was worth living?
lol if you stop being a little bitch it would be ok
Just going to leave this here.
Yeah, when was that? Back in like 2010 it was pretty good. The tone has changed so fuckin much. Now, with all this overt racism... all this porn... all this loli shit. Jeez. Back then it was proper fun stuff. Memes were great and people had completely different tone.
Is it only Yea Forums or is it society as a whole that's changed?
Definitely Yea Forums more than society has changed.
A few weeks back Yea Forums discovered creepy borderline-CP on the clearnet and investigated... for about an hour and a half.
It was weird and I know oldchan would have gotten to the bottom of it. But people lost interest it was quickly drowned out by the 100s of celebrity threads, fb/ig, and pIcS yOu ShOuLdN't sHaRe
What's the last great thing that happened on Yea Forums? Honestly? When was the last good get-together, or mystery? Fuck, when was the last Risk thread? It's all the same now.
Race baiting and Log threads. that's what Yea Forums has become.
It's the summer that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people starting shitposting not knowing what it was
And now they'll keep on shitposting forever just because
It's the summer that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend...
2004-2009 was the Golden Era of Yea Forums and the internet.
Even before 2010's, things were good.
I think people moved on with their lives and now kids found this as a playground and think it's funny and cool to call people racial stuff.
Nowadays, Yea Forums is mostly porn, traps, incest, 'tell me your secrets' and everyone thinks these are psyops and other kind of bullshit
lol newfag
The demographic changed but it sure as hell wasn't worth browsing then either. There was just nothing better to do. I miss when 90% of the Catalog wasn't pathetic larpers but that's how it is. The demographic now is mostly kids and young adults with iPads posting random girls, pretending they know them and asking how people would fap to them.
The most active and popular threads are the FB/IG WWYD fap threads. Where people get upset if the pictures they post don't get replies and they pretend to know these girls in real life. Yes, it's fucking weird but is that any worse than the old porn threads where 50% of the posts were "SAUCE?!"
People who call others newfags are undoubtedly newfags.
shut up newfag
Confirmed triggered.
I jack it exclusively when browsing these parts. I used to fear Yea Forums, now I’m stuck with it
yea I remember when there was actual funny RANDOM posts. now its just a bunch of faggots in middle school posting their older brothers girlfriend and asking u to cum tribute them so they can wack off their half incher while their dad reams their anus.
you fucking retards Yea Forums was never good
You say that like it's a bad thing.
We found the flag using nothing but constellations and geography. When the flag was put into an empty fucking room we were still able to find it.
and you were never straight
Nice try newfag, Yea Forums was never good.
yep, sure do.
Yea Forums is for the NEW GENERATION.
No more Risk threads! No more original greentexts! NO MORE ORIGINAL MEMES (Only Pepe and Wojak now, kek) No more cat threads! No more RickRolling! No more Anomynous! No more mysteries to solve! No more icky icky raids! NYPA! NYPA! NYPA! NYPA!!
Nigger hate threads, YES! Facebook girls threads, YES! Cock tributes, YES! Log threads, YES! Pics you shouldn't share, YES! "On Probation for being black"posting, YES! WWYD thread, YES!
THIS is the new Yea Forums and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it!
Face it, oldgafs, your time is over. Either leave or post pics you shouldn't share.