Can we have a Political Affiliations thread where we converse political/social beliefs? Part of what I want to do here is help identify and understand what I myself affiliate with. I find myself piecing things from multiple areas together and honestly don’t know where I stand. I also don’t understand some “Parties” or belief groups.
Can we have a Political Affiliations thread where we converse political/social beliefs...
Also im at work so I’ll be slow replying if this thread takes off. Whenever I have a second
modern day socialism stems from the bourgeois and coming from a place of wealth and privilege that a successful capitalist system provided. sanctimonious twats.
Nice dubs, never been a fan of left/socialist stuff. Always thought of myself as more of a conservative. Line up alot with republican beliefs but not everything. Also do agree with some anarchist stuff to a certain extent, but it seems way to heavy socialist/communist bullshit. And I’m trying to understand the libertarian pov. A few people I respect say they’re libertarians and I haven’t found much basic information
I'm a libertarian and laizzes-faire advocate.
The whole idea behind the movement is to grant people the freedom to do with their lives as they wish, so long as they do not infringe others' rights to do the same.
In short, my life and money are my own.
Introducing more regulation/ state intervention into an economy encourages lobbying and allows companies to create law-enforced monopolies to drive out competitors.
The ploy of the modern Republican/Libertarian is to always move the goalpost on the kind of government they oppose. First its federal. Then it's state. Then it's local. And finally they get exposed for really just being corporatists who primarily favor whatever it takes to ensure the corporation maintains its monopoly with bullshit whataboutisms
See im into that, all about it fairly conservative as well. I’ve heard of right/left wing libertarians can you explain those from your pov?
believe that problems are individual – refuse to see systemic issues except if caused by government;
want to solve perceived individual problems individually;
believe we can't have functional systems unless they are private;
use magical thinking - "public" always bad, "private" always good, neglecting that the private is defined in terms of the public;
do not care to contemplate whether individual action can actually solve the problems of a worthwhile fraction of humanity.
Libertarianism thus boils down to a mixture of defeatism (we can't have functional systems!), cynicism (all government is always bad!), ignorance (ignoring problems that are actually most effectively solved by coordination - e.g. infrastructure), and moral bankruptcy (don't really care if individual action actually solves problems; it's about principle).
In reality, the libertarian needs the system as much as anyone to protect his idea of property, but does not want to call it a system. He just wants other people to accept and respect his "obvious" rights and freedoms; including the right to accumulate a bunch of stuff that other people then cannot have; but he doesn't want to think of this as a system. He wants to think of it as "I appropriated this for me, all by myself; it's mine because I played by rules that seem fair to me; and they seem fair to me so that I can do that."
Can we get a webm of this pic
Damn those tits are huge
>Part of what I want to do here is help identify and understand what I myself affiliate with
if you think this is the right place to do this, you´re already lost.
markets good
Did anyone ever manage to X-ray this
>Can we have a Political Affiliations thread where we converse political/social beliefs?
Post a photo of the big titted comrade.
We don't have libertarians where I am from. It appears to be a uniquely American political affiliation as people don't want to say they are republican (but are a republican) or have some mythical idea of 'true freedom'.
Either way I don't see how the end state of a 'libertarian system' is anything other than a totalitarian rule or fragmented warlords.
Sure. I cant even get to work because of so many billionaire socialists.
Is this pic real? Please be real.
It’s real I’m from New York this is how bartenders dress
obviously its fake
Idk what I want. Something theocratic, something autocratic. But then again, I also like southern/Jacksonian democracy. Im not sure.
nice ttis wow
I'm a National Socialist.
KEK trips of truth